Chapter eight

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Angels POV

Peter had been locked in his room for a week and a half, we think anyway. We wouldn't knew if he snuck out. Since finding out webs don't condone teleportation he's webbed his room walls, I think. I can't teleport in there anyway.

I just feel so bad for him, he thought he was a-okay. He thought he was all better. Hell, I'm pretty sure he'd forgotten he had this problem. And now it's all come crashing down on him, it's shit really.

"You look panicked, you have looked panicked for a few days, Angel. What's up?" My dad said, handing me a mug of coffee as he sat down next to me.

"Just worried about peter." I say, smiling a little and taking a sip of my coffee.

"I know how you feel. Wanna talk about it?" He sighed.

"Im not sure. Do you wanna know what he asked me?" I said, thinking it was the right time to bring it up.

He nodded, noticing my tone change more serious, "he asked me for my opinion on whether he should put himself back in a mental hospital." I tell him, watching my fathers expression change from intrigue, to complete confusion and worry.

"Why would he think anyone would want that?"

"He thinks he's a threat to all of us"

"Angel, do you think he's actually in his room?" My dad said concerningly.

"I don't know but we can't get in there. If it's webbed shut, we're gonna need more than just us."

My dad grabbed his phone and started ringing banner.

"Hey banner. I need your there anyway we can dissolve webs? there's a wall between us and the webs...oh okay...makes sense...bye."

"You're an idiot." I say quietly.

"Try and get in peters room to see if the webs have dissolved. I'm gonna grab cap." He said, leaving the room with me but going different ways.

Tony's POV

I knocked hard on caps door.

"What do you want, stark?" He said impatiently, but I obviously looked how I felt as I saw his expression change as he looked up.

"Have you heard peter at all recently?"

"No, but I haven't given it much thought, he usually is crashing around a lot, why?" He answered, confused.

When I didn't answer he felt the need to push, "Tony if somethings going on I need to know."

"Peter hasn't left his room for over a week and right before he asked angel if she thinks he should to back to a hospital and we just aren't convinced he's in there." I rambled quietly.

"Can't Angel teleport in there?"

"Thats how we know it's webbed. You can't teleport in/out of webs."

"That's bad. Do you think the three of us could get in. With mine an angels strength and if you suit up, we could break through." Cap suggested, I nodded. I had the same idea.

I gestured for Steve to come out his room and over to the next door, "i can't get in." Angel told us.

"You two try."

The heroes with super strength both pulled on the door but achieved nothing, Angel and cap gave eachother knowing looks before both slamming into the door. "YES!" Angel exclaimed.

"Thanks Rogers." I whispered, walking in to peters room as he walked out, "he's not here." I said to angel, stating the obvious.

"He's left all his stuff here. His suit, all his clothes." My daughter observed.

"Which means he's coming back right?" Steve said from outside.

"No, it means he doesn't need them."

"Stark! Stark!" I heard the familiar voice of banner say as he appeared in the doorway.

"What banner?" I said impatiently

"I don't think peter has split personality."

"What do you think it is?"

"I'm not sure. I'm gonna try and turn him. But we're gonna need a few of the avengers to sit in on it."

"Well who?" I ask

"You, Cap, Bucky, wanda, Shuri, Nat."

"We have to find him. Angel, can you teleport to him?" I ask my daughter.

"Yeah. But I'm not going on my own."

"I'll come." I suggest.

"Now?" She raised her brows. Banner nodded, "let me go on my own first to make sure he's on his own." She said as she disappeared. None of us had really seen her teleport properly. But we expected it to take a few minutes. But within thirty second she was back.

"I got him. He was asleep, alone. It would be easy. Let's put him somewhere secure." Angel sad handing the boy to me.

"How are we planning on turning him?" I ask banner.

"well I'm hoping that the fact that we've taken him out of where he wanted to be, strapped him in a chair, in a dark room. And he'll be able to see with his spider senses that there is no way out until we let him out. If that doesn't turn him, I have an idea but I can't tell you." Banner explained but then spoke eerily.

"Okay..." I frowned, I know he knows what he's doing.

"Cap can you get everyone I asked for?" Banner asked not taking his eyes off me as i put peter in the chair and did up his cuffs.

"Refresh my memory on who?" Cap smiled.

"Bucky, Wanda, Shuri, Nat" Banner sighed as Steve went off.


banner had all his equipment out, and everyone cap fetched was here.

"Why are we the specific people that were called to observe banner?" Nat asked, obviously this had interrupted.

"I'm not saying. But I can't believe you haven't worked it out. I believe you guys can help me figure out peter." Bruce explained vaguely..."you know what? Cap fetch Sam. Quickly." Banner ordered.

Cap nodded, going and returning with Sam less that 3 minutes after.

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