(6) Crowds

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Jung Hoseok:

I'm sorry.


I forgive you.

Yoongi wasn't sure what else he could say. He had woken up to this text from the blonde. What happened yesterday wasn't as much of a concern to Yoongi anymore. He hadn't minded letting Hoseok sleep, but his partner obviously still minded.

The memory of Hoseok's hair tickling his neck, the gentle breaths the younger loosed through his partially open mouth, how he buried his head into the dip of Yoongi's collarbone. He remembered his hair smelt nice. Tangy, citrus-like.

But perhaps it was embarrassing for Hoseok.

To wake up on the shoulder of a person who you didn't like all that much. How humiliating, right?

Conflicted, Yoongi sighed.


Want to meet up and discuss locations?

Jung Hoseok:

Yes, that would be good. 

What time are you free?


Friday night.

Jung Hoseok:

I'm free then as well :)



We can't meet at my apartment again.



I'm sorry.


My roommate has "company" over.

It's not anything to do with you.

I said I forgive you.


I'm really sorry.


I know.

He keeps apologising, Yoongi's eyes crinkle in rue.

He didn't like how Hoseok kept regretting what happened. Did he have to make it so obvious?

Yeah, he doesn't like you, Yoongi scoffs. What made you think your ears and tail drove people away? It's just you.


Stop apologising.

Where are we meeting?

Jung Hoseok:

We could go to a diner.


I don't do crowds.

Jung Hoseok:


Oh, sorry.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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