Chapter 2- Holy Knights vs Magic Knights

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Once arriving by the coast of the Clover kingdom, Mama Hawk planted herself into the ground and the Seven Deadly Sins began their investigation of the area, with Elizabeth and Hawk assisting in the mission as support.

They were wandering for a short amount of time, all equipped with their Sacred Treasures and fully combat ready, Diane at her full Giant size and the sun shining greatly for Escanor to be at his most battle efficient state. They all wore their casual clothing with little concern for armour. Meliodas in his bartender uniform, Ban wearing his red leather suit, Diane suited with the large dress tailored by King, who himself sported his own made suit that allowing maximum comfort for his now fully formed wings, Gowther wearing his usual white shirt with grey long sleeves and black trousers, Merlin with her large purple revealing jacket, short shorts and thigh high boots, and Escanor completely shirtless with only his usual green trousers for clothing.

Finding a small gravel pathway through the forest leading to the centre of the land, they walked casually down it with little intention to prepare for battle, not concerned in the least of what was to come or what was offered as dangerous of this new land.

"Hey Capn, why are we here looking for danger when there ain't gonna be any danger?" Ban asked.

"I dunno Ban, Bartra just thought there would be some kind of danger to come to this kingdom. I don't see why we have to be involved though, I'm sure that this place has some type of army or-"

Before being able to finish, everyone just started to sense a huge level of magical power heading straight for them. Now everyone except Hawk began tensing up and putting up their guard for the approaching force of magic that was about to directly hit them.

Out of nowhere, a huge black and rusty sword flew straight out of the shadowy depths of the forest and almost came to hit Meliodas straight in the face. Thanks to his speed and reflexes however, the Seven Deadly Sin's Captain avoided it by the smallest of margins, letting it continue to eventually become buried within the trunk of a random tree a few feet behind them.


"Hmm..." Meliodas muttered, walking to the large sword now dug into the tree, taking a few minutes to examine it.

After having a more clear view, the Dragon Sin of Wrath grabbed the handle of the abnormally large weapon, preparing to pull it out with one hand.


Unaware to the Sins, Asta and Noelle were hiding a few feet away in the bushes, observing the newcomers with stares of curiosity as to what they were doing or if they appeared dangerous.

"Good going Stupidsta, now you're one sword short of options for us to take out these guys..." Noelle irritably whispered.

"Eh, don't worry about it Noelle, it's not like they know what my swords can do. Besides, they probably won't even be able to lift it..." Asta defended, staring at Meliodas gripping the Demon-Slaying Sword with a cocky grin in belief he wouldn't even be able to pull it out.


Meliodas was still gripping the oversized sword with apparent difficulty to even make it budge. It seemed he was unable to do anything. That was how it appeared for everyone, but once his trademark grin overtook his face, the whole situation changed.

In one quick pull, the sword that was impossible for nearly anybody in all of the Clover Kingdom to hold, not even the Wizard King himself, was yanked out of the tree trunk so easily by the Dragon Sin of Wrath's effort. Now out in the open, Meliodas lifted it above his head easily for the blade to shine in the ray of the sun, making the rust and old design more clear for everyone to see.

The Sins of a Black Clover (The Seven Deadly Sins x Black Clover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora