Chapter three

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2 weeks later.

Peters POV

Angel and I were walking home school when it clicked. What is she to me? Are we friends, is she my girl friend. Are we friends with benefits? Or do we just make out? I need to know

"Hey angel," I start.

"Yeah." She smiles nicely.

"What are we? Label wise." I said awkwardly.

"Um. Well, peter Parker, will you be my boyfriend?" She blushed a little.

I'm spiderman. Do I have time for a girlfriend? No I don't. But I really like angel. Maybe I could tell her? No. No I couldn't. I don't want to. Oh my god.

"Peter you look panicked. I'm sorry." She said tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I...I'm just overwhelmed. But yes my answer is yes. But, mind if we keep it under wraps for a while?" I smiled.

"Whatever you want." She said, kissing me more passionately and less scruffily.

May was out so we had the house to ourselves again.

pretty much the makeout started immediately.

Tony's POV

"He's ghosted me for 2 days now. Something is definitely up." I said, rubbing my head.

"stop worrying. He can take care of himself." Pepper said comfortingly.

"You know what he's like Pepper. He's always texting and calling, always out on the streets, always bugging me. And it's just stopped."

"He's probably realised it bugs you." Pepper shrugged trying to make me feel better.

"No, he's not smart enough he's way to oblivious to everything. Which is what makes him a good hero, he helps everything he sees." I smiled reminiscing to when he was a good avenger.

"Honestly I don't wanna give him the talk but he's nothing to do with cap asides from the avengers thing so I'm gonna have to." I sighed.

"Just give it a few more days he's probably just got mid terms."

"When has that stopped him? I'm gonna go and check on him."

Angels POV

Mid kiss I heard someone clear their throat. That wasn't peter? He Abruptly pulled away.

I looked accusingly at the person before realising...

"Angel?!" My dad exclaimed why's he here? fuck. I'm done for.

"Peter?!" He then exclaimed but this time more sternly.

Peter looked at me. He was panicking.

"uh peter this is my dad." I frown awkwardly.

"I..i can't here. I..i need go somewhere alone." Peter stuttered as he stumbled to the door.

"Uh. You're not going anywhere peter." My dad said sternly.

"please mr stark, I..i need to. please." He sounded desperate, he just shook his head, "mr stark please, mr stark." Peters tone was getting louder and louder, ", what's going on, mr stark," fuck. "Mr stark, I can't breathe, mr st-" he finally shouted before passing out.

"Dad what did you do?" I worried.

"me? What did I do? Young lady that boy just had a panic attack. Nothing to do with me. That's probably one of the hardest things that boys had to take in. I can't believe this." He rubbed his head, "help me get him onto the sofa then."

together we lifted peter and laid him comfortable on the couch, "what do you mean 'hard for him to take in'" I frowned.

"You're trynna Tell me, angel, that you've never seen him around the compound? Never heard him talking on the phone, never thought 'oh he has a familiar voice' ? He and I talk daily and you say you've never heard or seen it." MY father shouted.

"No? What is he to you anyway?" I shouted back.

"I took him under my wing 2 years ago, he's like a son to me. He's got a secret that he needs to tell you in his own time." My dad explains aggressively.

"And you dont expect him to know of me?" I pursed my lips.

"No! He's so thick if he saw you he wouldn't remember where or why. Also he's passed out, I can't exactly shout at him." He scrunched up his face.

"Mr stark?" I heard peter say quietly.

"Peter." My father answered.

"Does this mean I'm kicked out the avengers?" He sounded so heartbroken.


"hi angel im spiderman." Peter said awkwardly.

"no peter. You're an avenger still."

"Anyway I think I'm gonna pretend that didn't happen for now and give peter the talk I came here to give him, not the 'your dating my daughter talk.'" He explained. "Angel, go home."

And with that I left, But I didn't go home.

Peters POV

I want to hug him. I want to cry. I want to break up with angel. no I don't. I panicked. What did he want to speak to me about?

"Basically peter, you are our eyes and ears for the streets of New York. You keep this city safe, but you haven't been doing that recently. Obviously you have a distraction, hopefully now she knows who you are she won't have you all the time." Stark lectured.

"I'm so sorry, I've been really confused recently. I don't know what's going on, I feel useless. I just don't feel like an avenger. But I guess that's just how it's shaped up to be." I looked down, "why didn't you tell me about her?"

"Because, Peter, I was afraid this would happen. And now I'm gonna ask you something that's probably out of line but if you're feeling how you say you are, you need to do this." He laid out, I nodded slowly, "quit school and live at the compound?"

"What? Why?"

"It's the only way I can see you being happy with your spiderman persona. You can't keep juggling between school, love and duty. You have to choose and you are not quitting duty. I'm not letting you quit love it will be too awkward. And to be honest, peter, we need you."

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