Polly's Place

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3 days later, school life is as it normally is: full of drama. Classes are the same and mischief keeps running wild. The only difference today is that the students seem more excited. I didn't really know why, but some part of me wanted to find out. As I walked down the hall, I spotted Brian leaning against his locker while talking to another student. I walked towards him as soon as they finished talking to ask him what was going on.

Brian- *smirk* Hey there, cool cat~ How's life treating ya?

_______- Oh please. We both know you're waaayy cooler than me.

Brian- Not true. You're cool in my book.

_______- *giggles* Anyway. Life is kinda the same. Well, except for the whole 'Damien' issues. But other then that, it's normal.

Brian- He giving you trouble again?

_______- Yeah. Although things are getting a bit better between us. I just want to try and get on his good side so he'll stop torturing me.

Brian- *scratches the back of his head* Are you sure you can handle him on your own?

_______- Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I promise to come to you if shit goes down.

Brian- Alright then.

_______- *leans on locker next to him* By the way, how come everyone at school is so jazzed up? Did something happen?

Brian- You haven't heard? Polly's throwing a huge party at her place tomorrow night. There's gonna be all sorts of crazy stuff over there.

_______- Knowing her, it's gonna be a booze party.

Brian- Heheh! Pretty much. Practically everyone is going.

_______- I'm guessing you guys are going too, huh?

Brian- Yup. Amira is bringing the drinks this time. So we're gonna help her carry all of them to the party.

_______- What about food? I mean, I know some of the students here are incapable of eating (her included), but others might get hungry.

Brian- Polly's got it covered. She asked Miranda and Liam to choose the best snacks for the party.

_______- Sounds like it'll be pretty crazy.

Brian- Yeah. At the last party she threw, everyone woke up the next day in a different dimension. 5 students went missing that day, but they came back after a month had passed.

_______- Woah...

Brian- Still, it was loads of fun! You know. You could come with us if you want.

_______- I don't know... That might be a bit too intense for me.

Brian- Like I said, you can come if you want. I won't force you.

_______- I'll think about it.

Brian- Alright. And hey, if you decide to go, I can look for you and we can go together. *wink*

_______- *blushes* Pfft, hahahaha!!! What a gentleman. But weren't you the one that said you'd be helping Amira with the drinks?

Brian- We can both help. Or I can just pick you up and we can meet them at the party.

_______- A man with a plan, huh? But thanks~

Brian- *nudges her arm* That's what best friends are for, right?

After chatting for a while, we headed to class. At lunch time, I went to one of the vending machines that were in the cafeteria to buy a soda. I decided to buy an orange soda. Once I pressed the button, I took my drink. Before going back to my table where my friends were, I feel a cold hug from behind me. I felt chills all over my body. I turned around only to see a somewhat transparent ghost with a huge smile on her face.

What Am I To You?- Monster Prom Fanfic (Damien X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora