Episode Guide (Season 1)

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1. arrival to earth, part 1

the autobot exploration ship the ark and its crew (optimus prime, bumblebee, ratchet, ironhide, and jazz) are shot down by the decepticon flagship the nemesis and its crew (megatron, starscream, soundwave, and their army of vehicon drones) and comes crashing down to earth, causing our five autobots to be scattered upon impact. we then cut to present day new york where we meet our main human protagonists, kevin and james. kevin wears a keychain around his neck that belonged to his father who went missing on an archaeological expedition 11 years ago. james drags kevin along for his hunt for ghost cars, a phenomenon involving mysterious vehicles seen driving themselves. the two follow one of these supposed "ghost cars" which turns out to be bumblebee whom of which recognizes kevin's key. kevin's key has become a target for decepticons, which is why bee decides to become the two kids's guardian after saving them from soundwave and ravage. meanwhile, we discover that starscream has taken over the decepticons since megatron was supposedly killed by optimus prime during the nemesis's assault on the ark.

2. arrival to earth, part 2

bumblebee (along with kevin and james) go on a road trip in search of the other missing autobots. they are being watched by laserbeak from above. they then notice a silver sportscar with an autobot insignia at an auto show. the car reveals itself to be jazz, optimus's smooth-talking first lieutenant and cyber-ninja. bumblebee warns jazz that the human kid he has with him has "the key" and that the decepticons are after it. jazz is shocked to hear that the cons are back, and tells bumblebee that he has a hunch where ratchet is hiding. the two then head to a local firehouse where they notice an ambulance with an autobot insignia on it, which transforms into ratchet who is shocked to see bumblebee and jazz. they then tell ratchet that the decepticons are here on earth, which scares him as he has no idea where ironhide and optimus are. the three autobots then head on the road again in search for the last two autobots, however they are stopped on the way by starscream along with an army of vehicon drones that easily overpower the autobots allowing laserbeak and soundwave to kidnap kevin.

3. arrival to earth, part 3

Kevin, james, and the three autobots are then bridged to the nemesis only for kevin to be interrogated by starscream as to where he found the key but kevin refuses to answer. meanwhile, ironhide and optimus drive down a desert road in their vehicle forms only to notice they're being followed by a platoon of vehicons, forcing the two to blow their cover and fight back. after that, the two spot the nemesis cruising across the sky, now knowing that their worst fears have been confirmed. the two then sneak aboard the nemesis, prime confronting starscream who explains that he has become the new decepticon leader in megatron's absence. the two clash swords but prime overpowers starscream causing him to cower and flee. prime and ironhide then rescue the kids and the other autobots and escape the nemesis before it falls out of the sky and crash-lands into the ocean. after that, kevin hands optimus prime the key but prime tells him to keep it, showing his trust towards him. prime gives his message to any autobots that may be still out there among the stars, and our episode ends with what remains of megatron's body inside a military facility waking up.

4. downtown blackout

With the autobots re-united and the decepticons presumably defeated, kevin decides to have a peaceful summer vacation, hanging out with his best friend james. kevin then runs into his crush brittany, who is oblivious to kevin's feelings for her. meanwhile, a mysterious man with an eyepatch named seth offers the autobots to work for his organization known as F.I.E.L.D. (short for Federal Investigation of Extraterrestrial Life Division) in exchange for providing them a place to stay. he explains that F.I.E.L.D. are alien hunters, dedicated to keeping earth safe from out-of-this-world threats and that they need to deliver the key to him, as he and his forces need it to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. now the autobots must keep an eye on kevin while trying not to blow their cover in front of brittany. made worse by the decepticon blackout coming to earth searching for his master megatron, only to find out that his master is stuck in a vegetative state and being kept in F.I.E.L.D.'s super secret underground bunker below their headquarters (much to his shock and horror). made worse when the autobots find out they've been secretly keeping megatron's body this whole time under their noses and have been reverse-engeneering cybertronian technology from data gathered from his remains, causing the autobots to distrust F.I.E.L.D. for lying to them. however, the two species must form an alliance when blackout attacks F.I.E.L.D. HQ and takes off with megatron's body. the autobots and F.I.E.L.D. end up forming an alliance and they allow the autobots to stay at their base and kevin is made an honorary F.I.E.L.D. agent while blackout returns to the nemesis and presents megatron's badly-damaged but still functional body to starscream.

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