Chapter one

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Angel's POV

"Hi, I'm peter........Parker" The boy who'd just sat next to me said awkwardly.

"Hey, I'm angel hansen. Are you new?" I smiled, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, I moved last week from queens." He smiled. He was cute.

"No way?! I'm from there too. I moved about a month ago." I said, wondering how we'd never bumped into eachother before, he didn't look familiar at all.

"That's crazy. Have you ever been to the delmar sandwich
shop. It's gone now, but it's the BEST in queens!"

"Oh, I've never heard of it. Sorry. Do you wanna hang out at lunch? I could introduce you to my friend, she's called Ella." I suggest, trying to help him out.

"Uh no thanks, I'm not that sociable. Having more than one friend makes things hard." Peter shrugged as if it was a normal thing.

"Who's your one friend then, Peter?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"his names ned. He's my guy in the chair..." just as I went to speak, "don't ask." He smiled.

"Well you have me now, and if you don't want me, too bad." I joked.

"What about you other friend?" Peter laughed.

"She has other friends." I shrugged

"Thank you!" He exclaimed, and hugged me, but quickly pulled away, "sorry, that was weird." He laughed awkwardly.

Peters POV

We sat awkwardly for a bit and just got on with our work, I've definitely seen her somewhere. Maybe I've saved her? No, I'd remember that. Agh, this is really bugging me.

*bell goes*

"ya know, Maria, are you sure we haven't met?" I furrowed my brows.

"Nope. You don't look familiar to me at all." Angel shrugged, she seemed so happy? "Do you wanna hang out after awaschool I aw chool?"

"Yeah sure. Where?" I smiled awkwardly, hoping that mr stark didn't want me.

"uh, your place?" She said, hopefully.

"Let me see if my aunts home," I said I pulling out my phone

Aunt may

Peter: hey wondered what time you're getting home from work?

Aunt may: uh, gonna be a late one, don't wait up for me and order yourself pizza or something xx
Peter: okay see you later x

"My aunts not home, so yeah let's do it!" I smiled.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly and I soon reunited with angel, "Hey, where abouts do you live?" She bubbled.

"Uh you know where the avengers complex is?" she nodded, "I love quote near there. In an apartment." I smiled.

"My dad doesn't let me have people over, it's beyond annoying." She groaned and giggled at the same time.

No sleep // Peter Parker fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora