How You Two Meet PART 2

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Part 2.

Ruki :
You're a smart student. You get great grades on every lesson. But you're still on the second rank. The first rank goes to Ruki, Ruki Mukami. From that day forward, your goal was to achieve the first rank.
During the mid-terms you were studying very hard to achieve the first rank. You wanted to beat that Ruki guy fair and square. You hoped you'd finally be able to achieve the first rank.
Results came in and to you surprise you're finally in the first rank. You cheered and jumped. But you hear a light scoff from someone. You turn to see that it was the Ruki guy. "Interesting. But just so you know, this isn't over yet."

Kou :
"Settle down, students! I'd like to inform that we will have a new student joining us today." the teacher said. Everyone's chatter grew. They were curious on who it may be. While you seem pretty uninterested. You only focus on your drawings. "Come inside." "Thanks, m'am. I'm Kou, Kou Mukami. Nice to meet you all." he said and winked at them. All of the girls began to squeal an fangirl all over him. You could only feel annoyed but little did you know he was staring at you.
It was lunchtime. You exit your class and made your way to the cafeteria.
Suddenly, you bumped into someone. But then he catches you in his arms. You opened your eyes and blushed slightly. It was Kou who caught you. "Whoa, there. Be careful and watch where you're going. You could've hurt yourself, y'know." he said cheerfully. I stood silent. "Oh, aren't you that girl back at class? Well nice to meet you!" "T-thanks... I'm Y/n." "Y/n, huh... what a cute name! From now on, let's be good friends."

Yuma :
Nobody special, really. Just an average student in the school. You really love all sorts of plants. A hella science freak. And you're adventurous. That's what adds up.
One day, you were walking casually around the school. You heard a grunt and some ruffling noises from the Gardening area. You took a peek and saw a male there, kneeling down and seem to be picking up some sprouts (can't describe his appearance and I suck at gardening so forgive me lul). "What's wrong?" you spoke. He was surprised and turns around. "Huh? What're you doing here?" "I heard you. You seem to be angry of something. What's wrong?" "Ugh, it's just the bad sprouts that kept growing on my field. If they're not cut out, the plants will die eventually." "Oh my. Then, please let me help you." "Huh?" "I'll help. Please." you pleaded. He looks away for a bit and nods. "I'm Yuma, Yuma Mukami."

Azusa :
You're a survivor of abuse and suicide. You've been suicidal since young times because you were abused by your parents. At first you couldn't stand it and begin to wound yourself. But then your parents was finally arrested for child abuse. You feel relieved and slowly stop hurting yourself. You feel free as heck, and you were hoping to help those who suffered suicidal thoughts and dream to be a psychiatric.
One time you were walking past the hallway, on your way to study psychology in the library then you heard a sharp breath from around the corner. You were confused and take a peer around the corner. You were surprised by a male who was cutting himself with a seemingly sharp knife and bleeding hardly to the point of forming a pool of blood. You gasped in shock and ran to him. "What are you doing?!" you said. He looks at you. He looks very gloomy. "Please don't hurt yourself. Here, I'll take you to the infirmary." you said as you picked him up and placed him on your shoulders. Throughout those times, he has been staring at you, wondering why would you save him.

Shin :
An average kid with an average degree. Yep, what people would say. You're a target of bullying, basically. It's because you didn't seem ‘special’ to a certain group of people. You'd get mocked or tripped by them. But in the end, you always stood strong.
One point, you were about to leave the school to go home. Suddenly, you were being dragged by two people. “Hey! Let me go!” you yelled but they didn't care. You were irritated as heck. What's their problem?!
“Heh, you finally brought her to me.” an annoying familiar voice said in pride. Ugh, you know who it is. It's the so-called, ‘king of the school’. You seriously never liked his arrogance and the way he underestimates others. “Now, now, my little pet, I have a special order for you.” he said. Your anger increased wit every little word he said. “I dare you to lick my boots. And you shall leave.” he taunted. Everyone there laughed at you who was kneeling down. You finally snapped. You couldn't hold it anymore and unleashed your burdened anger. “That's it! I've had enough of your sick games! You think you can order me around like I'm your favourite guinea pig, huh?! Well guess what? I'm not a weak-*ss b*tch you bastards thought. If you think you can control me, control yourself first!” you yelled. Everyone there was stunt, even that arrogant bastard. You calmed down a little and left. Let's just say, he was fazed and took an interest on you.

Carla :
Just a normal student. Nobody special, of course. However, you have a lot of friends and you all cared deeply for eachother. For short, you had a normal and fine life.
You were in a library, looking for a book for a studying group. You found it but someone else snatched it first and ignored you, and sat down. You were irritated so you approached him. You poked his shoulder to get his attention. "Hey, can you hand me the book? I need it." you said calmly. He ignored you. "Hello! Could you hand me over that book??" you begin to sound sarcastic and yet he continued to ignore you. You growled under your breath. But then you sighed. "Y'know what?" you then increased your courage and snatch it away. He was stunned. "Hmph." you pouted and walks away happily, humming along the way. Surprisingly, he wasn't mad. It feels intentional, though.

Kino :
You're a huge NEET. You love to play any types of games and animes. You were forced by your parents to go to school because otherwise you'd lose all of your favourite consoles to use. You're antisocial because you're very introverted and it's difficult to find friends like you. You became a nervous wreck and a shy person.
At one point you were just walking down the stairs. You accidentally stumble upon a person who was sitting on the stairs whilst playing a game on a phone. He had short black hair. He seems to be in a serious situation. You subconsciously got interested and watched him play. “Yes! I finally beat it!” he cheered. He seemed happy as heck for beating the game. “Wow. What's that game?” you asked suddenly. He was a little surprised by your presence. “Uhh... this? It's a shooting game. Wanna try it?” “Wow, really? Sure!” you took it and take your try. Let's just say, you two really end up well.

Reee! After this is ‘You Two Became Friends’. It was difficult to figure out the fitting scenarios for the bois so I hope you liked the ideas.

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