Episode Guide (Season 3)

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1. iridescent, part 1

we open up with a recap of the 2-part finale of season 2 before we cut to megatron returning to darkmount with nemesis. the other decepticons point their guns at nemesis, however megatron assures them that he's on their side now. nemesis then turns his head to knockout and tells him that this red and blue paintjob is so not him, and knockout offers to give nemesis an extreme makeover decepticon style, promising him a darker, more sinister color scheme. after that, megatron sits in his throne saying that it feels good to be in charge again. megatron then looks at the fallen's scepter and snickers, saying that the fallen was a fool for ever thinking that he could control him. shockwave then reports to megatron telling him that he sent soundwave to spy on the autobots. megatron is pleased to hear this, as without anybody to lead them the autobots are practically helpless. we then cut to nemesis lying down on the medical table while knockout spray-paints his armor black and teal. knockout then hands nemesis the mirror, and nemesis tells him that he likes it. knockout then adds the finishing touch, branding the decepticon logo over where his autobot logo used to be. we then cut back to F.I.E.L.D. HQ where hotshot explains to seth about how he saw optimus going AWOL with his own two optics. bumblebee tells seth that hotshot's telling the truth, as he saw it too. bumblebee then notices the matrix in hotshot's hand and asks him where he got it, and hotshot replies by saying that he found it on the ground when optimus turned con. ratchet overheard this, and tells hotshot that they need to keep the matrix in a safe place out of decepticon hands until they can find a way to free optimus from his dark personality. ratchet then turns his head to ask arcee where cliffjumper is, and arcee explains that cliffjumper ran away due to being in denial of prime's turn to the dark side. as it turns out, cliffjumper has a bad history with traitors due to a close friend of his betraying him several years back before he met jazz. jazz then tells arcee that maybe he can talk some sense into cliff as he's known him longer than any other member of this team has. jazz then transforms and heads out to find cliffjumper. jazz then finds cliffjumper in vehicle mode sitting in a parking lot by himself. cliffjumper tells jazz to go away, and jazz replies by telling cliffjumper that he won't leave a bot behind. cliffjumper then transforms and pushes jazz around, telling him that things are hopeless now that prime's gone. jazz tries to reason with cliffjumper by saying that they will find a way to save prime, however cliffjumper retaliates by saying that it's too late for that as prime is beyond saving. jazz and cliffjumper then fight until brittany shows up and tries to reason with them, telling them to stop fighting as they used to be good friends. cliffjumper tells her to buzz off as she doesn't understand the severity of the situation. and right on cue, an ominous black semi rolls onto the scene striking fear into the sparks of jazz and cliffjumper. the semi transforms revealing it to be nemesis prime, and brittany stands in front of nemesis and tries to get optimus to remember. cliffjumper tells brittany to run, and she refuses believing she can get prime to come to his senses. nemesis then looks down at brittany and starts having flashbacks, nemesis then draws his cybertanium sword and starts swinging it around aimlessly trying to get these flashbacks to stop. nemesis almost steps on brittany until jazz jumps in and saves her. cliffjumper and jazz then fall back and retreat, heading back to F.I.E.L.D. HQ as soon as possible. after they return to base, brittany tells kevin everything she saw and that prime really has gone evil. kevin is horrified by this revelation, and looks at his key. ratchet then looks at the key aswell and tells kevin that the key to vector sigma has the power to return optimus to normal, however the last of its energy was used up when starscream revived jetfire with it. kevin then asks "what about the matrix!?". the ghost of sentinel prime appears before kevin and explains that the matrix was the only thing holding the nemesis persona back, and now that optimus no longer has the matrix nemesis is now allowed to have complete influence over his former pupil's mind. sentinel says that while the matrix will help optimus regain consciousness, the key may have the power to split optimus and nemesis from each other. sentinel then tells kevin that there is a way of replenishing the key's power, the supercomputer known as vector sigma. however the coordinates to vector sigma's location was lost after the great war, and sentinel says that he is the only one who remembers the coordinates however they must journey to cybertron first and find his body to revive him so that he can physically help them on their quest. ratchet says that impossible, as F.I.E.L.D HQ only has a groundbridge not a spacebridge. wheeljack then steps in and tells ratchet that nothing is impossible. wheeljack then starts tinkering with the groundbridge. we then see laserbeak in the base spying on the autobots before returning to soundwave. soundwave then reports to megatron the information laserbeak collected, and megatron replies by telling soundwave to make sure that the autobots don't find sentinel's body. we then cut to wheeeljack still tinkering with the bridge until a portal opens, wheeljack stepping through and ending up on cybertron. kevin wants to go, and bumblebee warns kevin that cybertron's atmosphere isn't breathable to humans. seth then tosses a kid-sized spacesuit to kevin, wishing him good luck, and brittany kisses kevin on the cheek. the other autobots along with kevin step through the spacebridge and end up in the middle of a bustling city on cybertron, the autobot citizens looking in shock and horror of a filthy organic on cybertron. one bot tries to step on kevin, however bumblebee stands in his way be telling him that kevin is harmless. after that, team prime drives off and heads for the temple where sentinel prime's body is. we then cut back to earth where laserbeak and ravage show up at F.I.E.L.D. HQ and attack james and brittany, only for seth and his men to open fire at the minicons forcing them both to retreat back into soundwave. soundwave then steps into the base and hacks the spacebridge, disabling it thus trapping the autobots on cybertron leaving nobody to stop the con's conquest of earth.

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