o. prologue

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A/N: Welcome to Black Magic! This is an idea that I've had for a while and I'm super excited to work with it. I'm not sure about an updating schedule yet, but I'm hoping to have a new chapter out weekly!

Word count (estimated): 1.6K

⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑳𝑶𝑮𝑼𝑬 ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:


          It seemed like you were hallucinating, in all honesty.

          Too surreal to be true. However, it was nothing but.

          Your father was dead.

          It wasn't like he hadn't pulled stunts like that before, for he had, and you were quite familiar with them. This time, though, it was all too real. Thanos stole the air from his lungs and the life from his body while you were restrained like your uncle.

          The Black Order had pulled you back as you thrashed, screamed, kicked, and did anything and everything in your power to save Loki. Your magic had been temporarily numbed by Ebony Maw's, and even though there was a large gap between your abilities and his, he managed for long enough so that the brutal task could be completed.

          It began with a sudden attack on the Statesman that wrecked the ship and most of the Asgardians on it. They laid scattered across the debris, their demise already delivered by Thanos and his children.

          Your vision failed you as you tried to recover from the impact you experienced, and Ebony Maw's speech became a jumble of phrases. When your eyes adjusted at last, you saw a towering figure that loomed by your side. It had begun to speak, but it was still a blur. Only when it grabbed you by the front plate of your armor did you regain your senses. They teemed with horror.

          The monologue of your captor became clear, and you recognized the voice of the man you once worked with. "It's frightening," Thanos said. To whom you were unsure. "Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say... I am."

          You heard your Uncle Thor's voice from a short distance away— from where he laid in the rubble, still recovering. "You talk too much."

          Struggling within Thanos's grasp proved useless, and he simply shifted his grip to hold your head in his hand. It was then that you were able to see who he spoke to. "The Tesseract, or your child's head," he continued. His gauntlet, already armed with the Power Stone, neared your face while he stared down Loki. You could feel the energy emanating from it. "I assume you have a preference."

          "Th-The Tesseract was destroyed along with our home," you pleaded before your father could answer.

          You were the dearest person in the galaxy to Loki; you hated how Thanos so easily used that to his advantage. You hated how the mortified look on your face made it that much more difficult for your father. You hated that you may have been considered as ruthless as your captor in the past.

          Your eyes glanced past the bodies at the Black Order's feet. "And our people."

          Loki couldn't gather the words to respond to Thanos. Remorse showed on his face as he spared you a glimpse, holding out his hand. The Tesseract appeared in it.

          "You really are the worst brother," Thor muttered.

          As he advanced towards Thanos, Loki addressed you and Thor. "I assure you, Dearest, and brother," he said, "the sun will shine on us again."

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