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your soul fled
and this is your body's resting place
dark ebony casing
with a glossy surface
like my eyes when I realized
you could no longer return the gaze
and peel back the clouds of this storm
with your sun soaked smile

I tell myself I don't believe in funerals
that they are just society's way of making us feel better
about ourselves for not appreciating the angel
we were presented with before it got
it's wings cut off

but yet my legs still carry me to you
or at least a part of you
where you lay in ebony casing
because when your body is cold and frail
is the only time any of us
could ever catch up with your
whimsical aura
replicating the one of a rabbit
crawling out of its burrow
once the first snow melts
not caring if a wolf is hidden
in the sodden grass
because death seems so far away in a world
where flowers can wilt
yet bloom again if given
enough time

but eventually time catches up with you
and as quickly as the flower awakens
something else is put to sleep

that was you

the wolf sang deceiving lullabies for you
and put you into a deep slumber
that no one could wake you from

no matter how many of us
pile into this room
around your bed of roses and tears
no matter how many times
your mother's smiles
are washed away
with eerie screams
no matter how many times
we retell our memories of you
(loud enough for the small chance
you might hear)
we can't wake you up
for life is a wolf
with time as its claws
and guilt as its fangs
and we are simply its prey

-ken m

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