Kiba x reader ch. 1

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Kiba was laying on the ground with blood coming from his mouth as you wept. you loved Kiba Inuzuka he was probably the only man to make you fell like a princess maybe even more. He had saved your life and wished he didn't. You would rather die then see your loved ones die, as well as the man you love. You suddenly wake up sweaty you sat up and sighed as you realized it was just a dream. Toshiro came running into your room in a rush.

Toshiro: I heard you screaming and I thought something was wrong.

Toshiro explained, you looked at your brother scared as he realized and came and took you in his embrace as he pat your hair to comfort you. as you began to cry he hushed you and told you it was ok as he slightly tightened his grip.

(y/n): Toshiro he was dead Kiba was dead

Toshiro: calm down it was just a dream....the Kiba Inuzuka I known is to strong to die.

(Y/n): but Toshiro I seen it....I seen it with my eyes.
You explained as tears were falling down

You woke up from your dream again as you sighed and sat up.

(Y/n): damn again. How many times do I need to have that dream

You got up and got in the shower and got dressed. You were heading over to the training fields to train with Kiba. You waited under a tree with some shade  as you heard a loud bark and a dog lover's voice.

Kiba: hey (y/n) sorry I was late I woke up a little late haha....

Kiba said scratching the back of his head awkwardly as you smiled.

(Y/n): its alright kiba I didn't mind as much as you think.

You said standing up getting all the dirt off of you

(Y/n): so should we get started?

You asked as you grinded at Kiba. You always loved training with him. He Kiba gives you a challenge.

Kiba: if you think you can take me on princess

Kiba said as he smirked at you. You loved it when he called you princess it made you fell special but you would never admit it. You and Kiba get in your fighting stances and begin training. You triped Kiba and then flipped him over on his back before he hit the ground and had his arm behind his back so he couldnt move with you on top of him. You knew you didn't weight much but still helped.

Kiba: ow ow okay okay you got me already now can you let me go.

Kiba said in pain as you stood up to get off of him he triped you down and pinned you down by your wrists with him on top of you. A small blush came across your faces as you looked in to each others eyes. You leaned up to kiss Kiba but flipped him over since he lessened his grip. You laughed at him for it to.

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

You and Kiba both were tired from training all day.

Kiba: wow (y/n) your really strong and flexible and you think really fast to.....believe it or not I'll probably be sore in the morning

Kiba smiled at you as you looked up to him and smiled back.  You both were knocked out from behind, and when you woke up you were still in the training grounds.

Kiba: I sworn someone was with us

(Y/n): yeah me to....

You both got up and shook it off as you two were walking back. None seemed to be endangered or alert so everyone must of been safe. As you and Kiba walked by a produce store as a women stopped you

Women: hey ms. (Y/n) tell your mother and brother I said thanks for the help the other day.

(Y/n): uh sure....but you know my mother is... 

Kiba cut you off by covering your mouth. As Kiba whispered in your ear

Kiba: hey she seems to know who she is and she looks a little older your father just go along with it ok

You shook your head in agreement and walked away. You both walked to your hose since you told Kiba you owed him dinner for making him miss dinner at his house and you knew your dad didn't mind.....well at least Kiba stayed in one spot....mainly were he can grab a knife or kunie if needed. You opened the door expecting your dad to be sitting at the table drinking coffee with your brother studying scrolls. When you opened the door you seen your mother cooking. Your eyes widened as well as kiba's. Kiba was well aware of your mothers loss.

Your eyes narrowed as she turned to you and Kiba with a smile on her face. Kiba looked as confused as you were.

Yuuta: I see you brought the inuzuka's boy.

She said to him turning to him smiling.

Yuuta: my you look so much like your father it amazes me every time I see you

Kiba's eyes widdened  again and he bowed deeply for not introduceing himself to her

Kiba: I'm Kiba inuzuka its a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Mitsuo

Yuuta: Kiba I know who you are and please don't call me by my former name.

Yuuta smiled. Kiba realized Toshiro was right (y/n) is  a spitting image of her mother. Kiba looked up and scratched his head confused.

Kiba: haha sorry...I...uh forgot

Kiba lied and looked over to you. He knew you were angrey. You turned around to bump into a tall man about your dads high and looked up to expect your father. But only a man who wasn't.

Yuuta: oh honey your home.

Your mom said with a smile on her face as she walked over to him. Tears threatened to fall but you resisted.

(Y/n): I'm gonna be out late don't worry about me I'll be staying with a friend

You left not even turning around to see if Kiba were behind you. 'How could she love another man who wasn't dad.' You thought.

Kiba x reader ch. 1 acceptanceWhere stories live. Discover now