(Bat Boys in Quarantine) Part 1 - Fear and Phone Calls

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                    Of course we'd been following the news. That's part of the job. Listening into the GCPD's coms, hacking into government files, it's a routine task for us by now. Looking back I don't think we took a certain news story as seriously as we should've. Now we, fuck, now the whole world is paying the price. I've felt powerless before, I've felt it a lot actually, but shit. Now I'm feeling it in a whole new way. A pandemic has taken over the world and not even the Justice League, let alone my gang of outlaws, can do anything about it.

A couple weeks ago we heard about the first case in America. We didn't think much of it. We figured they'd get treated, go home, and it would be contained. Today there are over 600 cases in Gotham alone. The city is going to shut down in four days and the government wants every American citizen to stop traveling and return home. Was I ready for this? Hell no. Was this the worst possible time for this to go down? Hell yes.

Outlaws Base:


"Jaybird its fucking hot. How come you can afford thousands of dollars worth of weapons but not some fucking A/C?"

"Zip it Harper. If we had A/C, or any electricity for that matter, installed in this base they'd be able to find us. Besides, you should be used to life without electricity."

"I cant tell if that a joke about being homeless or being old, but fuck you either way." He groaned, pulling his dumb hat lower over his eyes.

"Yeah yeah fuck you too." I snickered, squinting through my binoculars at the hazy dust pile that stretched for miles in front of me. I gotta admit, the base we'd been living in for the past three weeks was a shit-hole.

We'd managed to piece together the ruins of the only house in the village that hadn't been bombed. We'd managed to cover the holes in the roof and one wall with tarps to keep the sun out. We had laid out our weapons and supplies on one side of the room and put out blankets on the other side. No one left the base unless they had to use the bathroom. That way we had a low chance of being spotted, or, you know, blown to fuck.

"Has Jason done the moving around today, Roy?" Kori whispered, moving the tarp back in place as she floated into the base.

"Is he still looking through those damn binoculars?" Roy grumbled.

"He is."

"Then nope."

"I can hear you both ya know." I said, not looking away from my binoculars. "I know this steakout has been kind of uneventful, but I'm days away from nailing down their schedule so we can find a flaw in it and shut them down." The reason we're out here is to disarm and shut down the main base of the Krokodil of Myriad. They've been distributing drugs all over the world, even worse than that they've been kidnapping people, and children, to use for human trials. They have a camp set up a couple hundred miles away from our base I've been memorizing their guard schedule since we got her

I have one week left before they switch up their guard schedule. I need to to nail their schedule, identify the flaws, and blow that base to shit. At least that's what I thought. Funny how even the most thorough plans can be changed in an instant. For me, that instant was one phone call from my brother.

To be continued....

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