12. Good and big.

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The rest of the drive was smooth, he kept holding my hand while he drove us to the place. He kissed my hand and it made my whole body shiver. As if his touch were fireworks in my skin. He was so adorable that it made me want to tell him to go around and go to his place instead. but this night was already planned for over a week there was no way I was letting down my friend.

We got to the location Lea sent us. She was waiting for us with Max outside. Neither Raphael or I knew where we were or what were we going to do.

"Hey, you," I said as I kissed her cheeks and we hugged each other.

"Hey both of you" She said and then she hugged Raphael, Max and I simply nodded acknowledging each other.

"So, what is this? What are we doing here?" Asked an impatient Raphael and I couldn't deny I was the same or more curious than he was but there was no way I was going to show that.

"Well my peers, we are here to fight, one against another, may the winner get all the rewards and the looser pay for the bill"

"What are we playing?" I asked her. "Well my anxious boy, we are playing go-karts, just like Mario Kart without the bananas and shells of course.

"Is this the new place that opened last month?" Raphael asked her

"Yes it is, and I know how competitive you boys are, so this sounded like a nice thing to do"

"What are we waiting for?" Raphael screamed as he walked in and we followed him.

The first thing I noticed were the neon signs the whole place had. It was very 70's, neon signs that caught your attention, the floor seemed like a dance floor and every stage had different colors it was super neon. I already liked it just because of it. I saw how Raphael's face changed by the different lighting we encounter in every story we crossed and I wanted to capture that moment forever but I hadn't brought my camera and I wasn't planning to be that guy, the one that takes photos every moment.

The place was packed, the workers were all wearing uniforms as if they were in formula one or some shit like that. Following the theme. Raphael's face was beaming, Lea had come with the best idea and I couldn't be happier. We were all excited.

The guide explained to us the rules about the place and how to manipulate the karts. We were all eager like little kids dying to try their new toys. He gave each of us a helmet and we all picked our cars, each in different colors. Lea picked the red one, Max the yellow, Raphael the green and I chose the blue one.

The guide gave the signal and I felt the adrenaline running through my veins. I couldn't even tell how fast we were driving, but I was enjoying this too much. Lea was screaming whenever she passed one of us. The flags on top of our kart with the designated color made easier to recognize everyone. So far I was on the third place, Max was stepping on my tail as he passed next to me winking and speeding up aiming at the second place. Where Lea was trying to pass Raphael. Damn this girl was more competitive than I could remember.

It was just the first lap, we had to do three and I was not planning to stay in the last place. I decided to use a different strategy, crashing on them wasn't the smartest thing to do, due to the guide told us it could make the cars flip and with it a possible accident. but he didn't mention anything about scaring them. Lea and Raphael were fighting for the first place I could see their flags almost next to the other and Max wasn't far from reaching them. I decided to pretend I was just OK with being fourth and drive behind Max-like I didn't care, but then when he tried to aim for second place I took my chance on the next curve and drove next to him leaving him behind.

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