You Two Became Friends PART 2

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Ruki :
You two may have been competing with eachother for the first rank, but in all honesty you two became close with one another. You two admired eachother's skills and begin to study together. You were merely impressed by his intelligence, especially in math and history. While he was surprised by your especiallized knowledge in science and language. You two decided to work together and improve one another.
“So then this is the French Revolution, huh?” “Yes. And that's how you wrote the classifications in a bigger scale, is it not?” “Mhm. It's fairly easy.” you said, giving him a reassuring smile. He seemed to smile back. “Looks like we're going to have an interesting relationship.”

Kou :
You first became friends after a few weeks after his arrival to the school. It was crowded as heck. Lots of fangirls and paparazzis (Idk if I spelled it correctly man. Too lazy to search it up) came to the school to interview, asking autographs, and a bunch more. Then he finally had enough.
You were enterring the school like normal, when suddenly you were being pulled by someone. You struggle to break free but his grip was strong. “Calm down, Y/n. It's just me.” he said calmly. You begin to calm down as well. “Geez, you scared me, Kou.” “Ahah! Sorry. Anyways, I need your help avoiding them.” “What?? Why me of all people...?” “You're the only one I could think of who doesn't fangirl all over me. So can you at least try and help me hide? I know it seems pathetic and all...” he plainly said. You pitied him. Must be tired from being famous. You smiled and pat his back. "I'll help ya, don't worry!" you cheered him. He lits up and cheered. “Thank you so much, Y/n!” he said.
Then now he starts to walk on your right, full in disguise. “But you know you won't be able to avoid the fangirls inside the class, right?” “Nah, it's fine. At least I'm no swarmed like ants.” he joked. It made you two happy.

Yuma :
You two started to be great friends! You'd often visit him to see how he's doing with the gardenings while also helping him cut out the bad sprouts.
One day you were walking past the gardening area to visit Yuma. You saw him with some supplies and looking towards the ground, seemingly to be thinking. You approached him who's still lost in thought. “Hey, Yuma? What're you doing?” you asked him suddenly. “Oh, Y/n. I'm just thinking what to plant on this empty field.” he said calmly. "What seeds do you have?" "Huh, let's see..." he hummed as he look through his bag of seeds. "I've got some tulips, carrots, potatoes... and that's it. Any suggestion?" he said, full of determination. You smiled at his ambition. "Why not the tulips? What colours do you have?" "I have orange and red as of current." "Then we'll go for red!" you said enthusiastically. He smiled widely. "Alright. Then let's get started."

Azusa :
You two are technically friends now. But you've been only treating his wounds he formed day by day. You seriously start to question where did he receive those knives.
"Azusa? Where are you?" you called. No response. Strange, he'd usually sit in the corner of the hall, cutting himself. Then you heard a sharp inhale coming from a room near that corner. You slowly approached the room. You then knock carefully. "Azusa? Are you in there?" you called calmly, but it seems like he ignored you. You decided to barge in and saw Azusa cutting himself. As expected. He was surprised to see you barging in. "Azusa! Stop that." you said and approached him. You look at his arms that were bandaged begin to bled again. He just stared at you. "Why do you  keep cutting yourself?" you asked. He became silent. "I... want to... be useful for... the others... by cutting myself..." he finally responds. "No that's not how you make yourself useful, Azusa. You have to help them by doing kind things." you explained vaguely. "Doing... kind things...?" "Anyway, where the heck did you get all those knives from??" you asked, avoiding his question. "... It's... my collection... Look..." he said as he stood up and approached a casing. He opened it and showed a collection of knives, with patterned handles. You gasped in shock. "You're collecting knives...?" "Yes... it's... something special to me..." he spoke. You sighed. You can't help other than treating his wounds, it seems. "But what made you like this?" you pressed, but he went silent. You sighed again. "C'mon, let's go to the infirmary. I'll treat your wounds, if you don't wanna talk about it." you said as you grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the infirmary.

Shin :
After that time you snapped, he began bothering you like crazy. No, not bullying you or anything. Well, sometimes, but he mostly just comes by and teased you endlessly. You were completely annoyed and scoffs him, telling him to leave you alone. Knowing him, he didn't listen. Sometimes even flirting with you. You honestly wasn't comfortable with him around, but sometimes you feel entertained, seeing him trying to get your attention.
One point, he came by, bothering you as usual. “Hey, have you finished the homework?” “What if I did?” you scoffed. “Now, now, no need to be so rude. I just came by to see if you'd help me with it.” “What, you'd expect me to lend it to you so you can copy it? Psh, yeah, right.” yet another scoff. You walk away and kept nagging you. You honestly don't want to care at all.
It felt like he stopped. You sighed in relief but you realized you're not in a safe zone. There were bad-looking people there. You slowly step back and tried to escape but one of them got you. “Heh, where do you think you're going?” “Let go of me!” “When you just enter our territory like that? That's rude, y'know?” another said. The entire group approached you close. You struggle to break free, hoping someone would save you.
Then suddenly, the strong grips that held you tight was released.
You openned your eyes and saw Shin beating the heck out of them. "Neither of you can touch her! She's mine!" he yelled. You were immensely surprised. He actually protected you. You're stunned, don't know what to do. "Hey, you okay?" he asks calmly. "I'm fine... t-thanks..." you said nervously. Things became awkward. "Why did you do that?" "No biggie, just wanna do it and all..." he said, looking away. "Looks like I owe you some gratitude."

Carla :
You met this guy for awhile and he kept rudely snatch your most-needed books first. You didn't really like it and when you confront him, he ignores you completely. It wasn't a pleasant time.
One time yoi were walking down the hallways, lost in thought. Suddenly you bumped into someone. You then fell backwards. You looked up and saw that guy you always despise. You feel angry yet embarrassed at the same time for some reason. He then offers his hand for you. You blushed lightly and took it. You stood up and clean yourself up. "Thanks..." you said. Looking him upclose, he isn't bad looking as he was. Under that seemingly mask, he small smiled at you. "Y/n, right?" he spoke gently. You were startled a little. He chuckled lightly. He pat your shoulder as he walks past. "Carla, nice to meet you." he whispered, and left. You just stood there, stunned.

Kino :
After you two met, you two became great gamer friends. You two spend time together playing phone games. Turns out you two have a lot in common and the two of you learnt eachother's names.
One day you were looking for him, with your phone in hand to play together again. Suddenly a hand grabbed your other open wrist. You turn around and saw Kino. "Oh, hey! I've been looking for you." "Really? I'm also looking for you. Anyways, listen, I'd like to offer you something." "Eh? What is it?" "Want to watch me play baseball?" "Whaat?? You can play baseball?" "That's right. So what do you say?" "Hmm... sure. Why not?"
You followed him to the field after he changed into his uniform. He didn't look half-bad in anything, really. He's handsome the way he is. "You go sit over there. Cheer on for me, alright?" he said, winked at me. I blushed lightly and nodded.
You sat on the audience seat and cheered for him who was playing as the pitcher. He was smiling with confidence. You had to admit, he's very skilled in this sports. You wondered if you could be the same.
You met up with him after the game. "Wow! You were incredible there!" you awed. "Heh, thanks. You're a great cheerleader, y'know?" "Meh, not really. Hey, I was hoping if maybe you could teach me sports?" "You're interested? Sure then." he said happily. You cheered and return back to the school building together.
(I found a image in the internet featuring Kino, saying that he's good at baseball. I'd assume it's a headcanon but if it's canon, I'm blown off to smitherenes (hope I spelled it correctly))

Yay! Sorry for the wait. Hope you enjoyed.

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