Meeting the witness

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Callen's pov:
Just as any other day I head out to go to work, and as every day Sam picks me up right when I exit my house. Sighing internally at the monotonous thing that my life has become to before making my way to the waiting car.
„Good morning G! How was your weekend?" sam asks me with a happy smile. Looking at him with a raised eyebrow, I mean what does he expect as an answer? He knows the only thing I did was waiting for Monday to come, so I would have something to do.
„Good morning. It was like always. How was your weekend?" I answer him with a sigh, knowing he wouldn't stop asking questions till I answer. A worried frown appears on his face.
„Why didn't you come with us this weekend? The kids would have loved to have you with us, exactly like Michelle and I!" he questions me. I know he worries about me a lot the last few months, since he picked up on my mood I guess. But what should I do? There is absolutely nothing I could do to be less lonely. At the moment I am thinking about getting a dog, maybe that would lessen the pain in my chest.
„Maybe next time Sam. It is your family and you guys should get to spend some time together without someone else." I tell him trying to sound a bit happier than normally. His unimpressed face let's me know that he isn't buying my happy face. Well, at least I tried!
„G, you are worrying me. You are like a brother to me, so please promise me to come along next time!" he says with begging eyes that he knows I can't resist. So as the good partner and friend that I am, I nod at him in hope he would change the topic of this conversation.
„Thanks G! So to another topic, what do you say?" he cheers. Shaking my head at him with a real smile this time. That's why we get along that good, because we both know exactly how far we can push and when to let go. At first I wasn't to happy when I got told that I was getting a partner, but now, I cannot be more happy about it. He is the closest thing to a family that I ever had, like he said, we aren't only friends, we are like brothers.
We arrived at the headquarters just as Eric whistles. Guess our new case is just getting announced. Sam and I hurry upstairs, where to our surprise Deeks and Kensi are already waiting for us. Did we come this late today?
„Looks like today it wasn't us that came to late!" Deeks announces proudly, like he has read my mind.
„This case might be a bit tricky, so focus!" Hetty's voice booms from behind us.
„Let's begin then, Miss Jones." Hetty says and waves at her to start.
„staff sergeant Rafael Ramos was found dead in an alleyway. He has multiple knife wounds in his abdominal and as if that wasn't enough, it seems as if he got executed. As expected, no one saw or heard anything. With one exception." Nell starts her explanation.
„And this is where it gets complicated." Hetty interrupts Nell from going on.
„Why is that?" I ask her, not getting why a witness should be complicated? I mean if, someone saw something, it could be really helpful.
„Because our only witness is a 4 year old girl from the system that also happens to be blind." Hetty tells me softly.
„That is why we need to be careful with her, she doesn't need any more trauma. So if it gets public that she is our witness." she starts, letting the rest hang in the air. We all know what it is that she hasn't said.
„She would be a target, an easy one." Nell finishes Hetty's sentence.
„Where is she now?" I ask the logical question. Not knowing why but, suddenly feeling really protective of that small girl that I haven't even met yet.
„In my office." Hetty says understanding my uneasy feeling, at least it looks like she does. I quickly nod at her in thanks and hurriedly make my way to meet the girl that definitely hasn't had an easy life till now.
„Who is there?" a timid voice questions just as I wanted to knock to make myself known.
„my name is G Callen. I am an agent, so don't worry, i won't hurt you." i answer her softly, not wanting to scare her even more than she already is. Hearing something shuffling under Hetty's desk, which lets me smile a bit at her cuteness. Slowly a head full of wavy blonde hair appears behind the desk, before she turns around and looks me straight in the eyes. Even though I know that isn't possible, I swear she is looking straight in my soul with her huge blue eyes.
„You promise, to not hurt me?" She asks me with her head slightly tilted to the side and an outstretched pinkie. Feeling a huge smile appearing on my face at her cuteness, I softly wrap my way bigger pinkie around hers.
„I promise!" I tell her honestly. And not only will I not hurt her, no, I will protect her with my life! I have no idea why I feel this strongly for that little girl, but I honestly don't care about the why.
„So what's you name love?" I ask her while sitting myself in the chair opposite of hers. It's really cute to see that little girl sitting behind that huge table and in Hetty's way to big chair.
„My name is Johanna, but I don't like to be called that. Cause everyone always calls me Johanna to scold me, but I am not naughty! Promise!!" she mumbles, nearly begging me to believe her that she isn't naughty.
„Of course you aren't naughty love! Don't listen to whoever said that! You are a really good Girl!" i try to sooth her, while at the same time trying to keep my anger at whoever told her that at bay.
„I am a good girl?" she questions me hopefully. Gosh, that little thing is breaking my heart. How could anyone make her feel like that!? Standing up from my chair, to slowly make my way towards her. I see her flinch when I touch her shoulder, so I sush her quietly while pulling her into a soft hug.
„You are a very good girl Love!" i whisper into her ear, feeling her cuddle even closer into me. When I feel tears on my shoulder, I sit myself on her seat and pull her right along with me.
„Don't cry love! Everything is going to be ok. I promise you are safe! No one will ever hurt you again!" I whisper to her while caressing her back to soothe her as best as I can. After some time her cries subsided and her breathing has slowed down a bit, which let me think that she has fallen asleep after that eventful night and day. I have no idea how long we sat like that and I don't care, as long as she wants to stay like that, we are going to stay like that. Just then Sam walks over towards me with a soft smile and his phone in hand to quickly snap a picture of me and the little girl. Shaking my head at him and his behavior, still relieved that I am going to get something to remember that moment. Not her being in danger, but her finding me. Because that is exactly what happened and after that case is solved, I am going to do my damn hardest to adopt her! She deserves to be loved and safe!!

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