The Poem

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   My whole body felt like it was run over by a truck. I slowly started waking up as soon as the sun's rays hit my eyes. My head was killing me. I held my head with both hands and then rubbed my eyes. What happened last night? I looked around for my phone with my right hand to see the time, but couldn't feel where it was. I usually sleep with my phone beside my pillow. Did I misplace it? I opened my eyes to try and find it. It was as if a bucket of cold water fell on me. Where the hell am I??!! Who's bedroom is this??!!! So many questions came rushing to my mind, but I couldn't concentrate with the splitting headache I had. I took off the blanket and looked around my body. I had the same clothes from last night. And I didnt feel any other pain besides my headache. So I wasn't taken advantage of. While looking around the bedroom, I saw my shoes near a dresser. I took them and put them on. It didn't look like any bedroom I've seen. It was very small. There was a sofa bed beside the bed I woke up on. It looked really messy. There was a TV on top of a small table. I walked towards the window to open the curtain. I looked outside and saw that the room I was in was located on the second floor. There was a sign on the other side that said 'Blue Moon Motel'. Wait... MOTEL?!!! How did I end up in a motel??!!! And with who?!! I tried really hard to remember who I was with last night, but my headache wouldn't let me. I sat down on the bed I was in and tried to calm down. I was in a motel with who knows who and was probably far from home right now. I didn't see my phone anywhere. I was getting nervous. What could I do? I heard footsteps getting closer to the door and stopped right there. Someone was opening it and came inside. And of course, I wasn't even surprised when I saw who it was. But I was mostly furious.

_______- You!!

Damien- Oh, so you finally woke up.

_______- What did you do to me?! Why are we in a motel?!

Damien- Before you accuse me of anything. No, I didn't try anything and this is your fault!

_______- My fault??!! *holds her head with both hands* Ooowww...

Damien- Here. *throws her a bottle of medicine* That's for your hangover.

_______- How is this my fault? You're the one that kidnapped me.

Damien- *upset* I was gonna take you home, but you fell asleep! That's on you.

_______- Bullshit! You could've just left me at the party with my friends.

Damien- Ha!! Oh really? *grabs a chair and sits in front of her* Do you think them freaking out in a middle of a party, where everyone was hammered or high, was gonna help you? You're lucky I got you out of there! And I could've just walked away. Do you know what some of those party guests would've done to you while you were passed out?

_______- *gulp* ......

Damien- Still think I didn't help you?

_______- *looks away* ......n-no...

Damien- Then hurry up and drink. I'm dropping you off at your place.

   He stood up and walked towards the bathroom that was near the bed. I stared at the bottle he gave me and drank it. After a few minutes, I gave him the directions to my house and we drove off. We were both quiet along the way. I wanted to apologize to him, but mostly wanted to know why exactly he helped me. I tried to ask, but didn't have the guts to do so. Why is it that when we're together it ends up with an argument? I felt a nudge on my arm and looked at him. He was holding my phone. I was confused as to why he had it, but all I did was take it.

Damien- I charged it while you were sleeping...

_______- Oh... thank you.

Damien- ..........

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

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