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don't get too close to me

because the first time my hand
danced with yours
to the hum of your cotton wrapped whispers
I never wanted the music to stop

my mind
into the the red wine waters
of s i n and l u s t

and I never knew how to swim

I untied the knots in these ropes between our nimble fingers
before this dance could pull me any further
than I wanted to go

(even though I wished these blades of suppression
were too dull to cut through our ties)

I could never allow myself to get too close
because I'd look at you as if you were
a north star guiding my tongue home
up the pearly stairs that are your teeth

you could make hell feel
like a cozy day in and
a good nights sleep

(and that terrifies me)

because how could I make
a home out of you
when somebody else already moved in?

you wanted her sun kissed cheeks
and liquorice lips
and I wanted soft hips
against soft hips

(but it's nothing new, I'm used to it)

because lips that are soaked with
bad intentions
would only leave bruises against
your dandelion skin

and although the honey glazed sunsets
illuminating from your hazel eyes
would make the waters in my
cerulean blues
look like liquid gold
the undertow of my high tides
would only wash it all away

you are
early morning dew drops
sweater paws
and windswept hair
and strings of fairy lights
because its the closest you could get
to having stars within the walls
of your bedroom

you are a monument made of glass
fragile to the touch
and I am a mere passerby
expected to admire your grace
from afar

so please,
don't get too close to me
or I might become the reason
you shatter


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