Transformers Genesis the movie: Summer's End

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our movie opens up with a dream sequence with kevin drifting through space only to notice a large planetoid approaching which turns out to be unicron in planet form. kevin then asks what's going on and unicron tellls kevin that his world's days are numbered as the apocalypse is approaching. kevin asks what that's supposed to mean before unicron opens his massive jaws and sucks kevin inside only for kevin to wake up in his bedroom and realize it was only a dream. carly then reminds kevin to get ready for school as summer's over followed by kevin screaming "NOOOOOOOOOO!". after that, we cut to a montage of kevin getting ready in the morning before hopping into bumblebee with trevor in the driver's seat. after kevin is dropped off at school, kevin meets up with james, brittany, and alexis and tells them that there's something they need to talk about after class. after class, kevin informs his friends that he had a weird dream last night where he saw unicron. brittany then asks kevin what does this mean, and kevin tells her that he doesn't know but he does know that it can't be good. after that, we cut to seth overseeing the reconstruction of F.I.E.L.D. USA's headquarters before lieutenant fox informs seth that she got a message from general witwicky to inform seth that he has requested his prescence. after that, we cut to seth and lieutenant fox arriving at the airship to join the other directors of the international F.I.E.L.D. divisions and listen to general witwicky's speech. general witwicky then explains that F.I.E.L.D.'s scientists have recovered images from a sattelite orbiting kerberos, which turns out to be a blurry photograph of unicron in planet mode. seth recognizes it as unicron and explains to general witwicky that he's heard the autobots mention it before as some sort of cybertronian devil. general witwicky then asks seth where the autobots are and seth explains that they're busy on a mission to negotiate with the decepticons in new kaon. after that, we cut to new kaon where we see starscream's coronation ceremony. thunderblast, knockout, octane, astrotrain, onslaught, swindle, brawl, vortex, blast-off, motormaster, dragstrip, dead end, breakdown, wildrider, cruellock, scorn, scowl, slash, and terrorsaur all attend the ceremony and starscream puts the crown and cape on before declaring himself the new decepticon emperor. however his time to bask in glory is short-lived when he spots team prime arriving at the borders of new kaon in vehicle mode. the gang's all here: jazz, cliffjumper, wheeljack, arcee, red alert, hotshot (now sporting a new rodimus-inspired paintjob), and the head honcho himself: optimus prime. the troops then shoot at them forcing them to transform into robot mode and leap into action, blasting their way through hordes of vehicons and insecticons until they reach the tower where they are confronted by all the other decepticons. starscream then tells them to stand down and demands them to tell him why they intruded on his turf as the autobots and decepticons are no longer at war now that megatron is gone. hotshot then asks what's up with the fancy crown and cape, and starscream tells the young bot that he crowned himself the new leader of the decepticon empire in order to rebuid and resore it to its former honor after decacycles of corruption by megatron. cliffjumper then readys his blasters while starscream draws his wing-sword, cliffjumper not trusting starscream due to his "once a con, always a con" policy which is why the two don't get along. optimus then stands between the two and tells starscream that they didn't come here to fight instead coming to negotiate, explaining that they are in extreme shortage of energon and that new kaon just so happens to be sitting on top of an extremely rich energon deposit. starscream turns the offer down, as since prime and his crew trashed nearly half his troops he doesn't trust them with digging for energon on his turf. cliffjumper then gets angry and threatens to blow his head off if he doesn't hand over the energon as they need it badly, however starscream orders prime and his crew to leave before they cause any trouble and that's final. optimus understands and team prime transform and roll out to depart new kaon, on the drive back to base arcee tells hotshot that she misses her sister elita-1 as optimus mentions that she and her team had to go back to cybertron due to being needed there by the autobot elite guard. arcee then asks optimus if he misses her too, and optimus says yes explaining that he can't stop thinking about her ever since she left earth. jazz also mentions that ultra magnus and the wreckers went back to travelling the galaxy on the xantium leaving prime's team and the dinobots as the only autobots remaining on earth. the autobots are then greeted by seth and lieutenant fox who bring the autobots the good news of F.I.E.L.D. HQ is now fully re-built and good as new. kevin, james, brittany, and alexis then show up to see the newly-rebuilt base after school. bumblebee is happy to be re-united with kevin, arcee is happy to be re-united with brittany, and james is happy to be re-united with wheeljack. alexis then asks optimus where sideswipe and sunstreaker are, and optimus tells her that they've returned to cybertron with elita and the others. kevin then informs optimus of the unicron dream he had, which optimus says is worse than he thought before telling kevin that these dreams are the result of the key trying to warn him that the unicron apocalypse is upon us: the same one that kevin's dad trevor had visions of all those years ago. after that, we cut to a shot of megatron's dead body lying at the bottom of the ocean until we cut to megatron's psyche where he asks unicron why he's still conscious and why unicron's still occupying his head. unicron then tells megatron because their minds are still connected due to megatron still having dark energon in his body and makes a deal with megatron: destroy the matrix of leadership (AKA the one thing that can destroy him) for him and he'll provide him with a new more powerful body and troops to command. megatron begrudgingly agrees wanting to give optimus prime a piece of his mind before he wakes up eyes glowing purple and cocoons himself in dark energon while skywarp and thundercracker's bodies are also cocooned in dark energon. the three dark energon cocoons then rise up out of the oceans before the three newly-reformatted decepticons break out to stretch their limbs: skywarp becomes cyclonus, thundercracker becomes scourge, and megatron becomes galvatron. cyclonus and scourge then transform into their jet modes while galvatron transforms into his tank mode and the three head towards new kaon. after that, we cut back to new kaon where starscream is sitting on his throne and notices three unidentified cybertronian vehicles heading for new kaon. the three then transform and starscream is shocked to see megatron is alive. he then tells starscream that megatron is dead and that now there is only galvatron. starscream then draws his wing-sword and tells galvatron that no matter who he is he'll never reclaim the throne of the decepticons. galvatron then orders cyclonus and scourge to dispose of starscream followed by the two generals laying the smackdown on starscream who notices something familiar about those two. starscream then recognizes them as skywarp and thundercracker and asks what happened to them, and galvatron explains to starscream that the three of them have been reborn thanks to unicron. galvatron then summons his dark energon mace to knock starscream out cold before reclaiming his rightful throne to the decepticons. the other decepticons then turn on starscream and side with galvatron, followed by astrotrain and octane grabbing the unconscious starscream and tossing him out of new kaon while thunderblast snuggles up to galvatron while telling her meggy-poo that she's missed him and that she adores his new look. after that, we cut back to F.I.E.L.D. HQ where seth informs optimus that they just got a transmission from his girlfriend. elita-1 then shows up on screen and tells optimus and arcee hi before delivering them the bad news: that her and her team made an unfortunate discovery that could potentially spell doom for both earth and cybertron alike. perceptor then explains that through his telescopic lens he saw unicron drifting through space and that it looks like he's heading towards earth. optimus is disturbed by this news as does hotshot, who remembers sideway's final warning before his death. optimus then asks elita if she's contacted ultra magnus and elita tells prime that she hasn't able to get a hold of him or any of the wreckers for that matter assuming they must be too far out into deep space. after that, we cut to cybertron where the citizens of iacon look up to see unicron hovering just above cybertron and dropping his army of the undead onto the planet's surface. the zombiecons then start terrorizing random cybertronians until elita-1 shows up and slashes her way through hordes of zombies until she is cornered. hound, mirage, prowl, perceptor, kup, sideswipe, and sunstreaker then show up and destroy the remaining undead cybertronians before elita tells the others that they've got to go back to earth in order to stop unicron. the six then board the axalon and head towards earth, right before we cut to kevin's house where kevin's mom asks kevin how school was today. kevin tells her it was miserable, followed by trevor telling his wife that kevin probably misses summer. kevin then starts having visions of unicron again before fainting. carly then asks her son if he's okay and trevor tells her to let him handle this before he brings kevin to his bedroom and kevin's eyes open and start glowing purple. trevor asks kevin if he can hear him and kevin panics and tells his dad that he can't see. trevor tells kevin to keep calm before kevin tells his dad that he sees unicron and that he's working with what looks like megatron. trevor then fears the worst as if kevin's vision is any indication megatron must be back and has a hunch that unicron might be behind this. we then cut back to F.I.E.L.D. HQ where we see the axalon land just outside F.I.E.L.D. HQ which excites arcee because her big sis is back. arcee then rushes outside to hug elita-1 saying that she's missed her so much. optimus is also happy to be re-united with elita and the two kiss before we cut to trevor contacting seth informing him of kevin's condition. we then see trevor bring kevin to F.I.E.L.D. HQ while the autobots gather round to hear what kevin has to say. kevin is still panicking, still being unable to see where everything is but bumblebee then tells kevin to calm down as he's here for him. kevin then tells the autobots that "he" is coming. seth then asks who exactly "he" is. kevin says that he looks like megatron but there's something different about him. seth is then contacted by general witwicky who informs our heroes of a decepticon attack in downtown new york. the autobots immediately understand and optimus, elita, and hotshot transform and roll out. the three then arrive at downtown new york where they run into galvatron, cyclonus, and scourge. optimus is shocked to see megatron alive whom of which tells optimus that he no longer goes by that name as the name megatron has become associated with his weaker former self who failed to ressurect the decepticon empire and that he has adopted a new name that fits with the new him: galvatron. hotshot recognizes galvatron as he saw him when he was transported to post-apocalyptic future cybertron. optimus then draws his energon axe while galvatron draws his dark energon mace and the two clash while elita fights cyclonus and hotshot fights scourge. the autobots are badly injured however before galvatron can finish them off the other autobots show up with with bumblebee leading the charge whom of which is caught off-guard by seeing megatron alive and looking different. galvatron then smashes his mace into the ground causing a massive earthquake knocking all the autobots over. after that, galvatron tries to rip the matrix out of optimus's chest only for hotshot to blast the three with his flamethrowers forcing galvatron and his underlings to retreat back to new kaon. after that, we cut back to F.I.E.L.D. HQ where red alert has her hands full tending to everybody's wounds while optimus wonders how it's possible for megatron to come back and why he wants the matrix. kevin then tells optimus that he's had these visions of galvatron working with unicron. the other autobots are shocked by this and kup puts two and two together and explains that according to the ancients the one thing that can defeat unicron was the matrix of leadership, as it is actually the spark of primus, the creator of the transformers and unicron's brother. after that, we cut back to new kaon where galvatron sits on his throne and is contacted by unicron who demands galvatron to tell him why he hasn't destroyed the matrix of leadership already. galvatron explains that he and his soldiers were scorched by the flames of optimus prime's apprentice. unicron then attacks galvatron's mind causing his body to get electrocuted by purple lightning before galvatron finally breaks free of unicron's hold while shouting "I WILL NO LONGER BE YOUR SLAVE!!!". galvatron's eyes then revert back to being red before telling his fellow decepticons that he'll make unicron pay for being a parasite thinking he could control the mighty galvatron. after that, we cut to starscream arriving at F.I.E.L.D. HQ with the F.I.E.L.D. personell aiming their anti-cybertronian weapons at him only for kevin to intervene and tell them that starscream's changed. bumblebee then asks starscream what brings him here and starscream tells him that unicron is coming and that the only hope they have in order to defeat him is for the autobots and decepticons to unite. optimus however refuses telling starscream that megatron AKA galvatron has been consumed by hatred and revenge to the point of no return and is beyond redemption. however before starscream can say anything seth informs the autobots that decepticon activity has been spotted in the nearby forest and optimus and elita order their teams to transform and roll out. we then cut to the nearby forest where galvatron waits for optimus prime while being accompanied by his whole crew: cyclonus, scourge, astrotrain, octane, thunderblast, knockout, the stunticons, the combaticons, and the dinocons. the autobots then arrive on the scene and galvatron welcomes our heroes to their graves. grimlock and the dinobots then stand in the way and tell galvatron that they'll have to get through them first before transforming into their dino modes. the dinocons then transform into their dino modes and the autobots and decepticons charge at each other until unicron comes in and fires a destructive blast from his planet mode's circular maw sending both factions flying backwards and crashing into the wall. the two leaders get back up and galvatron then draws his dark energon mace while optimus draws his energon axe and the two have a one-on-one standoff while unicron manipulates the two into fighting each other by telling galvatron to kill the prime as payback for the genocide the autobots inflicted upon his people during the great war while telling optimus to kill galvatron and avenge the death of his mentor sentinel prime. the two fall for unicron's manipulation and the two clash while unicron fuels their hatred for each other explaining that the negative energy generated by their hatred makes him stronger while seth, lieutenant fox, trevor, and the kids all watch the fight from the F.I.E.L.D. HQ screen. trevor is rightfully worried, as the day he has been fearing for 10 whole years has finally arrived: the day of the unicron apocalypse. we then cut back to the optimus vs. galvatron fight where the other autobots watch in shock as unicron explains how the great autobot/decepticon war was all part of a plan to feed off the negative energy of ALL cybertronians in order to surpass the power level of his brother primus. hotshot is shocked to hear this, as he thought it was sideways who manipulated the whole conflict. unicron then tells hotshot he is a fool and that sideways was merely a puppet and that the great war was HIS doing. all the while optimus and galvatron are still fighting blinded by unicron's influence until the autobots and decepticons rush in to save their respective leaders only for unicron to drop more zombiecons to keep them busy. while the autobots and decepticons are too busy fighting unicron's hordes of zombie transformers starscream flies in and breaks up the fight between optimus and galvatron telling them to stop fighting and to unite the factions in order to stop the unicron apocalypse. galvatron doesn't listen telling starscream that there will NEVER be peace between the autobots and decepticons before pushing starscream out of the way and going back to fighting optimus. unicron explains his master plan to the autobots: that as they speak his army of the undead is on cybertron and are heading straight towards the planet's core to poison it with dark energon and destroy primus from the inside. starscream then gets back up and transforms into jet mode and reverts back to robot mode to propel himself into the stratosphere to confront the giant planet-eater. starscream then tells unicron that war, cruelty, and injustice can't live forever and straps a bomb to his chest before promising unicron that he plans on going out and taking him and his evil down to the pit with him. starscream then flies straight into unicron's mouth and self-destructs while inside him causing unicron to blow up from the inside causing optimus and megatron to snap out of their trance. we then see starscream's wing-sword fall from the sky and land on the ground with kevin's blanket still attatched. kevin witnesses the whole thing from the screen and begins to cry and bury his face in his father's shirt followed by trevor trying to comfort his son after this huge loss. we then cut back to optimus and galvatron staring at starscream's sword stuck in the ground both in disbelief of how he recklessly threw his life away in order to unify the two factions. jolt then flies in and unties kevin's blanket from the sword and promises to the now-dead starscream that he'll return this to kevin for him. hotshot then assures jolt that starscream might have lived as a lying, backstabbing, weasel who only cared about himself but he died as a noble warrior who cared about the safety of two worlds reflecting on the massive character development he went through for five whole seasons before meeting his end. after that, we cut to cybertron where we see ultra magnus and the wreckers fighting off unicron's army of the undead while protecting the core. ultra magnus then contacts optimus and tells him that they are vastly outnumbered and are in desperate need of backup. optimus then assures ultra magnus that they're coming however before they can return to F.I.E.L.D. and board the omega they suddenly feel a massive earthquake only to realize that unicron survived and is sinking his massive pincers into the earth's surface. unicron then tells humankind that the apocalypse is upon you and that their world will be devoured by the wrath of unicron. we then cut to trevor and kevin rushing back to their house only to see kevin's mom watching the news about the end of the world. jolt then flies into kevin's house to give his blanket back which makes kevin miss starscream even more. we then cut to the autobots and dinobots returning to base to warn seth that as we speak unicron is eating the planet earth from right under our feet and that they must stop him before he reaches earth's core. optimus then explains they've forged an unlikely alliance in order to combat a threat of this magnitude. galvatron and the decepticons then step into the base followed by F.I.E.L.D. personnel aiming their weapons at them. optimus tells them to hold their fire as they and the decepticons have put aside their differences to face a common threat because it's what starscream would've wanted. optimus then tells jazz and cliffjumper to take the omega to cybertron and help out his fellow wreckers while he and the others will take the nemesis to go after unicron. we then cut back to cybertron where the zombiecons finally reach the core while ultra magnus and the wreckers are pinned down. however before they can poison the core jazz shows up to and smashes the zombiecons with his cyber-nunchucks. after the other wreckers are freed ultra magnus welcomes jazz back to the team followed by cliffjumper showing up to blast through the remaining zombies followed by ultra magnus making cliffjumper an honorary wrecker which excites cliff followed by he and jazz high-fiving. however they are surrounded by even MORE zombiecons which greatly outnumber them pinning down the wreckers before the zombiecon touches the core and infects it causing the entire planet of cybertron to be infected by unicron's blood causing the surface of the planet to slowly crack apart and dark energon crystals to grow out of the cracks and the cybertronian population start turning into dark energon zombies spelling doom for cybertron as they know it. jazz then contacts omega and tells him to help prime and the others while they deal with the situation here. we then cut to the nemesis landing on the surface of unicron's planet mode and both factions step out to proclaim to unicron that the war is over and that from now on they are united to destroy him once and for all and that from this day forward they are no longer autobots nor decepticons: they are cybertronians. unicron tells them empty words before sinking his pincer deeper into the earth. the transformers are then surrounded by more of unicron's undead soldiers before galvatron blasts a hole in unicron's surface allowing optimus and galvatron to enter the belly of the beast while the others fight off unicron's forces from the outside. we then cut to optimus and galvatron travelling through a tunnel that appears to be unicron's dark energon bloodstream while trying to resist the sustance's evil influence. the two then hear unicron's voice telling them that they're too late and that his army of the undead has already infected cybertron and that it will only be a matter of time before the planet deteriorates and is reduced to space dust meaning that both worlds they hold dear are doomed. optimus and galvatron however don't listen and keep on moving before we cut back to the surface where we see the other transformers being overpowered until the stunticons and combaticons combine and form menasor and bruticus. the two then smash the puny zombiecons until giant zombiecons rise out of unicron's surface along with several more normal-sized ones. luckilly help is on the way when omega supreme arrives on the scene along with trypticon who both proceed to destroy the remaining giant zombiecons. we then cut to optimus and galvatron inside unicron before they suddenly feel a tremor beneath their feet. the two then realize what's going on: unicron is transforming. the then cut back to the surface where we see pieces of unicron's surface shifting around causing our heroes to slip and fall before the chaos bringer is fully transformed into his robot mode. unicron then tells them that resistence is futile as he is unicron the destroyer and he is eternal. unicron's chest panels then open up revealing the planet-eater mouth inside his chest and proceeds to continue munching on the earth before we cut back to optimus and galvatron finally reaching his heart only to be surrounded by unicron's antibodies. the two then double-team and slash their way through unicron's antibodies until more keep popping up followed by galvatron telling optimus that he'll keep them busy while optimus goes for the heart. optimus understands and heads towards unicron's spark while galvatron sacrifices himself by letting himself get eaten alive by the antibodies. optimus then promises galvatron that his death will not be in vain before opening the matrix of leadership. optimus then opens up the matrix causing the light of primus's spark to snuff out unicron's spark like he did with sideways causing unicron's body to crumble and all the zombiecons to crumble aswell freeing the wreckers. optimus then activates his jetpack and flies the heck outta there and our heroes board the omega and the nemesis respectively while unicron gives an ominous warning that as long as hatred exists in the universe he will always be back before blowing to bits thus saving the earth. our heroes then return to earth to be re-united with seth, lieutenant, fox, trevor, and the kids. optimus tells their human friends that while they have shared many great times on earth now they must say goodbye as their home planet is dying and that they must leave earth behind in order to repair cybertron from the damage caused by unicron. the kids then begin tearing up and say their goodbyes to their autobot friends: kevin says goodbye to bumblebee, james says goodbye to wheeljack, brittany says goodby to arcee, and alexis says goodbye to the twins. after that, optimus picks up the omega lock and carries it with him to the ship while the other cybertronians board the omega and the nemesis and blast off towards cybertron while the kids wave goodbye. after that, we cut to the two ships arriving on the tainted cybertron and our heroes are re-united with jazz, cliffjumper, and the wreckers to inform them that the war is over and unicron is finally gone. ultra magnus is shocked to see autobots and decepticons together followed by optimus falling down and hotshot asks if he's okay. optimus then tells hotshot that using the matrix at its full power to destroy unicron drained alot of energy from him and tells hotshot that he plans on using the last bit of energy he has left in order to open the omega lock and heal their homeworld. red alert then warns optimus that doing such a thing is dangerous and can kill him, however optimus assured red alert that sentinel told him of the risks and that he's done all he can to protect this world and that even though this may be his final moment in this world where his story ends a new story begins (of course referring to hotshot). elita and optimus then hold hands and share one final kiss before optimus picks up the omega lock and activates his jetpack and flies down to the core of cybertron where he uses up his last reserves of energon to open the omega lock healing the core of cybertron causing the dark energon crystals to disappear and the cracks to close up and the zombified citizens of cybertron to turn back to normal. optimus then lays down right next to the core and closes his eyes with a smile reflecting on his life and all the adventures he had before peacefully passing away causing his chest to open and the matrix to be ejected from his now-sparkless shell. we then cut back to all the cybertronians from the series autobot and decepticon alike to celebrate the restoration of cybertron and a new golden age of everlasting peace on their homeworld, all the while hotshot and arcee try to comfort a crying elita-1 who is sad about losing her optimus. we then see the matrix of leadership levitate out of the well of all sparks and land in hotshot's arms. hotshot then places the matrix inside his chest and becomes rodimus prime. rodimus then turns his head and smiles to see that he is being watched over by the ghosts of optimus prime, sentinel prime, and alpha trion who all smile back at him before arcee walks up to rodimus and tells him that she's proud of him before the two share a kiss. after that, we cut back to earth where we see kevin's mom and dad wave goodbye to their son as he walks off for his second day of school. once kevin arrives at school and meets up with james, brittany, and alexis kevin then notices a car parked in the driveway that looks just like bumblebee's season 1 and 2 alt mode before the four go inside the building and our movie ends with the school doors closing.

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