Chapter five

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3 years later

Peters POV

Angels back, she's an avenger now, I've no clue where we stand to be honest, she moved to hawkeyes and never really broke up with me. Just stopped speaking to me. It still breaks my heart. Because if Tony hadn't walked in that afternoon I don't know what would've happened. And the fact that I was willing to go that far for her made it even worse now she ended things. And now I've got to see her, and work with her. For the rest of my life.

"Spider-man." She said to me, inquisitively. "Long time no see, eh?"

"Doll face." I say, through gritted teeth, "don't pretend like things are normal between us." I whisper. she frowned and looked offended.

She can't think that after her dad, my father figure, walked in on us that she can just go and move to another state and not even tell me or break up with me. I don't get how she thinks that's ok, it's not.

"Stop working yourself up over nothing." mr stark whispered as he walked by, "it's showing."

"Can I go, mr stark?" I say exhaustedly.

"sure kid." She smiled nicely.

Angels POV

"Angel, honey. Stop ignoring me. If you're gonna be an avenger, you're gonna have to learn to live with me and with peter." My dad said to me as I rolled my eyes.

"Peter should learn to live with me,@ I shrug.

"He can work with you, but you can't expect him to be absolutely okay with you when you left for three years without breaking up." He tried to get me to understand.

"Have you not lectured him?"

"No, he needs time to adjust." He frowned.

"And I don't?"

"You don't deserve time to adjust when your the one who played him. You're just like me and I hate it." He shook his head.

"You're MY dad not his."

"I'm not a bias man. And I'm certainly not gonna stand up for someone who left me for three years."

I've had enough. I teleported to somewhere random in the compound. It was a little room, someone was crying here.

"Peter?" I said scrunching up my face.

"Oh my god, why can't you just leave me alone. All I want to do is not see you and now your in my home? Why can't you get it through your thick skull that I can't bare to see you." He said, his voice cracking every few words, before pushing past me and leaving.

"Peter wait," I said, grabbing him.

"Why don't you understand the meaning of leave me alone?" He yelled aggressively. He used to be so lovely.

Clint's/Hawkeye's POV

"hey, peter calm down, what's going on," I said, stopping peter in his tracks.

"Your the last avenger I want to speak to right now." He spat, trying to walk away from me.

"Is it angel?" I sighed.

"Can you please just leave me alone?" He stressed, looking up at me. He was a mess. Bloodshot eyes, messy hair, dark bags under his eyes. I nodded respectfully, realising how upset he was, and how it really isn't my place.

he continued to walk off angrily as I departed to find Tony. I walked into where everyone was gathered and searched for him, "Hey! Tony!" I called as I spotted him, pushing through loads of people to get closer, I managed to grab him, "Tony!" I said sharply getting his attention.

"What, Barton?" He said nicely but grumpily.

"It's peter, you or happy or someone else really needs to see him. I just saw him and I'm really concerned." I warned Tony.

"What did he look like?" Tony asked, I frowned, "I mean like, what was his emotions like and how bad did he look?"

"sounded really angry, looked really sad. Bloodshot eyes, messy hair, few tears, voice cracks, tired." I listed to him.

"That's one peter Parker mental breakdown we're dealing with." He sighed heavily, "you weren't here for the last one. He's difficult." Tony explained a little.

He quickly stood up and asked the press to leave, they followed instruction and did so.

"Avengers, we've got a big thing on our hands."

"What's going on?" Cap frowned.

"Parker's having another mental breakdown." Tony said strongly.

"Poor kid." Nat said.

"Someone fill me in?"   I ask quietly.

"I will in a minute." Nat smiled.

"he could be anywhere. Doing anything. Split up, if you find him, let everyone know before speaking to him. For you own benefits." Tony gulped. What is peter like.


"So what's happening Nat," I asked, while we were ground-looking for peter.

"When peter was younger his parents died, then his uncle died. This caused like an anxiety or anger issues or something in him." She explained.

"He gets these mental breakdowns where he gets, really angry and sad and doesn't know what to do with himself. It's happened 3 times. " she said as I nodded, "the first time was when angel left to live with you, he was really lonely and upset about everything and we found him about to reveal his identity. The second time, it was the tenth anniversary of his parents death and we found him webbed into the 'A' in the old avengers tower, and everytime we'd break through he'd re-do the web and web us in it aswell. And the third time, he wouldn't tell us what it was about. But we found him laying in a field. It took us 2 days to find him, that's how long he'd been in the field. He then attempted to battle us because he didn't want to see us. In the end Thor had to hit him with lightning while Tony stunned him to make him pass out." Nat went into detail.

"that's crazy. Poor kid." I said sympathetically, "he's really had a tough life." Nat nodded.

We carried on walking through the city in a comfortable silence. Suddenly, I felt something rap around me and Nat come closer. webs.

"great. We've been webbed." She said to me, and to everyone else through her earpiece.

"Didn't see him coming. He's on the move." I say.

"webbed." Cap says

"Webbed" Sam and Bucky both say

"Webbed" scarlet witch sighs.

"Webbed, so's Thor." Bruce says in annoyance.

"Tony how are you?" I say.

"Webbed." He replies.

"Webbed." Scott says quietly. I didn't even know he was here.


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