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I pushed Roman back. What the hell? I asked myself. He was acting seductive.

Why? I'm probably the least attractive roomate. Or you know. I just like to talk shit about myself. And Roman fricking hates it. Why was he being so, caring.

"Virgil." Roman whispered.

I felt hot tears trickle down my face. "Your such a player." I hissed, entering my room.

What the hell? I had a chance to get together with freaking Prince Roman and I fucked it up. Way to go Virgil. You done f'ed up.

"Virgil." Roman's voice called.

I locked my bathroom door after slaming the door.

"Open the door." His voice was scared.

I opened my medicene cabin and took out a vile of liquid. I quickly downed the vile, gripping the edge of mt basin.

"Shit." I hissed to myself, feeling the fit coming on.

I soon began coughing. The same bloody coughs. "Damnit." Blood. More blood.

My sleeve was coated in a thin layer of blood. Again I paniced. I screamed and cried. Why was I doing this to myself. The vile was suposed to help me calm down not make me loose half my blood.

"Virgil." Roman burst into my bathroom, catching site of the blood and my dazed body.

He laied me down on my bed not worried about my own self difiance, pulled up my shirt and did CPR on me. Way to go Princey you messed up again, I onlt lost more blood. 

"Damnit." He hissed, seeing the white lines on my torso.

He quickly rolled up my sleeves and saw more cut scars. "Virge?" He asked me.

I winced. My throat ached and blood coated both of our hands.

Once I realized where I was and and what was happening  I pushed him away from my, and pulled my shirt and sleeves down.

Hurt flashed across his face. "Virge whats wrong? Why?" He asked.

I looked down at my red, stained shirt.  "I said stay out of it."

"Your scared." He cried.

"Duh. I don't trust people, clearly, and what you just pulled was Bull. You should have let me bleed." I wimpered, pushing him off my bed. "Go away."


I closed the door behind me and started for my room, blood still on my hands.

"Hey kiddo!" Patton greeted me.

"Hey Pat, I jave to go wash up. Virgil- uh- Virgil broke down." I lied, knowing that it wasn't good enough.

Patton looled at me concerned. "Uh okay." He agreed.

You guys are great and whatever. Sorry for such a gorey chapter and uhh *dies* Oh great I died again. Bye.

Anxiety Attacks  (Prinxity Story, Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now