13- Blackouts & Hangovers.

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It was getting a bad habit, waking up with a hangover, horrible headache, and no memories. Raphael was wearing boxers, Lea was in underwear and so was I. Had we? Did we? I did not want to think about that, instead, I walked out and went to the bathroom where I took a long shower. I heard the door opening and thought it was Raphael, but it was Lea who walked in, smiled at me and sat on the toilet. "Are you Ok?" She asked as she took a piss. I was a little bit confused, the pressure on my head wasn't letting me think clearly. "Yes, I'm and you?" "I'm great," She said as she flushed the toilet and walked out. it took me longer than expected to get the guts to walk out of the bathroom, I walked out and she was gone, Raphael was all by himself on his bed, his hair messy spread in the pillow. His bare chest touched by the sunlight, making him look like an Adonis.

I wore my shirt and boxers and walked to the kitchen where I found a smiley Lea. "Are you hungry?" I couldn't avoid smiling, this gave me flashbacks but it wasn't a smiley Lea who showed up on my flashback it was a shirtless Raphael. "Starving," I said as I sat at the counter bar.

I saw her walking around like she owned the place. As far as I recall, she hadn't been here. But that seemed to have changed. She was on her right to be here. She looked good in Raphael's T-shirt and undies. We were wearing the same outfit.

"Stop staring at me and come help" She giggled and I was caught startled. But I stood up and started to heat the pan as she set up everything else. "It surprises me how much food he keeps in his fridge, I mean I would never find all this stuff in my house" "Same, my sister eats everything, is like I can't come up with a fancy recipe because I would have to run to the store in order to do so."

"I feel you" She said as a beautiful presence interrupted our conversation and then we both were smiling at his sight. He walked in, just in his boxers, confident. I didn't have that, I couldn't ever be shirtless in my own home it made me feel uncomfortable. "Good morning, pretty people," He said as he walked in, grabbed the juice box, and served himself a big glass of orange juice. "It smells good, what are you guys cooking?" Lea smiled at him "It's a surprise you better sit and wait, don't distract us" He chuckled "Ok, I will walk out then" He said as he leaned in and kissed her forehead and then walked behind me and did the same. Just a simple kiss of him made me shiver. But it felt natural and real.

He sat there, watching us as we talked and cooked. Food was served, chocolate pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon strips and some orange juice. His face while eating was appealing. I was eating but most of the time I spend it watching him. He talked with Lea about normal stuff. I didn't feel left out, I was part of their conversation, I was part of it, of them.

After breakfast, Raphael volunteered to wash the dishes as we sat on the couch and played some Netflix random rom-com film. Alex Strange love. "I saw that movie, it's about a guy who has a girlfriend, but he then notices he is gay and has some weird desire for boys, it's not bad" "You watched this?" Lea asked him laughing, "Yes, I did, I don't see anything bad on it" He said as he sat between both of us, He squeezed my shoulder as I leaned into him. And he smiled at both of us.

We finished the movie, with Lea interrupting every god damn minute. When she got a call from her mother saying she had to leave. "Want me to drive you?" Raphael offered, "Its good, I can call an Uber, but thanks for offering. She gathered up her stuff, gave Raphael a soft kiss and a hug to me. "love you guys, don't do anything I wouldn't do" She said as she left us there. I cuddled in with Raphael as the movie finished.

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