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Everything was silent for a while. But then the typical questions came.

"What do you do?" Lea asked, Raphael was pretending not to be paying attention but was definitely listening to him.

"Well, I do many things. I'm a graphic designer and painter, I have been working on some personal stuff for a while, but I also do design and ads for some companies. Probably you have heard of yot. I designed the logo."

"Yes, I have, it's amazing, fuck you did that." Lea said, "I mean, that is just great, we have used that as a model at the agency I worked in. Where have you kept this one?" Lea asked looking at me with a curious look.

"In my closet obviously," I said mocking her. I could feel Raphael's stare on me and Max was simply enjoying being the center of attention, he kept giving me playful looks. It kept bringing back memories, intense ones. Making me turn away from his gaze.

"Where did you guys meet?" I turned to find a curious Raphael staring at Max. He didn't hesitate with the question. Lea didn't catch the tone he asked it, she was just as curious as he was.

"Well"  he laughed. "You want to tell them or should I?" He looked at me waiting for an answer. "Go ahead" I told him while finishing my drink. "Well, we met through the magic app." I couldn't stop laughing. "Magic app?" Lea and Raphael asked, "yes, the magic app is like tinder but for non-straight people" I cut him off "Well, some straights visit it" I started "for curiosity" Max quoted on the air with a playful tone. I felt Raphael's face was burning up or maybe was just my imagination.

We gave them details of our first real encounter, how we met in a cafe next to his building, not the one I work on. Then I talked about the show he and I went to for my birthday. I told Lea how happy he was at the end of the show. Being sad and happy that he was able to go with me. Max completed the idea saying it was lovely, I could see Raphael trying to say something but he drowned his words under the influence of alcohol. Our food was delivered, we ate exchanging comments about the place, the food, and other things, everything was going better than expected. Our empty plates were picked up from the table and the music was filling the silence between us.

"What about a friendly round of never have I ever?" Lea asked with a smirk. "Lea that's not a good Idea, you don't want to end up drunk like last time, do you?" I asked her, but in reality, I was fearing for me and also for Raphael. 

"Yes, let's play, that will help to break the ice" Said Max with a smirk on his face.

"I'm not sure about that." replied Raphael, I was afraid but at the same time exciting. if I agreed with Raphael, it could bite me in the butt later. So I decided to agree with my date. 

"Sure, it could be fun."  I said everyone was eager to play or nervous I couldn't tell. I was feeling sick, but I had to keep the game flowing. "Hey, Sir, could you please bring us another round?"

I asked the waiter while Lea talked with Max about his job and paintings and Raphael locked eyes with me, not saying a word. I gave him a quick nod and he winked at me.

Our drinks arrived. I could feel a slight tension on the air, probably coming from Raphael.

"Who is going to start?" Asked Lea. "You should do the honors, it was your idea after all," Max told her. "That sounds about right. Well, what will it be... Ok, I have one, never have I ever had sex with someone without knowing their first name." Lea said laughing, "What a way to start the game Lea." I said rolling my eyes. "Drink people!" She screamed giggling, while Max and I took a sip from our drinks. Both laughing afterward while Raphael looked between both of us.

"My turn" I said as I cleaned my chin and Max smiled at me. "Never have I ever given or received a blowjob in a car" I said looking at Lea who hadn't drunk yet. She took a big sip and also did Raphael and Max. "Drink bitch, I know about your car games" Lea said to me with a smirk on her face as I took another sip of my glass. "That's why I don't like this game I always end up drunk" I said while I looked at Max who was trying to cover a smile.

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