ii. negotiations

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A/N: Sorry that this chapter is up a little later than usual! Tuesday will be the designated day for weekly updates, though. Hope you guys enjoy this week's!

Word count: 1.2K

⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑰𝑰 ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:



          A powerful word from Tony Stark to you. Heaved over and dropped at your feet as soon as you informed him of your needs.

          "What? May I ask why not?" you tried, at least expecting him to let you explain.

          He was up and about as soon as he had woken up, for he was never one to stay idle for long. You were following him around the rooms that he weaved in and out of as he rummaged with random things that he stumbled across. You assumed it was to give you the illusion of preoccupation.

          "I don't know if you recall, but it was you and your father who caused the invasion in 2012. And you happen to want to revive him," Tony said. "Do you see what the issue here is?"

          "I acknowledge that it seems suspicious. But my father and I are both better people than we once were, though. Truly."

          "Am I supposed to just take your word for it?"

          "You can ask Uncle Thor. Ask Mister Rogers— ask anyone I fought beside in Wakanda. You can ask Pepper."

          The latter seemed to persuade him a bit. "And how do I know it's not gonna go as it did in twenty-twelve?"

          You let out a sigh. "The difference is that I recognize my past immaturity. That... event was a result of childish rebellion on my part. But I lost him, Stark. At the hands of Thanos— did you not lose, as well?"

          You knew Tony had felt the same that you had. He knew it, too. It haunted him. He looked down as you continued.

          "Father had changed, and I've done the same. I didn't even get to say goodbye in the end. That's all I want to do. We fought with the same intent you had."

          "'Fought' in the past tense. What more could we possibly do? What if your Uncle Thor and the rest come back empty-handed? What then? We can't even call ourselves a team anymore."

          "Even so, I want to take action. Are you aware of my magic?"

          "I know of it. It's not like it nearly destroyed Earth before."

          A silence fell upon you as you debated against yourself. Would you explain? Would you really have to give in to getting help?

          No, you had already decided that yesterday; you needed it. Your failed practices from recent events spoke enough of that.

          "There's a chance," you said gingerly, "that I can contact the ones that passed."

          Tony stared at you with an expression you were unable to pinpoint. You explained.

          "If you can create a device that can amplify my magic, it may be possible. But I need your... help."

          Loki was normally the one that you'd go to for assistance, so admitting your needs was a bit of a hard process. You used to do everything with your father. There was always a tacit understanding that you shared, but it was a bit different with Tony.

          "I wouldn't consider magic to be one of my... fields of knowledge," he said. "I don't really know how much I'd be able to help you." He finally settled down in one room and seated himself at a table.

          You sat across from him, unwavering, with your hands folded on the tabletop. "I know what you're trying to say." A pause interrupted as you mentally verified that. "But just think about it. One more machine. It could save everyone, or at least provide help."

          "Maybe I don't want to be that hero anymore." From what you knew of him, this was astonishing. He continued, "Don't you realize that this is a new chance? It is. For me, and for you. You said you've changed, right? You can start a new life to complement that."

          "Maybe I'm not ready for that like you are," you said quietly. The memory of your father's last moments made you purse your lips for a second. "Once I have my final goodbye. Only then."

          Tony's next argument was cut short when Thor suddenly trudged into view. His eyes wandered around the rooms he passed through, stopping when they landed on you. His solemn gaze locked onto you and his feet settled on the floor.

          Your eyebrows furrowed in question. "Uncle Thor?" you said.

          He adjusted his grip on Stormbreaker at his side, prompting you to take notice of the gleam that had been dulled by... something coating it. Something smothering the supposed victory. Something taking the meaning from the journey.

          Thanos's blood.

          Thor just shook his head. "(Y/N). Let's go."

          "Wait— what happened?"

          "Thanos is dead," he explained laconically. It was monotonous, too, as if he had lost his purpose along with the Stormbreaker. You glanced down at the weapon again. "The Stones are gone."

          "'Gone' as in gone gone?" Tony asked.

          Thor hung his head in a single nod. "Destroyed." He turned around with one last prolonged glance and began to walk back out, expecting you to follow. You didn't.

          "You're leaving it at that?" you asked, sure to keep any desperation out of your tone. "Uncle Thor, wait."

          "There's nothing to wait for," Thor negated. "Come on. We're leaving." When he noticed you —unmoving, a confused expression plastered on your face— he sighed. "I will teleport without you."

          You looked pleadingly back at Tony, who only shrugged, and then slowly rose to stand. Wordlessly, you dragged yourself to Thor. He led you outside.

          "Where are the others?" you bothered to question. You knew he wouldn't allow you to associate yourself too closely with them —it was for the same reason as to why he kept you from Tony— so asking about them was basically pointless. He wouldn't let you get wrapped up in their heroism.

          "Probably on their way back right now." Instead of telling you that there was no need for you to talk to them, he grabbed your hand, offering a reassuring squeeze as if to say, "You've already done all you could. It's okay." It wasn't much of a reassurance to you, but before you could process it, he used the Stormbreaker to teleport you both.

          When you regained your senses and when the fluorescent energy of the Bifrost calmed, you peered at the new scenery.

          Muted green hills morphed into cliffs at the coasts. A myriad sea of pale blue regularly licked at the rocks and sand. The rocks sat peacefully, drowning in the waves, and grass splayed over any other terrain that wasn't occupied with sand. Yellow flowers, although not very solacing, dotted various parts of the surrounding fields.

          A sight to behold. But not for you.

          "Do you recall the village of Tønsberg?" Thor asked.

          You shook your head slowly, keeping your blank eyes on the adamant cliffs ahead. "No."

          "Well, at least there's no need to remember. Welcome to New Asgard."

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