Chapter 20 -Epilogue p.2

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(Sabre's POV)

I ran outside and non other than Origin Steve was there.

Origin: Time to end this charade!

Me and Galaxy knew we still had our gems so we at least had a chance.

Me: We at least have a chance against you.

Something was happening. Some sort of energy was coming out of my hands. I then tried to focus that energy to blast Origin. It worked. He was hit and fell to the ground.

Galaxy: Sabre, what was that!?

Me: I don't know.

Suddenly Origin's body was loosing color. The he was completely black and white.

Me: Origin, are you ok?

I know it may not have been my best decisions, but I had to know.

Overseer: Sabre, what was that power?

Me: See, long story short, me and Galaxy got infused with these gemstones that give me and Galaxy a huge amount of power and we're still trying to learn about them so we can control them.

Overseer: Well, knowing you, you'll use it for the greater good.

Me: Yep!

Galaxy: S-Sabre!

Me: What?

Galaxy: I-it's Origin, h-he's...

Origin: At your service.

Me: OH MY GOSH!!!!

Overseer: Hey, Sabre, there's something coming from the sky.

There was. It looked like a roaming eye, wait a minute, it was! It landed and out came, Pearl?

Pearl: Hey Sabre, Galaxy.

Galaxy: What are you doing here?

Pearl: I'm here to assist you in learning your power! And from what I see, it looks like you used some of it.

Me: What did I do?

Pearl: You made Origin your loyal servant.

Me: I did WHAT!?!?

Pearl: It's reversible.

Me: Oh thank goodness.

Overseer: I hope he stops attacking the steves.

Pearl: You can always regain control.

Me: Ok, I'm going to try to reverse this.

I focused the energy that I shot at him to come back to me. There was a small flash and Origin was back to normal.


Me: My powers?

Origin: Ok, let's make a deal here.

Me: What is it?

Origin: If you never do that again, I won't reset the steves.

Me: Deal!

Origin: So, where did you guys go?

Me: We went to a place called Homeworld.

Origin: Was it fun?

Me: Kinda.

Galaxy: Well, I guess everything's alright!

Me: Oh yeah, hey Overseer, why is there a cave with glow stone up on that hill?

Overseer: It belongs to a witch. (Ya'll know I gotta add Alex)


Me: An Alex!?

Galaxy: What's an Alex?

Me: Basically the counterpart of steves.

Origin then flew up to the hill. Later, him and the Alex got here.

Alex: Hi, I'm Alex.

Me: I'm Sabre.

Alex: Origin Steve told me you and Galaxy had powers beyond a Steve's.

Me: True that!

Galaxy: Well, Welcome to the team Alex!

I knew life would never be the same from now on, it would be better.

The end.

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