Fruits and Chocolates

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A week of school went by, Persephone being unbearably bored the whole time. She thanked every diety she could think of when the weekend rolled around. Between a full week of school and what seemed to be a half a dozen meetings for her business, Persephone was exhausted. It didn't help that Chuck Bass had seemed to appear out of nowhere every day and tried to talk to her. She was also on Gossip Girl a few times.

"I'm going out this weekend. I deserve to have a nice time after this week." Persephone said, talking on the phone with Dan while walking down the street with Brutus, window shopping. "I agree. you've had a rough week. You should go to that little café you like. The one with the fresh pastries." She could practically feel him nodding in agreement. "That actually sounds lovely. Some light shopping, trip to the café, maybe a movie." She hummed, stopping outside of a store and looking in.

"Grab a nice, new book or something. Nothing to crazy." A teasing tone in Dan's voice. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Later Danny boy." Persephone smiled, hanging up on her best friend and going into the store. Maybe something crazy was just what she needed.


Brutus shook his head as he trailed after Persephone, his arms full of bags. "I love how your crazy is candles, books, fuzzy socks, and blankets Miss." A smile on both of their faces. "I'm getting some pastries to go from the café along with a coffee, we're going to head home, I'm ordering in, and doing nothing but read." She stated, walking into the café she was talking about.

"Didn't expect to see you here. This is quite high end." Chuck said from behind them, causing her to jump. A frown marred her face as she turned to him. "Please Mister Fish. Do not disturb me today." Persephone huffed, annoyed at his presence and that he startled her. "You know, you have a hint of a Russian accent. I wonder why." He asked, smirking as if he knew everything. She turned away from him, ignoring him.

As she ordered her pastries, two of each, and her frozen coffee she turned to Brutus. "Do we have my chocolate in stock?" Persephone asked, stepping to the side as they got her order ready. Much to her annoyance, Chuck stepped beside them when he was done ordering. "All your food is fully stocked. I sent Klaus last night." Brutus eyed Chuck, not liking his closeness. Persephone gave a nod, eyeing Chuck as well.

Chuck got his order first but seemed to hang around. He left as soon as Persephone and Brutus did. The two exchanged glances as they noticed Chuck's car following theirs. "Should I call the police Miss?" Brutus asked, visibly agitated. "Not yet. I hate to admit but I'm a little curious as to how this will go." She shook her head, eyeing the car.


Brutus ushered her into her apartment, locking and dead bolting the door behind them. "I'm thinking Chinese for lunch and Japanese for dinner. I want some good, cheap Chinese food." Persephone stated, putting the pastries on the counter and sipping her frozen coffee as Brutus sat her many bags down. "I will find it for you but I'm not leaving. Klaus will get it for you." Brutus grunted.

"You never like to leave me alone Brutus. You only trust you to watch me." She chuckled, starting to put her new goods away. A knock sounded at the door, making them both tense up. Brutus eyes her and then nodded, standing behind her as she looked through the peephole. "It's the fish." Persephone sighed, shaking her head and opening the door.

"Stalking is unattractive and very dangerous Mister Fish." Persephone said, almost as a warning. "What do you mean?" Chuck smirked, not seeing Brutus off to the side. When he finally did he notice Brutus had his hand on a hip holster that contained a gun and his smirk fell. He didn't think this through. "There is a reason I have security Mister Fish." She said slowly, eyebrows raised.

"I just came to talk." He put his hands up defensively, almost nervously. "I have nothing to say to you Mister Fish." She dismissed. "Why not? I haven't done anything to you." Chuck seemed genuinely surprised. "Talk to Jenny. She is like family after all." Persephone crossed her arms, getting angry just thinking about it. "Dan actually is her family and he doesn't seem to hate me like you do." He glared at the wall, not wanting to bring up the past.

"Danny got to punch you. I can do no such thing. I have a reputation to uphold, an image to protect." She pointed out. For the life of her, she couldn't understand why this was such a problem for him. "Well what do you need to do? You want to go inside and punch me?" Chuck asked, confused as to why she was keeping a grudge. "Go apologize. Try to better yourself. Then we can talk." Persephone said waving as if to shoo him away. She was done with him.

She closed the door before he could say anything, tired of conversing for the day. "Today was rough." She grumbled, shuffling past Brutus and grabbed a chocolate bar out of her stash and some precut strawberries and kiwi. "I'm getting in my pajamas. Let me know when you find a good Chinese place." Persephone called out as she shut her bedroom door, wanting to be left alone with some of her comfort food for a bit. Dan would be hearing about all of this later and he would not be happy. At all.

Persephone spent the rest of the day in her pajamas eating and reading. In fact she spent the whole weekend that way. She refused to leave her apartment until she had to. Brutus complied and let her do just that. Dan complained but understood, calling her periodically to complain about what Chuck did. Jenny did the same. By the time Monday came around, Persephone was well rested and happy. Just not ready for everything to happen like it did.

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