Chapter 5 -Experiencing the role

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(Goldy's POV)

I don't know how, I'm just on the ceiling!

Galaxy: Goldy!

Me: Galaxy, look at me! Imma sloth!

Galaxy: What's a sloth?

Me: Only the best creature to exist!

Galaxy: Really!

Me: Yea!

Crystal: Galaxy, where's Goldy?

Galaxy: On the ceiling.

Crystal: How?!

Galaxy: We don't know.

Me: Hya!

Crystal: Ugh. I'll order a Lapis to get you down.

Me: Imma gonna jump~
I sang that sentence

Crystal: Don't!

Galaxy: I seriously don't think you should!

Me: Here I go!

Crystal and Galaxy: NO!
I then jumped and landed on my feet, not a scratch on me!

Crystal: Thank goodness you weren't hurt.

Me: So why did you need me?

Crystal: I need to show you to your room.

Galaxy: You're going to leave me alone?

Crystal: I can get your pearl...oh.

Galaxy: What?

Crystal: See, the other diamonds have pearls, but yours went missing.

Galaxy: Wait, are they rocks or people?

Crystal: Both.

Me: What?!

Crystal: You'll get used to this. Anyway, I'll get you a new pearl. In the meantime, one of these ruby guards can be around you.

Me: So that's what those things are!

Crystal: Please follow me. Ruby facet H473 please stand by Galaxy.

Ruby H473: Who?


Ruby H473: Oooooooh. My bad.


Me: What does that mean?

Crystal: She'll die if she slips up again, especially in front of a diamond.

Me: W-what?!

Crystal: Just pretend that never happened. I'll escort you to your room.

We walked for a while. Then I saw a yellow door. We walked inside and it looked like a sauna!

Me: This is my room!

Crystal: Yes.

Me: Can I get video games?!

Crystal: Anything you like.

Me: Really!?

Crystal: Affirmative.

Me: Ok so I want a bed, a gaming center, a huge pool-

Crystal: Unicorn has a pool in his room.

Me: Really!?

Crystal: Yes. Now please continue.

Me: Ok so I also want sloth plushies, jungle themed stuff to make this the perfect room, balloons, and can you call my dad to get my gold here?

Crystal: I'll add that to the stuff to get on Earth. What is "my dad's" number?

Me: No, not someone named "my dad", but my dad.

Crystal: I do not get what you're going at.

Me: Nevermind, I'll call him myself. I'll tell him that I'm more special than Tina!

Crystal: Here, I'll get you an Earth communication device.
She then summoned a phone from her forehead.

Me: WOW!

Crystal: This is one of my powers.

Me: Does everyone here have powers!?

Crystal: Yes. You diamonds have the greatest power above us gems.

Me: Ok, um..hey, can you leave?

Crystal: Of course.
She then left. I called my dad.

Dad: Who is this?


Dad: Goldy! Where are you?

Me: I'm on another planet,

Dad: Ok, just visit for Christmas and other holidays!

Me: Ok, oh can you send me my gold?

Dad: Sure. Where though?

Me: I'll figure it out.

Dad: Ok, bye sweetie!

Me: Bye dad!

This is awesome! I got powers, which I still don't know about, but who cares! I'll be chillin with my two homies and my new friend!

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