Chapter six

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Angels POV

Webbed. Why can't you teleport out of webs. ugh.

Peter stood in front of me, looking angry, "why did you leave me." He sternly 'asked'

"I didn't love you."

"Bullshit." He spat at me.

"Why did you leave for three years without saying goodbye. Or breaking up." He grit his teeth.

"I didnt want to hurt you." I say rolling my eyes.

He moved closer to me and got more intimidating. "I. Trusted. You. And. You. Hurt. Me." He growled.

"I didn't know what else to do! I panicked!" I stressed.

"YOU'RE LYING!" He yelled, grabbing my arm through the webs.

"stop it peter!" I whined a little.

"No. Angel. I want to know the truth." He said as he tightened his grip, making me wince. Just as he finished speaking, I spotted some of the other guys trying to sneak in. Thank god.

But pretty much as soon as I saw them, a web flew at the door keeping it shut. Fuck. Spidey-senses.

peter was to busy with the other door he didn't notice the stronger avengers coming in from the other side.

cap, Bruce, dad, Nat, Bucky, Thor, Bucky. Peter fell into them and let go of me as they pulled on his arms. It felt like it was all in slow motion. Bucky cut the webs off me as I watched peter fall to the floor. the others gathered around him to make sure everything was okay as he scrunched his body up and cried, "Peter, it's okay. Everything's gonna be fine." My father said, stepping from his suit and kneeling in front of him. Peter looked up at him, his bloodshot eyes had only sadness and no anger in them anymore, but suddenly he snapped out of normal peter. His whole expression changed.

"Get off me." He said with no expression. Nobody moved.

"Please. I said get off me." He shouted, with pure anger.

"Fuck this." Thor said, calling on mjolnir.

and with that peter was out. Strong beam of lighting did it.


Tony/iron man's POV

"Stark, I don't know what to do with that boy. He's got issues." Cap Said, shaking his head.

"Can ya really blame him?" Nat muttered, as Clint nodded in agreement to what she said.

"He's such a good kid, he's bright, he's got a good heart, great fighter, loyal. He's got everything an avenger needs. He's perfect." I said, laughing lightly.

"But he hasn't has he?" Sam sighed.

"Nope." I shrugged, "but it's something we can't fix."

"Did you guys see his face, the way it changed from when we got him away from angel- to when he realised what we were doing?" Banner asked everyone.

Everyone nodded in response, "I hulk out when I'm angry. I become a new thing." He continued.

"Get to the point, banner." I said impatiently.

"What I'm saying is, I think I know what's wrong with him."

"He's not hulk." Nat frowned.

"That's not what I mean. It's like he has a hulk, but not visibly. He's such a sweet kid and he changes so quickly."

"So your saying he's, what? Bipolar?" Cap scrunched up his face.


"calm." Wanda said lightly.

"I think he has a split personality." Banner finally broke it.

"What does that mean?" Clint asks, for all of us.

"It's like he's two different people almost. You know when he goes back to being normal peter, he won't remember any of this. Split personality is literally when you have 2 or more different personalities." Banner explained.

"Well how do we get rid of it?" I said quickly.

"You don't. He could have therapy or hypnosis but we can't have him talking about the avengers to some random doctor." Banner answered.

"Fuck." I said quietly, leaving the room. What do I do. What do I do. What do I do.

I have to see if angel is okay first. That's what I need to do.

"Angel, honey." I said quietly as I let myself into her room.

"What do you want." She said back emotionlessly

"I just wanted to see how you're doing. Today was, well, difficult. To say the least."

"I'm shaken. I didn't know peter could be something like that. It's sad." She sighed.

"How's your arm?"

She didn't use words just rolled up her sleeve to reveal a dark purple handprint on her upper arm.

"Hell of a grip. I'm sorry that happened to you. We would've stopped it sooner but he Webbed us all on his way to you. Angel, I love you." I said pulling her in for a hug.

"I love you too dad." She said hugging me back.

Peters POV

"Morning angel. I heard you were back." I say standing behind her

"Hey peter." She whispered, she sounded anxious.

"How's things then? It's been a while." I smile making conversation.

"Pretty good. How's yours been?" She said, looking uncomfortable.

"Just been sat around here for the past few years. The occasional conference or extremely rare mission." I smiled before frowning.

"Damn. That's one hell of a bruise!" i said looking at her arm, "where'd you get that one?"

"Seriously, peter?" She said, looking offended, "you don't remember?" She stormed off.

What the hell was that.

"uh, mr stark?" I said tapping his shoulder.

"Yeah kid."

"Can we talk, in private." I ask biting my lip anxiously.

"Sure." He said, walking out the room and into the lab with me.

"What's up kid?" He asked.

"Well, I just saw angel and I tried to make conversation with her and then I asked how she got a bruise and she looked offended and walked off. Do you know why? I just want to be friends? I don't want any drama in the avengers." I rambled to Tony.

"Peter what did you do yesterday?"


"No, I mean, walk me through your day." He suggested.

"Well I woke up, Sam told me that angel was being revealed as a new avenger. I was really tired, I thought about going to the reveal, and got worked up so didn't go. Then I fell asleep and woke up this morning." I explained to my stark.

"We need to have a little avengers-meeting I think." Tony said lowly. "Hey, Peter, it'll be fine." He said, noticing the panic on my face.

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