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I keep repeating your name
Oh how it tastes like golden honey
and new beginnings
I keep repeating your name
quickly, hearing the soft jars between each letter
Oh how it drips off my tongue like
lilac scented soap on strands of wet hair
I keep repeating your name
slowly, feeling my tongue search all the corners
of my mouth during each syllable
memorizing the movements
as it continues its investigation

I keep repeating your name
because if I don't
I'm afraid I'll forget the way it sounds
like an angel after it gets a new set of wings
I'm afraid I'll forget the way it feels
like a cloud and my tongue is a raven
soaring through its cotton walls
I keep repeating your name
because if I don't
I'm afraid I'll start believing
that you're name is something I simply came up with
a word my eyes scanned in a book one time
I'm afraid I'll start believing
that you were never real
to begin with

-ken m

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