5. "This"

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I woke up feeling happy, after taking a shower and dressing myself up with some home cloth (that outfit you would never wear outside) to the kitchen to find myself with a waffles and scrambled eggs breakfast with some orange juice next to it, my little sister Emma had done it for me, little sister who was almost 20, it made me feel so old though, turning 26 never made me feel so old.

We all hugged each other talked and all, I wasn't fond of taking pictures and posting everything that happened in my life, I believed the true memories were the ones we were able to remember without scrolling on our galleries because we were too busy living them.

My day went smooth, I had to cover a friend that called in sick and I was in a good mood so instead of staying home I decided to go to work, Raphael hadn't contacted me in the whole day, not that he had to, but I was kinda worried if he was still going to the musical with me. When my shift ended, I decided to take a look on my phone, nothing yet and it was almost 6:30.

I walked home, due to the distance wasn't much. Once I was almost arriving home I saw a familiar car in front of my house, a neon blue car, with black mirrors but no one seemed to be inside. I started panicking and fast-walked to my house to find a smiley Raphael sitting on my couch speaking with my sister. They were enjoying themselves and he seemed to have had a coffee or tea because I could see an empty cup on the table in front of them. "Here comes the birthday boy", said Emma "About time don't you think" Raphael replied standing up and peering at me from head to toe."Yes, I had to keep company to your friend, since you forgot to tell him you were going to work today," Emma said giving me the look, taking their cups and walking to the kitchen, checking us from afar.

"What are you doing here?," I asked him, noticing he was wearing a smooth sky blue shirt, without the last button up, "you look too classy" I said as I walked around him

"Am I too dressed up?" He asked, gesturing to his outfit with a worry expression on his face,

"you are fine, as long as you did not bring a blazer as well", I said mocking "well, I kinda did, is on the car though" He laughed and looked embarrassed, "Oh my God, you do take things very seriously don't you" He looked me in the eyes looking like a little baby boy who had been busted doing something wrong. "yes" he nodded with a smirk on his lips."OK, well sit and get comfy I'll get ready, give me 15 minutes, yes?" I asked him, still feeling completely odd having a boy in my house, I had no Idea what my sister thought about it, luckily, my mom had not seen him. But I wasn't going to complain about it. In fact, it was a nice surprise having him waiting for him, one that almost made me had a heart attack.

I got a quick shower, shaved or trimmed little hair on my face, wore a nice long shirt I had bought for this day a couple of months ago, yes I am one of those who buy clothes in advance, I still have a couple of other new shirts on my closet, but this one was made for this type of date, chilly weather. Put on my best cologne, brushed my short hair or at least made it look like it had a form, I have short hair, always like it like that, never felt comfortable having an afro or long hair and I kinda dislike guys who have hair like that (in a potential boyfriend way).I felt like one of those girls who was dressing up for a date or a prom night with the boy waiting downstairs for her, then they would drive on their limo to the ballroom or whatever romantic place the boy had planned. This felt so eerie to me, still, I felt guilty in my chest whenever I thought about the whole picture, he belonged to Lea, not to me, partially because they were in a break, but still. He did. I took the envelope in which Lea had given me tickets, checked that it was still 30 minutes till the show began and walked to the living room where Raphael had been waiting for me for the past 30 minutes he was using his phone, sending a text while I was standing on the door frame looking at him, it felt surreal having him on my couch, on my living room, so casual using his phone there as if he had been there thousands of times, I think I have never invited a boy into my house and If I have none of them would have sat on that couch with the same ease Raphael displayed.

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