Episode Guide (Season 4)

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1. the omega lock, part 1

Our episode opens up with a recap of the events of the 2-part season 3 finale before we cut to a shot of the omega slowly drifting through space while kevin narrates about how they've been travelling on the omega for about a month now and that he misses earth. trevor then places his hand on kevin's shoulder and reminds him that they're on this mission for the long-run and tries to cheer him up by telling his son that space is beautiful and points out all the constellations and galaxies to him. hotshot then alerts optimus that they're heading straight into an asteroid field. optimus tries to steer the omega past the asteroids however one manages to hit their ship damaging one of its thrusters causing it to spin out of control and fall towards a nearby planet. the ship crashes and our heroes walk out of the ship into a strange alien landscape with purple grass and gigantic mushroom-shaped trees. optimus then asks the other autobots if they see anything and arcee points out a spaceport in the distance. the autobots then transform and head for the spaceport. when they finally arrive at the spaceport, our heroes find it to be crawling with aliens of all shapes and sizes. kevin and his dad tell prime that they'll go find if there's a shop in this spaceport that sells something that will help fix the ship while the autobots will go look for answers on how to stop the coming unicron apocalypse. after the two split up, we first cut to kevin and trevor finding a stand that sells replacement parts for spaceships. however, the alien vendor refuses to sell them anything as they've got no money. after that, we cut to the autobots walking into a bar full of aliens with wheeljack being freaked out by the aliens looking at them funny, telling optimus that he doesn't think they take too kindly to cybertronians. optimus then asks the aliens if they know anything about unicron, which causes most of the aliens in the bar to cower in fear. an ape-like alien named primacron then tells the autobots to never mention that name aloud, as it injects fear into the hearts of those who lost their entire homeworld to the planet-eater's voracious appetite, such as himself. optimus apologizes to primacron, telling him that he is sorry for the loss of his homeworld. primacron then tells optimus not to, as the people on his homeworld were jerks anyway. he then tells optimus that there is a way to stop him, as there exists a device that can restore entire planets known as the omega lock. as it turns out, optimus has heard of the omega lock before as it was built by the ancients as backup for the situation if cybertron were to become unicron's next meal. however in order to prevent the device from falling into decepticon hands alpha trion hid the five keys required to activate it on five different planets. primacron then delivers the bad news to prime: the omega lock is in the hands of cannonball, the most notorious space pirate in the milky way galaxy. after that, optimus and the others leave the bar and meet up with their two human companions only for kevin and his dad to inform them that they haven't had much luck on finding a device that can repair omega. bumblebee then suggests kevin to use his key, however kevin tells bumblebee that he used up a lot of the key's energy on reviving omega supreme during the battle of new york. optimus then tells kevin the good news, as they found something that could help them in their quest to prevent the unicron apocalypse: the omega lock. after that, we cut to the nemesis floating through space until it comes across an even bigger ship: the ship belonging to the notorious space pirates known as the star seekers, the tidal wave. thunderblast recognizes it, as she was once a member of the star seekers under captain cannonball's command. a platoon of sharkticons then jump out of the tidal wave and swim through space towards the nemesis, biting their way into the ship until they reach the bridge, attacking megatron and his crew who try to desperately fight them off. we then see a larger sharkticon show up with cannonball himself riding on its back. megatron then asks cannonball why a filthy space pirate like him would come and attack his ship for no good reason. cannonball tells megatron that he attacked them because he wanted his second-in-command back, referring of course to thunderblast. thunderblast then tells cannonball to back off, as she is no longer a star seeker and the only person she listens to is her darling meggy-poo. cannonball then proposes a truce to megatron, offering him the omega lock in exchange for their partnership. megatron reluctantly agrees, not trusting cannonball only doing it to get his hands on the omega lock. megatron then pulls the hood of his cloak down to reveal his scarred face, of which cannonball says looks "haunting". megatron explains to cannonball that these scars are permanent, not even knockout can fix them, followed by knockout exclaiming "hey! at least i tried my best!" megatron exclaims that a prime did this to him and that the autobots are probably after the omega keys as we speak. cannonball then tells megatron that he doesn't need to worry, as he'll take care of them personally. after that, we cut to the autobots about to leave the spaceport until primacron shows up, tossing optimus a replacement thruster telling him that it belonged to the ship he used to escape his homeworld before it was destroyed wishing them good luck before leaving. after that, the autobots replace omega's damaged thruster and they blast off and leave the planet. however they are then pursued by the nemesis and the tidal wave, both of which start firing at the omega. the omega escapes, heading towards an icy moon orbiting a gas giant. omega then transforms into robot mode before landing in the frozen waters, followed by the autobots and trevor leaping out of omega supreme's cockpit onto a glacier floating in the water. however kevin is reluctant to jump, followed by omega supreme collapsing and sinking to the bottom of the ocean. trevor is devastated by the loss of his son, and both megatron and cannonball arrive on the scene to make things worse. cliffjumper then asks who megatron's new lackey is, and cannonball introduces himself as leader of the star seekers and captain of the tidal wave. optimus recognizes cannonball as the one primacron was talking about, followed by prime trying to fight off both megatron and cannonball by himself only for megatron to kick him off the glacier and our episode ends with prime falling into the water.

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