Chapter 12

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I grabbed my samurai sword from the closet, and headed for the next apartment building over.

It was late, 12 am late, and I could here bloody, muffled, coughs coming from floor above me.


No one not even my brother can kidnap my boyfriend.

No one can touch my boyfriend.

Admitted I do sound a little Yandere, but when it comes to Virgil, I cant loose his trust, not again.

I knocked on the door the coughs seemed to come from. Deceit answered it with displeasure.

"Roman." He said, cheerfully, glanceing back at Remus, who just smiled evily.

"Roman." Remus beamed, pulling up something coated in blood. "Put the damn sword down brother."

"Deceit!" I shouted. "You have defiled my boyfriend, Virgil! Fight me or be shamed in front of your lover."

Remus grinned as I called him Deceit's lover, I knew it was bound to happen. Deceit's face twisted into an unearthly smile.

He pulled out a small knife, no it was a dagger of emense sharpness. Deceit waved me inside and sat on the edge of the couch with Remus.

"Where is he." I demaned.

"Fine." Remus said,as the coughing grew louder.

"R-(cough)Ro-?" I ran over and quickly sweeped up Virgil in my arms.

"No no no." Deceit said, standing up and running the blade along hus fingers. "If I win I get to keep Virgil here, if you win you can keep him."

"Roman-" I didnt let him finish because, Deceit flew the knife at me and missed, causing me to drop the anxious boy.

"DECEIT!" I roared, standing in the swordsman postion.

He smiled and charged at me, somehow he had another knife. Deceit backflipped over me,grabbing Virgil and standing perfectly unharmed.

"Thats not how the game works." I said, pionting at Virgil, winpering in Deceit's clutches.

"To bad." He said. "We didn't make rules saying otherwise." He charged at me agian, leaving Virgil in the corner.

I slid under his legs and struck from behind. I elbowed him right in the back. Deceit howled in pain,as I grabbed Virgil and hauled him up.

"Oh your on Prety Boy." Deceit snarled.

I smiled, I liked the name 'Pretty Boy', though I knew it was out of spite.

He flew another knufe at my head and. I forced Virgil and myself to the ground, as Deceit took at anither knife.

"Ro-Roman." Virgil coughed up blood.

I asked him what and he fell limp on my shoulder.

"You son of bitch!" I screamed flinging my sword at Deceit's chest.

The sword caught him off gaurd and impaled itself in his lower stomach. He screamed out as Remus ran over to him and carried him into a differant room, mummbleing something about this happening every other week.

Virgil POV


Thats the last thing I saw before passing out.


I shot upward in my bed. I looked around at my dark room and smiled. At least I was home.

"Virgil!" Someone called.

I turned to Patton running at me, full speed with Roman and Logan trailing behind him.

Roman's face lit up upon seeing me awake. He ran over and engulfed me in a hug so tight I could barely breath.

"I would smile if I had the air too." I mangaed as Roman let me go.

"Were very pleased to see you awake." Logan attmitted.

Roman smiled and hugged me again, this time less tight but more loveing. He pulled away and connected our lips.

I, startled, whined as the other two sinckered. But I soon melted into the kiss, closing my eyes.

"Get a room." Logan said, smirking as Roman let go of me.

"Last time I checked, Logie, this was Virge's room." Patton smiled and led Logan threw the door.

"Logie." We both laughed.

Roman put is arm around my waist and there we fell asleep.

I guess sometimes its okay to be tge damsel in distress, only for a bit though, dont let all those black clothes go to waste.

Hey!! So what do think? Was it good? How many more chapter should there be? I might have to end it soon, but I can keep it going. Would you want me to keep it going?


Ps that my real name.

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