You Two Became Friends PART 1

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I'll be honest, I really like Shu. So I'm excited to write stuff about him lololol. But all of these vamps are hoooooooooot--
Shu :
You've recently met him like 2 days ago. He still came in the music room just to sleep or listen to you singing or playing the violin. You start to ignore him because it'll just delay your practice. You asked some of your 'fans' and they'll respond with a bunch of squeals and such. Is he really this famous? But in either way, you appreciate the fact he appreciates your performances. Though you weren't hoping for more, despite the fact he sometimes teased you by taking the violin and then raise it up high so you can't reach it.
One day, you finally decided to leave for home. It was a rough time you had since you were listening to his violin performance, then he caught you, and you immediately left, pretending it had never happened. You went to the bus stop to wait for a bus to go home. You sat there, waiting whilst looking through your phone when suddenly it starts to rain. "Ah... dang it. I didn't bring my umbrella either..." you mumbled. "What are you doing here?" a familiar voice said. You lift your head and saw him. "..." you stayed silent and lowered your head. "I... I was waiting for a bus to go home." you finally responded. He sighed and places his blazer (I think?) over your shoulders. "You'll catch a cold, y'know." he said quietly. You begin to blush lightly. He then offers his earbuds to you and you nodded. "T-thanks..." you said. He sighed. "What a pain you are, but I guess I wouldn't want it any other way. Shu, Shu Sakamaki." "Y/n..." then the two of you fell into the music's melodies.

Reiji :
You feel somewhat nervous today. Maybe because there'll be a practical test. You were nervous to the point of studying for no reason. You were also curious on who'll your partner be.
"Alright, students. As you are all well-informed there will be a practical test about the plants you could find around the school yards and then you write down your reports and you submit them to me. You'll work in pairs. I'll decide the pairs." the teacher explained. Everyone whined by the fact they can't choose themselves. But you were incredibly nervous. Who'll it be? Is it that guy, Reiji, you met yesterday? Your mind is flown with guesses until your name was called. "...Y/n and Reiji, and then..." they said. You were stunned. You feel much more nervous because... well... he's--
"Now that's out of the way, I expect good reports. You have 1 hour and it starts now." the teacher added. Everyone begin to rush downstairs with their partners. Only you and Reiji takes it calmly.
"Then this..." you mumbled to yourself. You're like working on your own, but Reiji was paying attention to you. "Impressive, that's a lot of plant names." Reiji praised out of nowhere as you were writing the classifications (taxonomy is kinda crappy, tbh). You turn your attention to Reiji in surprise. You then bkush lightly after realizing on what he said before. "Thanks... I really like plants. I think they have interesting species types and unique shapes." "I see. It is rather, interesting. I feel honored to work with you, hu- Y/n." he said. You tilt a little but then shrugs it off. You two continued to write the reports.

Ayato :
After you two met, both of you began to practice more frequently together, especially when you know there's an upcoming practical test on the basketball material, partnerred too. "Heh, you're not half-bad." "You too, Ayato." you said. "I'm sure we'll beat them no problem!" you said, determined. He smirked. "Of course we will. We're the best, after all." he said. You didn't like the sound of arrogance in it, but it's Ayato so it can't be helped, it seems.
It's the day of the test. You two were pumped up as heck, excited and nervous.
"Alright, let's settle this once and for all. I'll call 2 pairs I partnered last week to fought with one another. A fair and square fight, correct steps, and high points will have a high score." the teacher explained. Everyone begin to chatter with excitement. "Oi, N/n!" "Don't call me that!" "Whatever. Just a reminder, if we lose, then I'll most definitely never forgive you." "Why is it my fault??" "Huh!" "Settle down! Now beginning from the first round..."
Time skip because I suck at sports
"The pair with the highest score is... Ayato and Y/n! Congratulations. You two were nearly dethroned by Azuki's and Reina's pair." the teacher praised. The both of you cheered happily. You then offered him a high-five. He noticed. He was nervous at first but then decides to high-five back. Further on you two became close.

Kanato :
After that strange encounter, Kanato came to visit you often. You'd usually hang around the cooking room so he'd go there. You'd hang around there to bake up sweets like cakes or cupcakes.
At one point, Kanato entered the cooking club. He saw you thinking to yourself. “What are you doing?” he asked suddenly. You turn your head to his direction. “Ah, just thinking on what to bake.” you replied. “Why not bake an apple pie? Apples is my favourite fruit, after all.” he creepily smiled but you nodded in agreement, ignoreing the creepiness behind it.
“Do you know how to bake, Kanato-kun?” “No...” (idk if he can bake so forgive me) he replied, hugging his teddy tighter. You sighed happily. “Well, come closer. I'll teach you how to. This time, we'll bake a nice apple pie, like what you wanted.” you said cheerfully. He feels like he wants to shut you up but something prevents him from doing so.
Time skip because I suck at baking too ;-;
“And done! You can add whip cream or apple jam for decoration.” you said as you pulled out the apple pie from the microwave  (lol forgive me if I'm wrong). He looks surprised. You smiled happily. “C'mon, let's eat together.” you offered. He smiled happily. “Thank you. I really think I like to be with you.”

Laito :
Laito have been teasing you ever since you two encounter eachother for the first time. You were slightly annoyed because he kept flirting you in any way possible. But then it usually just gets him into trouble. You were relieved knowing he kept getting into trouble, but something else might've been a problem.
Y'see, all those times he flirts with you, his fangirls strikes in by throwing death glares at you. And that's a huge problem for you.
Why? You were technically bullied. Those fangirls were obviously jealous of how much Laito gave you attention more than them. Eh, guess it's what happens for being the lucky girl of a popular person.
One time, Laito exits out of detention. He passes an empty classroom, with a door slightly half-opened. He peered inside and saw you in there, what seemingly to be drawing. He carefully entered and watched you draw. Your hand moved gracefully as strokes were formed smoothly out of your pencil (oof it doesn't make sense!). “My, aren't you a talented one, Little Bitch.” he spoke suddenly. You flinched a little. “Ugh, why are you here? Leave me alone.” “Aww, you hurt me. Don't you want my accompany?” he teased. You rolled your eyes and ignored him. He then notices you were wearing a jacket, which isn't usual. “Why are you wearing a jacket?” he asked calmly. “Why do you care?” “It's unusual, isn't it?” he replied. He then grabbed your arm forcefully and rolled the sleeve up. You groaned but he ignored it. He was surprised, seeing you covered in bandages. “Oww! It hurts, you idiot!” “Why're you all bandaged up?” he asked, seemingly mad. “Your dumb fangirls kept intruding the hell out of me.” you scoffed. He then releases you. “Oh... alright. Thanks for the information.” he said then left. You were confused. Why did he suddenly do that?
The next few days after that evening, those fangirls stopped bothering you. They still fangirl over Laito but they ignored you completely without acknowledging any ounce of your very existence. You then feel more calm. It seems like you owe him thanks and an apology.

Subaru :
You came to behind the school a lot more than just your cleaning duty. You kept your promise with Subaru and hung out with him a lot more, trying to keep him accompanied. At first, he treats you coldly, acting rude and being cold towards you (oof, tsundere alert). You kept persuating him however, and he eventually warmed up to you.
One day, after school, you went to behind the school as promised. However, you saw Subaru heading towards a forest nearby. Without any warning you followed him, wondering on where he'll go.
He stopped at a lake, surrounded by blue rose bushes. He sat near the lake and watched over the scenery. You mentally awed, admiring the beauty you've discovered. Then, some small puppies and kittens come towards him and a few sat on his lap. He small smiled and gently stroked them. ‘Aww! Subaru is so cute like this! So warm, peaceful, and gentle.’ you thought to yourself. You were about to approach him but you accidentally stepped on a branch, caused him to flinch. He turns around and saw you. Both of you froze, staring at eachother awkwardly in the midst of silence. “Were you following me?!” he growled. “I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to.” you apologized. He wants to yell again, but he can't for some reason. He just sighed and looks away, blushing in embarrassment. You giggled quietly. “My, I never knew you know about this sort of place. It's beautiful, Subaru.” you said as you walk towards him and sat next to him. He kept silent, still blushing. “You really like pets, huh? They look adorable!” you added as you pick one of the puppies and cuddle with it. He looked at you and find you adorable. “I-I actually plan to bring you here...” he said silently. “Oh really? Guess I broke the surprise.” “You were late!” he yelled, whilst blushing. You couldn't help but giggle. You two then spent the day, sitting next to eachother, admiring the beautiful scenery.

Finally finished. Took me awhile, sorry. But hope y'all enjoyed it!

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