How You Two Meet PART 1

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Shu :
You're an average music club member. You're very talented in playing violin and singing. People always stop by the music room to hear you perform. However, it didn't improve much for you, as in you didn't have any friends. You felt insecure and undeserved. However, whenever you fell into the music's lullaby, it made ypu forget about all of them, making you enjoying the peace of loneliness even further.
After school, you were making your way to the music room. You opened the door and saw a blonde male what seemingly to be sleeping with his head against the wall behind the door. You bend down a little and looked at him carefully. 'Who is he...?' you thought to yourself. "Excuse me, but can you please step aside? I need to enter this room." you called him off. No response. "Hey!" you yelled. He slowly open his eyes and you were surprised by the beautiful eye colour. "What do you want?" he said coldly. "Please step aside. I need to get in." "If you want to, just leap over. Now be quiet and leave me alone." he said harshly. You pouted angrily and sighed. You lept over him and enter the room, as you carefully close the door behind you. You decided to ignore him and just focus on taking your violin. 'I need to focus on practicing for the upcoming school festival after all. I can't let him distract me.' you thought. You pick up your note sheet and carefully memorize it. You place it back and begin to play the instrument accordingly to the notes you memorized. The soothing melodies fills the room. It drives you into a peaceful state of mind, forgetting everything. So much, in fact, it made you barely realize that he was listening and watching
you perform with that violin. He small smiled and begin to fell deeply into the melodies.
As you finished, he claps slowly. You snap out of it and realized he was still here. He was listening to your performance. "Y-You're still here...?" you asked, blushing in embarrassment. He chuckled lightly. "You're impressive, for such a woman. I hope I'd get to listen to it more."

Reiji :
A huge nerd. Yeah, that's what people call you in class. No, it's not like you're hated for being like that. It's your 'nickname', rather. You're a short bookworm who's wearing glasses all the time. A lot of people find you 'adorable'. However, you were very quiet and shy, which just adds up more to your cuteness.
You always stick inside the library at every opportunity. You love to read a lot, and you'd often pick a lot of books to read. Everyone thinks it's adorable to see you bringing a few stacks of books on your hands, lifting and struggling against the weight of the books.
You are in a library right now, still searching for another book. You finally found it but you couldn't reach it. You struggled to reach it. Eventually, a hand reaches out and took it. "Here." a soft-spoken and gentle voice said. You took it. "T-thanks..." you said nervously. You couldn't see who it was. The stacks of books blocks your vision. You turned around and accidentally tripped onto something and fell (big fat clutz cliche). You fell on your knees and groaned in pain. You look at the mess you've made and begin to pick up the scattered books. As you were to reach out on one of the books, a hand grabbed it first, causing your hand to be on top of the hand. You look on who it was and it was a dark raven haired male. You began to blush and look away.
"T-thanks for helping me... again..." you said nervuously. "It is my pleasure, Y/n." "W-wha...! How did you know my name...?" "We're classmates. I believe we have yet to meet. I'm Reiji, Reiji Sakamaki."

Ayato :
One of the sporty students in the school. Your most skilled sports was basketball. You've participated in multiple competitions and always seem to win. Lots of people admired you and your skills.
One day, you were practicing alone in the gym. You were doing a few shoots before leaving home. You managed to land the last shot but it fell down and accidentally hit a male student, walking by. "Oww...!" he groaned. You quickly rushed to him, who was knelting down. "Are you alright?? I'm sorry!" you apologized. He looked at you and smirked. "Heh, did you really think it'd affect me?" he said. You were surprised and pouted. Both of you stood up. "Aren't you that basketball kid?" "Yeah. I'm Y/n." "Huh... you're flat chested..." he said seriously. You blushed in embarrassment and covered your chest. He chuckled. "I'm Ayato. Well, see ya around, Pancakes!"

Kanato :
A member of a cooking club is most certainly something. You're especiallized in baking sweets. Your parents were former bakers so you wanted to follow their footstepts. Right now, however, you're just taking your process on improving.
That evening, everyone already went home but you're still in the cooking clubroom. "Ah!" you groaned in pain. You accidentally cut your finger while you were cutting up some strawberries. It was a pretty loud groan, too. "Who was that?" a cold voice said angrily. He definitely sound angry. You ignored it and suck up your wounded finger. He took a peek and saw you. "What are you doing here?" a childish cold voice spoke. You noticed and turn your direction towards it. It was a boy with short lavendet hair. "Uhm..." "What's wrong with your finger?" he snatched your wounded finger and scans it carefully. You were nervous of what he'll do. "Thag must've been painful." he said pitifully. He then sucks up your finger. You could feel your face burning up.
"T-thanks... but you really didn't have to..." you said. "Don't think I'm concerned about you. I actually came here because of the sweet smell. Say, what're you baking right now?" he said. "I'm making a strawberry cheesecake! One of my favourite desserts. I've made the batter, would you like some?" you offered. He nods. You took a spoon of batter and gave it to him. "Mmh... it's sweet." "Right?? I'm Y/n, by the way. What's yours?" "Kanato... Kanato Sakamaki. Can you make one for me too?"

Laito :
You were just an ordinary human, nobody special. You weren't famous or anything. But there was a student in your school who is popular, even you know who it is. His name is Laito, Laito Sakamaki. He's mostly popular among girls, and they fangirl all over him because of his appearances. Rumors say he actually asks people out but then broke up because he was interested in other girls. Basically, a player. Nobody knows why would he keeps doing such a horrible act. But in either, way you weren't interested in him in the slightest.
You were taking out your books from your locker when all of a sudden a hand pinned you against the locker. You immediately recognized it. It belongs to Laito. You spun around and he really is pinning you against the lockers. "My, my, what's a cute fellow like you doing here all alone? Say, where are you headed? I'll guide you~." he said. You feel disgusted and cringed. “No thanks. I'll go by myself.” you said and shoved him away, then proceeds to walk away. He smirked at this sight. “How amusing~. She's an interesting one~.”

Subaru :
A rumor spread around school just now. There was a wild delinquent behind the school. A huge loner who despises crowds and would go angry towards anyone. He's a fierce one. Unfortunately for you, your cleaning duty was to take out the trash behind the school to the incinerator. You began to sweat buckets nowadays.
You were nervous. You walk to the back of the school and saw that guy in the rumors. He was leaning against the wall, seemingly sleeping. You carefully sneak past him but to no avail he took your wrist and pulled you to him. “What do you think you're doing?!” he growled. “I-I just came to take out the trash... please excuse me.” you said calmly. The heck are you thinking? Are you trying to pacify this wild beast? He looked at you angrily. “Please let me go. I'm not here to bother you or anything.” you added but it didn't please him. “You seem lonely. Say, what's your name? I'm Y/n.” you said, trying to stay calm. “What's it to you anyway?!” “Well, I was thinking maybe we could be friends? I think you're an interesting person.” you smiled. He blushed lightly and lets you go. “S-Subaru.”

Inspired by MeiMoon, btw. Anyways, to the next part!!

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