14- Rise & Shine

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I had horrible pain on the back of my head. Breathing caused me pain on my chest, it felt as if something was pushing me down. I could only open one of my eyes and I felt all my face swollen.

I hear the beep of a machine that was counting my heartbeats and the low conversations going on around me. I heard someone gasp as I looked around, Lea walked to me, holding my hand, smiling and crying. She held my hand softly. "Can you hear me?" She asked as if I were deaf, I nod  due to my throat hurt as well. She sent a text and a voice message later on "He's awake"

 And I heard footsteps running approaching. The door slammed open and there was Raphael with a bruise on his face, a cut on his bottom lip and messy hair, he seemed as if he hadn't slept at all, they both did. He walked close to me, I could see his eyes were full of tears, he looked at Lea and she nodded. He knelt next to me, held my hand and placed a soft kiss.

"I'm so glad you are ok" I tried speaking but it hurt too much all it came out were groans. "Take your time, there's no need the Doctors said you are in really bad shape, they broke 3 ribs, your face is all swollen and they punch at your throat. Don't worry you will get better."

My mom walked in next, her face revealed pain. I could almost feel it. The way she looked at me told me everything. I couldn't bear it, I had to turn away. I hated this pain, I hated the way they looked at me as if I were a porcelain doll whom they were afraid may break.

My mom sat next to me, "Baby, don't cry, this is not your fault, those brutes, took it upon you, but you know I love you no matter what, you will get better, they already got what they deserved" The shock on my face may have given up that I didn't know what they had told my mother or what had actually happened. "Raphael and Lea kicked them and someone called the police, they were all arrested". 

"They probably will get on bail, but still that will show them that's not the way to act around" I sighed, and looked at the ceiling holding my tears, why this had to happen to me. I was just trying to stand up for us, for this beautiful thing we had built, that not everyone was going to be able to understand. But I loved these two crazy people with all my heart.

Recovery wasn't easy, my food was mostly liquid, due to my broken ribs. But within a couple of days, I started to feel better and within a week I could almost eat anything solid. The swollen on my eye had gotten better, nothing that a little powder and foundation couldn't fix. The pain on my chest was still there, but more tolerable.

I was never alone, they all came and go. Sometimes Raphael would stay with me during the day while Lea went to work or school and Lea would spend with me the nights when Raphael had to work. My mom and my sister would bring me breakfast or lunch. While I was there, they wanted to make sure I was fine before the let me go. And in just exactly two weeks. I was told I could go home again. I was able to sit, walk and talk.

I was on leave from work for almost 3 weeks due to my accident, everyone was sending me love. Some of them went to see me, brought some iced coffee and some flowers. Raphael had also brought me some flowers, which was cute but embarrassing at the same time, I did not what to do when he brought them and my mom was there seeing him put them on a Jar full of water and smiling. 

Seeing him with my mother and my sister at the begging had me gagging, but then it became normal, they exchanges smile, laughed and all. Seemed that this little incident was what I needed to make this comfortable with my family, we had not mentioned it to anyone what we were doing but I believe my sister had somehow found out.

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