Chapter 6- Meetings and Greetings

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After explaining who they were and how the king of Liones Bartra sent them because of a dire warning from one of his apparent visions, Meliodas and the Seven Deadly Sins managed to settle the issue between them and the Magic Knights. Asta had stars in his eyes, Yuno appeared indifferent, and Noelle narrowed her eyes in suspicion of them. Meliodas requested Merlin to return Bell to Yuno, much to the mage's dismay, but complied anyway and released the Wind Spirit. Bell was left hiding behind Yuno with repeated scenarios going through her head about what might've happened to her if Merlin had her ways.

"OH WOOOW! YOU GUYS ARE THAT STRONG?! YOU'VE LITERALLY TAKEN DOWN A GOD?! IF I HAD THAT KIND OF POWER, I COULD BE THE WIZARD KING IN NO TIME!!!" Asta yelled with his usual outgoing persona, only for Noelle to smack him in the head for his rudeness.

"Hey Stupidsta, don't be so loud to these guys! You never know if they decide to kill us or something!" Noelle scorned.

"You all don't really seem that special." Yuno deadpanned.

"Says the guy who got his life handed to him on a silver platter by our Captain..." King retorted. Yuno had no retort, only turning to the Fairy King with a blank look out of what was his personalised state of embarrassment.

"Well, it looks like we can all be friends now-"


Just as Meliodas began speaking, a new unfamiliar female voice yelled from the distance in the sky. Everyone turned to identify new individuals zooming above the tree lines on brooms. One was a tall man short and light blue hair, wearing glasses and the exact same attire as Yuno. The other was a young girl with long and wavy vermilion hair, wearing a high-class attire of a puffy long-sleeves and shorts. Both also donned cream-coloured robes coating their shoulders that matched Yuno's, signifying the connection to him as fellow Magic Knights.

"Oh great, we got more of these guys..." King distastefully said as he summoned Chastiefol to his side. Due to its incomprehensible size, Asta and Noelle were shocked beyond words to even question how he managed to make something so enormous to appear out of nowhere.

"I suppose this will entertain us for a couple of minutes..." Escanor arrogantly stated, lifting Rhitta off his shoulder and smashing it down the ground. The force made Noelle shriek and jump into Asta's arms. It took a few seconds to realise what she did. Once noticing their closeness, she slapped him in the face and stood back on her own legs, causing him to fall to the ground in pain.

"Owowow, HEY! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Asta complained.

"Don't think you can touch me so casually Dorksta!" Noelle's face was more crimson than before, looking down at Asta with an expression that suggested a forced scowl, but was closer to embarrassment rather than actual distaste.

Meliodas examined the two knight's little quarrels with a blank expression. He had seen this before countless times, as well as had been victimised as stuck in the centre of such scenarios. From his experience, he could tell that the girl had feelings for the boy, but didn't know how to confront them properly and so was stuck in denial to herself. The boy didn't show any exact interest to her, but then again he seemed like the completely oblivious type. Meliodas merely assumed it was because he was an idiot who couldn't spell the word 'romance', or that for some reason he already had his heart set on another and was too stubborn to give up. He couldn't be sure, he was mostly basing this off his own life involving complications between women like Diane and Zaneri, but he just had a strong feeling...

"They're not gonna fight, they're with me. Just gimme a sec to explain it to them." Yuno said.

The two Magic Knights landed a few feet away from the group. Yuno walked over casually to them. Once spotting him, they rushed straight at him. Coming face-to-face, what could be interpreted as concern became something less expected...

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