vi. gathering

238 22 5

A/N: I love love love this chapter :) hope y'all like it too! I also just bought Endgame on Blu-ray ahhhh

Word count: 1.9K

⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑽𝑰 ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:


The trip in the Benatar was relatively short due to the technology, which you were thankful for considering the fact that Rocket hadn't lied about the beer. You tried to be adamant about deciding the amount your uncle would drink, limiting it as much as you could enforce. You'd like to think that he drank a bit less than usual.

Arriving at the Avengers Facility felt like stepping into foreign territory. You felt out of place despite how you had changed and remade your evil intentions. Perhaps it was the memory of your invasion, your appearance at Stark Tower, your conversation with Tony with your father at your side.

Even though you've remade yourself, the memories still remained; maybe that's why you were hesitant to make your presence known. But, like your father, the master of illusions, you managed to cover that up.

You scouted out Tony first, and your eyes lit up as you called out to him, "Tony Stark." He looked up to see you walking over. "You master time travel, yet you refused to attempt to master my art. Technically, it wouldn't even be you doing the dirty work. That would have been me."

"Yeah, great to see you, too, Loki Junior," he said, playfully rolling his eyes.

"How have you been these past five years?" You were now walking alongside him, burying the out-of-place feeling somewhere ignorable.

"I've been using my new chance, if you will," Tony responded knowingly. The chat that he shared with you a while back was fresh in his mind since he contemplated his choice to help.

You hummed, letting silence fall among the conversation for a few moments. "You... have a daughter now," you decided to mention. Tony gave you a strange look in reply, unaware that you used a "spying" spell... You didn't like to call it that, though— it was the only way you felt connected to the others while you were confined at home. "My apologies. I admittedly checked up on you a couple of times."

"I should have expected that."

"You know, I'd love to meet her someday," you said with a soft smile. Tony was your favorite to look over for that reason; his joyful parenting exploits reminded you so much of your younger days, of the eccentric yet loving way that Loki was your father.

That was when Tony knew for sure that you had changed. He saw it in your eyes, longing but accepting. "What about you?" he asked.

"Not much. Trying to commune with the... dusted ones. And failing, but we don't have to mention that. Trying not to reminisce too much." Been failing at that, too, you added mentally. You then noticed Thor make an entrance, adorning shades and holding a beer can. "Oh, and babysitting that."

"Drifting left. On the side there, Lebowski," Tony said, prompting Thor to move away from the device that he was towing.

"And I also thought I told you 'last one' two cans ago," you noticed, taking the beer that your uncle had managed to snag. "Give me that."

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 ✧.*༄ p. parker x lokison!readerWhere stories live. Discover now