Chapter 7 Finally Found

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Amara and Charles decided to get to work on her mental barriers as quickly as possible. Now that they knew the wolf's goal, they couldn't let it spread the virus. Charles told Amara about the entire conversation that he had with her wolf and how the wolf had its eyes set on turning Tony. Amara became very distress at that knowledge and decided right then and there to never see Tony again.

“I don't think that you have to go to such lengths, Amara.”

“Yes, I do, Charles, I can't risk my brother getting hurt. I should have known the wolf was especially vicious towards him when she attacked him the first night I changed. If it hadn't have been for Hulk I don't know what would have happened.”

“But he was there, Amara, and you didn't turn Tony. And I will help you make sure you never do.”

“Thank you, Charles, for everything.”

“You're welcome, My Dear, shall we get started?”

It wasn't easy for Charles and Amara to figure out a way to trap the beast in Amara's head. It was a matter of trial and error. Slowly, Charles started to figure out what they needed to do was basically cage the beast, and trap it behind walls. He started helping Amara build the cage in her mind that would eventually trap the beast in. It was a slow going process.

It took an entire year for them to finally seal off the wolf from Amara's mind and give complete control of her body back to Amara. Within that year, every full moon Amara would spend it locked up in either the Danger Room in a simulation of a forest or with Tony in New York in the Hulk's containment unit. There were times when Tony and Bruce had to study Amara and obtain samples in her werewolf form. On those occasions, Tony would tranquilize Amara then rush in to gather the samples that they needed, under the very watchful eyes of the Hulk.

During that year, Amara got to know the X-Men. She found that Scott was strict and a little stiff but that his heart was always in the right place. He was very protective of Amara once he understood why she was there. Scott had a tendency to view her as a little sister. Storm was a pleasure to get to know. She and Amara would go shopping together and would have long conversations.

But the person she got along with the best was Hank. Since they were both geniuses, they could have in-depth conversations about anything. He understood her the best, knowing what it was like to feel like a monster.

And then there was Jean Grey. Amara honestly had no idea what her problem was but it was obvious to everyone that Jean did not like Amara. NOT. ONE. BIT. Amara could only chalk it up to Jean being petty and jealous of her. After all, Amara hadn't given Jean a reason to hate her. So to avoid problems, Amara avoided Jean like the plague.

Jean didn't like Amara for the simple reason that she was a danger to the school just because she wasn't a mutant. But deep down she actually was jealous of Amara. Jealous of her beauty, of her talent, of her intelligence and the fact that her life was so easy. Jean had it in her head that because Amara was one of the super-rich she had no problems and therefore could never understand the problems of others especially mutants. So, Jean decided early on that she was not going to like Amara no matter what. She never even bothered to find out why Amara was there in the first place.

Once Amara had gotten her beast fully under control and Charles gave her clearance she decided to finally go work at New York-Presbyterian Hospital to be close to Tony and Bruce. But every year on the anniversary of her attack she would go see Charles so that he could check and make sure that the cage and the barriers were still intact.

For seven years Amara remained in control of the beast, never once having a relapse. But she never once let her guard down, she lived in a state of paranoia just waiting for the other shoe to drop. She lived her life as a hermit only going out to work and to visit Tony and Bruce. She didn't even associate with the other Avengers. She stopped talking to her friends, going out and dating.

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