Chapter 10

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"Roman?" A voice asked from outside. "Roman are you in there?"

Virgil got up and slowly opened the door, he pressed a finger to his lips and shhed Logan.

"Hes asleep idiot." Virgil hissed, glanceing back at the sleeping Roman on his bed.

"What is he doing in your room?" Logan asked.

"Dont ask." Virgil said. "He just- fell asleep there."

"Despite your request, I must ask, why?" Logan said.

"We got to talking, it got pretty late, and next thing I knew he was asleep on my shoulder." Virgil said simply.

"Can you please wake him up. He has a appointment with me in 10 minutes." Logan explained, pushing his glasses up his nose.

There was a small groan from behind the two, as Roman stalked up behind Virgil and wrpped his arms around the darker side's waist.

Suddenly Virgil turned bright red, then he felt hot breath on his neck. "Roman can you not?" He screeched.

Logan smiled evily and turned around, to 'leave' the two alone. In reality he was getting Patton, tea.

Virgil POV

I knew full well that Logan was getting Patton but that wasnt the point.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Roman asked me, closeing the door as Logan left.

"No I scraped my knee crawling out of hell." I said playfuly, sipping water.

"Oh that's why your so... Hot." Roman said, again wrapping his arms around my waist.

I somehow became more flustered as he started to trail kisses down my neck. Suddenly just as it was a bout to get good there was a knock at my door.

Good thing Roman had locked it because who was there was totally not meant to be.

Remus..... Roman's older brother..... My ex boyfriend.

Roman POV

"Hi Princey." Remus said, evily glanceing between me and Virgil.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded, almost slapping him.

My brother didnt just get to show up whenever he wanted, though he thinks he can do anything he wants.

I heard Virgil scream as he was suddenly pulled from my grasp. Then everthing went dark.

Sorry this took so long, school, ahhh what to say, uhh I love you guys! It's 2 in Prinxity now! Thank you so much. Or you know, thanks. (Tries to be angst)

Anxiety Attacks  (Prinxity Story, Human AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora