The Freeway Is The Only Way He Knows

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(Jasons POV)

                     'There's gotta he something up here. Some where I can stop. Somewhere I can get out of this fucking rain. Right?'

'Just a little longer.' I told myself as I drove down the deserted highway on my motorcycle, my body shaking from the cold. My fingers and toes had gone numb long ago. My brown jacket was soaked through and the shirt I had underneath was sticking to my skin. I squinted at the dark road ahead of me, luckily I had my helmet that kept the water off my face but I still couldn't see very far ahead. I drove around a corner and was met with a pair of headlights that were driving straight down the middle of the road, along with a loud honk.

'Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.' I swerved my bike into a ditch and felt all sense of control leave my body as I spun out of control. I can't tell you what happened after that because I don't remember. What I do remember is pain. Pain coursing through my body. Pain heating up my numb fingers. I don't know how long I laid in that ditch, but I know it felt like hours. I couldn't move, my leg was trapped underneath my bike, my helmet had cracked and I knew there was no one coming to help me. I was left alone, my body reeling and my head spinning.

'Get up.' My mind screamed at my body, but it didn't sound like my voice. It sounded like Bruce's. He was screaming at me not to give up. The fact that it was Bruce's voice pissed me off and I guess that fueled me to move. It wasn't a lot of movement, I twitched my numb fingers and opened and closed my hand, making a fist. I shifted my shoulders and felt a spike of pain shoot through me. It hurt but I could manage it. I reached my arms up to remove my broken helmet, I was lucky the visor hadn't cracked. I unbuckled the strap and pulled off my helmet, my head throbbing and fuzzy. I tasted something metallic and realized I'd bit into my lip so hard when I crashed and it was bleeding. My head was spinning and it was hard to see straight with all these black dots in my clouding vision.

I managed to push up on my forearms into half a sitting position where I could look down at the damage done to the rest of my body. A tingly pain pumped through my leg and I could definitely tell my ankle was broken. I flexed my other foot through my shoe and moved it a bit, thankfully this one had survived the crash. I leaned back a bit and put my good foot on my bike, I was going to try to shove it off my broken foot. I knew I couldn't just lay here but I was afraid if I moved my bike I'd do more damage to my foot. Whatever. It's better than dying along in this ditch. 'Ok ok, on three. One, two-'

"Gah!" I pushed as hard as I could and kicked the bike a few inches away. My body collapsed under me as the pain spread all the way up my leg. I closed my eyes and waited out the pain, breathing hard and fast.

"A-haa." I groan out, gritting my teeth. 'Get up coward.' This time it was Talia's voice taunting me. Figures that it would be Bruce and Talia yelling at me from inside my own head. I pushed myself up again and, with all the remaining traces of adrenaline in my body, I rolled myself over (not bothering to try and stop my pained cries) onto my knees. I got up on my one good leg, and limped over to my bike. Every time I move my hip I felt pain shoot through my leg, it was exhausting. I grab the handlebars and pull my bike up with all my strength, pausing for a moment to let the pain go back to a dull throb. Leaning my bad side on my bike I push it out of the ditch, trying (and failing) to keep my bad leg still. As soon as I got to the road I swung my bad leg over the bike and start the engine. Thankfully most of the bike was still intact, the tires were ok but I think I lost most of the other important parts but I guess my leg broke it's fall so.. there's that.

I started my bike and, forgetting my broken helmet, started driving. It was pouring, I felt like I could hear ever blood vessel in my body, and the pain in my leg was agonizing. But fuck it. I'm not going to die alone in a ditch, not when Roy still owes me 15 bucks. 

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