Chapter 7 -Adjusting

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(Sabre's POV)

I was left alone in this huge room. Even worse, Crystal left this person here, I think her name is Pearl. She just stares at me and my every movement. I guess I'll have to talk with her at one point or another.

Me: Uhhh, excuse me, Pearl? Why are you staring at me?

Pearl: .........

Me: Can you talk?

She just nodded.

Me: How was your day?

Pearl: Whatever you want it to be.

Me: Ok? So can I ask you a personal question?

Pearl: Yes.

Me: Why is your eye cracked?

Pearl: The previous White Diamond removed my flaws.

Me: What does that mean?

Pearl: She removed my flaws so I can do my purpose flawlessly, nothing to get in the way, like emotions or personality.

Me: WHAT! So your basically a mindless slave, yeesh.

Pearl: It was necessary to help perfect the empire.

Me: Is there a way to reverse this!?

Pearl: Yes, you have willingly release your control, well White's control.

Me: How hard can that be? Actually, do you know how I do that.

Pearl: You have to search for a way to get rid of the control in your head.

Me: Ok, then let's get on with this.

*In Sabre's mind*

I ended up in a blank void. I started walking and found, chains? This must be what's controlling Pearl. Do I just break them? Ok, I'll try that. How do I do that? I'm gonna try to break them apart. I pulled the chains to try to break them. They didn't break.
Me: Come on! Just break!

They then broke.

Me: That wasn't too hard.

*Outside of Sabre's mind*

I looked around and saw Pearl, but she was pink.

Me: Ummm, Pearl, are you ok.

Pearl: I'm better than ok! I'm free! Well, I still have to serve the diamonds.

Me: You don't have to work for me.

Pearl: Yes I do, otherwise I would be failing my purpose.

Me: You can do whatever you want.

Pearl: What I want? Oh no. No no no. I will only do what you want.

Me: You can do whatever, not whatever I want.

Pearl: Ok, I'll try.

She then left. This is a strange planet. What else does this world have in store for us?

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