That is my place?

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Callen's pov:
„How long till home?" my little girl asks me with wonder, her head slightly turned to the side as if she tries to hear every sound around her.
„We are nearly there love. Only two more turns and then we are back home." I answer her softly, still holding her way smaller hand in mine.
„Who is your friend?" she questions a bit frightened.
„that would be me sweetheart! My name is Sam." he softly replies her in hope to not frighten her even more.
„Sam also has two kids, maybe you guys can meet up to have a play date?" I say to sooth her even more.
„What's a play date?" she asks me irritated which breaks my heart even more.
„Thats when you go to a friends home to play, or when someone is coming to your home to play with you." I describe her.
„I not allowed to is a stupid bad girl." she whimpers just as Sam pulls up to my house.
„Who said that Love?" i ask her angry that someone would tell her something like this.
„Misses Kyger, she always says I is bad and good for nothing." my little girl answers me in tears. Softly I pull her onto my lap and softly caress her back.
„You listen to me love! You are perfect just the way you are! You are not stupid and you definitely aren't a bad girl! Ok?" i tell her honestly.
„Callen is right sweety. Don't listen to those people. They are the ones who are bad, not you!" sam also tells her from the driver seat.
„I is not stupid?" she asks again unsure.
„No love, you are anything but stupid." I tell her honestly while wiping away the last of her tears.
„I is allowed to play?" she whispers hopefully.
„Of course you are allowed to play! How about we go into the house? I am pretty sure there are already some toys for you in there?" sam answers her with a soft smile.
„Really?" she asks excitedly.
„I am positive. So what do you say? Want to head in now?" he asks her again as not to hurry her or make her panic again.
„Callen comes to?" she questions a bit unsure.
„Of course I am coming!" I tell her happily and open the door for us to get out of the car. Jo immediately has grabbed not only one of my arms, but to our surprise one of Sam's as well when we started to walk to my front door. Seeing Sam's eyes tear up a bit at the trust she seems to put into him now as well.
„Welcome home Love!" i tell her softly while opening the door, only to look at Sam with shocked eyes.
„As i was saying, we might have over done it." he answers my unasked question. Shaking my head at him I slowly follow my little one into the living room. Only now realizing that she didn't ran into anything even though there would of been a lot she could of ran into.
„If you go to your right now, then you come right into your new room." sam says softly to Jo. Raising my eyebrow at him in question, he only tells me to follow after her. Shocked at what I see I stop in the doorway. There was a fully decorated and filled girls room, with lots of toys and Teddy's. A sudden squeal pulls me out of my shock. There a bit to the side my little girl stumbled into a small ball pit!
„I asked the guy at the Play Store which toys would be good for a blind girl and apparently a ball pit is one of the best thinks, also those led-lights which change the colors since the most blind people have a light and shadow sight." sam tells me in explanation while pointing to everything.
„Thank you Sam! That is unbelievable, so thank you!" I tell him fighting back my tears. Never did I think he would furnish my whole house just to make my little love feel home and safe, but her room was like the cherry on top. It was just extra special.
„Did you already register your bed and the Teddy's?" he asked her softly while I try to get my emotions back under control.
„Teddy's?" she asks in joy.
„They are right to the left of you, on top of a box." he tells her encouraging her to slowly make her way towards them. Slowly she touches one of the stuffies before hugging it tightly. Then she quickly ran right up to me and hugs me just as tightly.
„Thank you Callen!" she happily cry's into me feet, so I softly lift her into my arms.
„You are more than welcome. But Sam was the one who made all of this happen so why don't you go and hug him to?" I whisper softly in her ear, which she instantly agrees to.
„Sammy?" she asks and slightly turns her head to the side.
„Right here sweetheart." he answers her with shining eyes because she has already given him a moniker. She happily ran up to him also pulling him into a tight embrace while thanking him for all those toys, stuffies and for her first real bed. Which broke our hearts again for that small girl. But from now on she is going to get everything she wants because she deserves it! From now on she never has to wonder if she is bad or stupid. No, I will make sure that she knows that she is absolutely perfect and that she is loved. Because that is how it should of been from the start! Hearing her tummy rumble a bit I instantly feel like an idiot for not grabbing something to eat on our way to my place.
„What would you like to eat love? Haw about Mac and cheese?" I ask her already scooping her into my arms.
„I is allowed to eat?" she asks in disbelief.
„Of course love! Come, let's go and start on cooking something for my little princess!" I tell her softly tickling her side, only now realizing how her ribs are looking out of her body.
„I am going to make a quick phone call. Make sure Callen doesn't eat all of the Mac and cheese till I come back sweetheart!" he tells her with a small laugh, but I saw the anger in her eyes at her prior statement. I am pretty sure he is going to call Hetty to tell her what those horrible people did to my little girl.
„I am sitting you on the Counter Love, make Sure not to lean over, I be right back by you."
„You leaving?" she asks me panicked holding onto my arm tightly.
„Oh no love! I just go to the fridge to get all the ingredients and to get a pot to cook. I won't leave you love! Don't worry!" I tell her in a soothing tone, hoping to calm her down since her breathing already started to go up a bit.
„Ok. Pwomise to not leave?" she asks me with her pinky out again. Smiling at her cuteness I pull my pinky around hers.
„Promise!" I answer and kiss her forehead before quickly grabbing everything I need to make us some food.

„And now we only pull those noodles into the cheesy sauce and finished!" I tell her happily.
„Do you want to help set the table love?" I ask her after seeing sam has bought some plastic utensils, plates and glasses.
„Yeah! Me help!" she cheers as I hand her three plates and taking the utensils and glasses myself. Just as we put down everything sam walks out of my room, seemingly still a bit pissed.
„Sammy we cooked yummy food! I helped!" she proudly tells him giddily.
„Wow! You helped with the cooking and setting the table! Guess you really are a big girl already!" He answers her with a smile that reaches his eyes.
„Ok, sit down everyone. Lets enjoy our dinner!" I say happily to them.
„Slowly love, it still is pretty hot!" I softly tell Jo since she nearly shoved a heaping and steaming spoonful into her mouth. Her cheeks reddened a bit but she slowly blows at her spoon to get it cooled of a bit.
„Thats it Love! I just didn't wanted you to get burned." I tell her and softly kiss her forehead.
„Thank you! And thank you for the yummy food!" she softly says with a shy smile.

After we finished dinner, I told Jo to please go to brush her teeth and then go to bed since it is already pretty late.
„You still be there when I wake up?" she asks me frightened after I softly tucked her into the bed.
„Of course love! I only will be in the room next to yours. If you get frightened or need anything just shout for me or come to my room ok?" I tell her softly to reassure her that she won't be alone when she wakes up. Sam already had left for the evening with a promise to come by tomorrow morning.
„Good night Callen." she softly says, teddy cuddled into her chest.
„Good night Love!" i whisper quietly since she seems to already have falling asleep.

That day really did a 180 decrees. Never did I thought in the morning that I will meet this sweet little girl. Not that I would like to adopt a child.

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