Chapter 4- Brothers of Fate vs Sin of Legend

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The whole group from ground-level viewed the spectacular display of magical power. Noelle seemed the least shocked, recognising such power from the Royal Knights exam a while ago, but the Seven Deadly Sins were almost completely in awe at the mass quantities of magical power this young sixteen-year-old held. Escanor was the only one to look unimpressed, considering such power as beneath him, while Merlin look perplexed by Yuno's power, making the Lion Sun of Pride squint his eyes in jealousy.

"Wow, this kid isn't a joke. He's probably as strong as even King..." Diane stated.

"G-Guys... t-this kid's magic level has just increased by nearly three times as much now... his t-total power l-level now is, it's... OVER 137,000!!!" Hawk squealed, nearly fainting from such a high number.

"Well, looks like you're just not talk Mr 'Tryin-to-be-cool-and-emo'. Ni shi shi..." Meliodas admired Yuno's change with his usual carefree and cheery mocking, seeing greater abnormality than what was he was faced with currently.

"Shall we continue. I don't want to waste my entire day..." Yuno apathetically stated, flipping through the pages of his Grimoire as it started glowing even brighter than before.

Yuno lifted his hand to prepare another spell, but was interrupted when spotting Meliodas charging full-speed straight at him. Not being able to take the offensive in enough time, he took defense and erected a wind barrier over his entire body. Meliodas attempted to break through it, but the force deflected Lostvayne the second it made contact. The wind shield also created a strong suction, dragging Meliodas in. Upon touching the surface, Meliodas's body was being torn from the surface of his skin down to his very flesh underneath, endless droplets of blood pouring out, leaving him to scream in pain.

"MELIODAS!" Elizabeth yelled.

Meliodas was far from done however. In his left hand, he gripped the wind barrier with all the strength he had. Yuno was surprised by such a choice. Then, without warning, black flames appeared form the palm of Meliodas's hand, burning with a shadowy aura and countering the shredding winds. Seconds later, it began burning the air itself to erase the strong winds surrounding Yuno. In just a few minutes, Yuno's wind barrier was completely charred into nothing by the power of the Dragon Sin of Wrath's 'Hellblaze'.

Now more open for attack, Meliodas prepared to assault Yuno with Lostvayne again. The young man used all the might of his magic to avoid every slash, increasing his speed and agility, but only marginally in comparison to the lightning-blaze that was Meliodas's accuracy from millennia of combat. With every attack seemingly averted, Yuno received slight scratches across his body. After a couple of minutes his movement was getting slower. The growing pain causing him to lose control of his speed and direction.

Meliodas prepared another diagonal slash to strike Yuno's entire body, to which the young teen managed to dodge prematurely by twirling to the left instinctively. Meliodas anticipated this however, and so twisted his body to initiate a spinning back kick, launching Yuno far back as he clutched his body in pain.

Distracted from his slowly forming wounds, Yuno lost focus on Meliodas. Raising his head up quickly, he saw that the short blond was nowhere in sight. He became more uncharacteristically agitated, scanning the entire area in front of him for any clue to where he went. A moment later, a gust of wind passed behind him. Turning around, he was faced with image of Meliodas lifting his leg high up. Yuno covered his face and body by lifting his arms up, as Meliodas dropped his leg for a devastating axe kick. The force creating a shockwave through the air that was felt by everyone, including Noelle, Elizabeth, Hawk and the Seven Deadly Sins below the two.

Yuno reinforced his block with his wind magic, creating an invisible barrier that prevented actual contact. Even with the use of his magic however, Yuno took the force of the shockwave, launching him vertically down at an untraceable speed. He came close to slamming straight into the earth, but used his wind magic to slow his descent, barely floating above the surface as he coughed up blood and clutched his arms in pain.

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