Episode Guide (season 5)

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1. the rebirth, part 1

our episode picks up where last season left off, with swindle offering megatron the time scepter for a price. megatron then snaps his finger and two insecticons show up carrying a truckload of energon. swindle then gets all excited and hands megatron the time scepter before taking off with the energon. after that, we cut back to hotshot driving by himself until he ends up running into sideways. the two bots transform into robot mode with sideways donning his autobot persona to plead to hotshot for mercy as he didn't come here to fight. hotshot not trusting sideways for backstabbing him demands sideways what the catch is. sideways then hands hotshot the disc he discovered and tells him to destroy it, as it contains footage extracted from starscream's memories that could potentially turn the tides of the cybetronian war. hotshot then looks at the disc while sideways transforms into bike mode and drives off, followed by hotshot throwing the disc on the ground and burning it to a crisp with his flamethrowers. hotshot then transforms into vehicle mode and drives off while the camera pans to a shot of the burning disc which is found by soundwave. after that, we cut to the underground base where kevin asks ratchet permission to visit with optimus. ratchet grants kevin permission followed by kevin hopping on top of the medical table. kevin pulls out the key to vector sigma and assures optimus that he'll make him good as new. optimus refuses kevin's offer, telling kevin that it won't do him any good as the key doesn't have enough juice. kevin then asks optimus what can he do, and optimus responds by telling kevin that there's nothing he can do for him now as the time has now come for him to become one with the allspark. after that, we cut back to hotshot who is driving down the road only to be pursued by soundwave and a platoon of car vehicons. hotshot then transforms into robot mode and engages the vehicons using his flamethrowers to roast them one by one. soundwave then deploys ravage, laserbeak, and ratbat whom hotshot manages to roast one by one until he reaches soundwave and punches him in the face cracking his visor in the process and revealing a part of his true face underneath. soundwave then deploys rumble and frenzy who create a massive earthquake that creates a huge chasm that hotshot falls into knocking him unconscious. rumble and frenzy then high-five before soundwave calls them back into his chest along with his other minicons before transforming into vehicle mode and returning to new kaon. the unconscious hotshot then hears a familiar voice and wakes up only to see the ghost of sentinel prime standing right before him. hotshot freaks out, however sentinel's ghost tells hotshot to not panic as he came to this plane of existence to warn hotshot that optimus prime is dying. hotshot devastated by this news gets back up and tries to climb up the chasm walls only to fall back. we then cut back to kevin asking optimus what "one with the allspark" means, and optimus explains to kevin that it's what you say when a cybertronian kicks the bucket. kevin then gets on his knees and begins crying until ratchet gently places his finger on kevin's shoulder. optimus then tells ratchet to take care of the team for him and make sure to find a new leader for him before his eyes turn black and dies, followed by his chest opening up to reveal the matrix of leadership inside which lights up the entire room. we then cut back to hotshot still sitting at the bottom of the chasm crying over the loss of optimus prime. sentinel's ghost asks hotshot what's wrong, and hotshot tells sentinel's ghost that with optimus gone the autobots are doomed without someone to lead them. sentinel's ghost then places his hand on hotshot's shoulder to inform him that the time has come for someone new to take the mantle of prime and light our darkest hour but hotshot refuses, telling sentinel that he can't be a prime as he was the one who got optimus killed in the first place and that it's hopeless. sentinel then tells hotshot not to give up hope and that help is on the way before fading away into the afterlife. hotshot then looks above to see a familiar-looking ship flying overhead which lets down a cable for hotshot to climb on. hotshot then seizes the opporotunity to escape and climbs up the cable into the ship only to be greeted by none other than ultra magnus and springer. hotshot is happy to see ultra magnus, but not so much springer and tells him that he'd better not try anything funny with his girl arcee and that he's got his optic on springer. ultra magnus then tells hotshot that they didn't come alone, they came with reinforcements: bulkhead, seaspray, warpath, roadbuster, and whirl. hotshot then asks ultra magnus where inferno and powerglide are, and ultra magnus tells hotshot that the two of them have been stationed on earth and are currently dealing with human matters at the moment. after that, we cut to inferno arriving at the scene of a burning building where a father informs him that his daughter is still trapped in the building. inferno then tells him not to worry and bursts into the burning building to rescue the little girl who turns out to be the same kid who abducted jolt in "case of the missing minicon". inferno then tells her to trust him and she does, hopping into inferno's hands before escaping the burning building and hands the kid to marissa who takes her to the local hospital. he then assures her father that she's going to be alright before transforming into firetruck mode to put out the fire. after that, inferno radios powerglide and asks how his progress's doing. we then cut to powerglide in plane mode telling inferno that he's called at the worst possible time as he's too busy dodging missile fire from an army of jet vehicons. after that, we cut to the xantium arriving at the autobot base where ultra magnus informs elita and the others that he and the wreckers came as soon as possible. elita then brings magnus the bad news to ultra magnus that optimus is dead. ultra magnus then holds elita in his arms and assures her everything's going to be alright before stepping into ratchet's lab to see optimus lying dead on the medical table with the matrix out. ultra magnus then picks up the matrix while hotshot watches him while hiding behind the wall. ultra magnus then questions if he's worthy or not and elita tells magnus that since he was optimus prime's brother-in-arms he should be the one to take command. ultra magnus then turns it down and drops the matrix, telling everyone that he will never be as good a leader as optimus before walking away. hotshot then seizes the opporotunity and swipes the matrix under everyone's noses, only to be caught red-handed by bumblebee who informs ultra magnus that he was the one who got optimus prime killed followed by the autobots shaming hotshot for this incident. kevin however comes to hotshot's defense and tells them to cut him some slack as he didn't mean for this to happen thus he shouldn't be condoned for it. hotshot then assures everybody he's going to make things right before transforming into vehicle mode and drives off carrying the matrix in his trunk. after that, we cut back to new kaon where soundwave reports to megatron and shows him the footage he downloaded from the disk which shows the dystopian post-apocalyptic future. megatron appalled by the idea of autobots and decepticons living in peace holds out the time sceptre and promises to his underlings that he's going to make things right ending our episode on a cliffhanger.

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