Chapter 8 -The Galla

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(Galaxy's POV)

Things are sooooo boring here. No one knows what fun is, and the stuff everyone wants isn't getting here for two more days! I need a sandwich now!

Suddenly Crystal showed up.

Crystal: How are you doing my Diamond?

Me: Ok, I guess.

Crystal: You seem a bit down. May I cheer you up?

Me: Sure. What does 'Pink' usually do to hang out with the other diamonds?

Crystal: She held celebrations to the diamonds accomplishments.

Me: Can we do that?

Crystal: Sure.

Me: Can there be sandwiches?!

Crystal: Unfortunately, the sandwiches won't be here for two more days.

Me: Ugh.

Crystal: I'll inform the other diamonds of this. The pearls will prepare the ball room.

Me: Ok.

Crystal: If you have anything you would like to add, please inform me.

Me: I have a question!

Crystal: Ask away.

Me: Do I get to have fun?

Crystal: What do you mean by that?

Me: Do I talk to other? Dance? Do ANYTHING?!

Crystal: You may conversant with your fellow diamonds, but you cannot dance.


Crystal: Why would want to dance?

Me: Cause it's fun.

Crystal: We don't do fun here.

Me: Well, as the new Pink Diamond, I hereby let all gems have fun!

Crystal: Terribly sorry, but only White has the power to do that.

Me: Ok, I'll let Sabre know.

Crystal: I'll make the arrangement.

Me: What?

Crystal: I'll make an arrangement for you and Sabre to meet.

Me: I can just walk over to his room and talk to him.

Crystal: You're still new here, I have been assigned to show you what's what.

Me: Can I just talk to Sabre now?

Crystal: I'll see if he has the time.

Me: Ok........

Crystal: I'll go see him now.

Me: Why can't I see him now?!

Crystal: Because pearls usually schedules it for their diamonds. I am also here to help, as your adviser.

Me: Ok, can you leave now, nothing personal, I just need to be alone.

Crystal: Alright.

She then left. Man, she's a bit creepy, always showing up to check up on us. Maybe I can order her to leave me alone, she said that we do make all tip-off the decisions around here. It's be nice to have some space away from her. Oh, I just remembered! The Galla! I can't wait! Finally, I can talk to Sabre, but I can't dance. Well I'm pretty sure Sabre will allow me to dance. Finally, I'll meet other people, and I'll be able to talk to the other two, umm, oh right, Goldy and Unicorn! Wonder what they're like, but how did they know Sabre? Did they know him before he got to the Overworld? I don't know. Maybe I should ask. Should I? Anyways, I know I'll have to make a lot of adjustments to the Galla. Wonder what I should add.

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