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light travels faster than sound
maybe that's why I fall for snakes disguised as daft pretty boys

I. they distract you with their crystal eyes
while they plummet knifes of deceit
into your chest with the words
they keep spitting

WARNING.  but you could never look away
because diamonds are a girls best friend
and how couldn't this boy
represent one of the most prosperous gems
when he's worth more to you
than the whole city of Oz

II. because while you got caught
in the web that is his gaze
he's already got you in the palm of his hand

WARNING. but you're too oblivious
to realize the claws piercing through his fingertips
that could fool you for opalescent pearls
like the ones you used to wear around you're neck
that made you feel as divine as Thetis
(but we all know what happened to her)

III. because you were always told that roses have their thorns
and roses happened to be your favourite flower

WARNING. but even if you were to get pricked
it wouldn't matter
would it?

IV. because he could make hell feel like heaven
and heaven feel like hell
just put him in a room with you
and you wouldn't tell the difference between the two

WARNING. but sometimes the desire to feel loved and wanted
is louder than the morals in our head

-ken m

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