Ch. 1 - Run in with the Redhead

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Kyu: "It's been a week and still no progress, huh?"

(Y/n): "Listen, this kinda thing is harder than it looks."

Kyu: "...That what she said!" she says with a pervy grin on her face.

(Y/n): "...Ha Ha very funny." Getting up from his bed with a slight irritated look on his face.

Kyu: "Aahh come on! there still hope!"

(y/n): "You know what im going to the mall." 

Kyu: "Great idea.! theres plenty of chicks you can pick up there."

(y/n): "IM NOT PICKING UP CHICKS! *ahem* im clearly my mind to think, thank you"

Kyu: *rolling her eye* "whatever floats your boat"

(y/n) changes his clothes to a black hoodie and some shorts, all while Kyu stares at him all pervertedly the ENTIRE time. Luckily taking the bus to the mall is less stressful than talking to a love fairy.

(Somewhere in the Mall)

(y/n): "...I wonder if Gamestop has any sales going on."

Suddenly distance yelling is coming from a hair salon afew store from the Gamestop. (y/n) starts slowing walking over just to be nosy.

(y/n): " what the hell...?"

(y/n) could hear the voices more clearly and its sounds like two females arguing about something.

Girl 1: "Turn around and walk away. "

Girl 2: "Aw did i hurt your whore feelings?"

Girl 1: "...Turn around and walk away."

Girl 2: "Gladly, at least i wont have see your face."

(y/n) got so caught in the intense conversation, he didnt realize that one of the girls was heading straight toward him, he snapped out of it and tried to move out the way but it was too late. The girl ended up bumping into him, they both shake themselves off that when (y/n) noticed.

(y/n): thinking ( Hey shes really cute and on top of that her hair looks really great, red really suits her i dont know what shes talking about.) *suddenly noticing her "cute" face got really angry*

Girl:" Are you blind?!"

(y/n): "um...uh..."

Girl: "Oh you're not're stupid."

(y/n): "S-Sorry my bad." I laugh nervously

Girl: "Whatever. sooo can you move the fuck out my way!"

*Taking two steps to the side letting the girl pass*

(y/n): Wait!! thinking (What the hell am i doing?!)

Girl: "OMG What?!"

(y/n): "do you .....want to..get eat with me?"

The redhead  cocked her eyebrow and looked at me with suspicion. 

Girl: "Is this your sad attempt at getting into my pants?"

(y/n): "N..No!?" feeling slightly offended.

Girl: "......" after a few seconds of silence she spoke "Give me a sec.."

the redhead pulled out her phone and started texting someone, glanced at me a few times before continuing her texting. She puts her phone up and looks me in the face with a serious tone.

Girl: "Alright let's go but youre paying. got it?"

(y/n): "O..Of course"

We started making our way to the mall's food court. The redhead constantly made an effort to walk a few feet ahead of me. 

(y/n): thinking ( Wait this is actually first date in a while) 

I look down as i felt my phone got a text, I check to see it my not so favorite fairy Kyu.

Kyu: "Congrats on the girl! ;)"

(y/n): " Hey i got lucky...i think"

Kyu: "Listen dude any progress is better than no progress."

I roll my eyes to that comments

Kyu: "So whats her name loverboy?"

As i went to text kyu the answer i realised something. *facepalm* 

(y/n): thinking ( why didnt i ask what her name was. Stupid!)

(y/n): "Kyu i text you right back, aright?!"

Kyu: " Wait Y/N!! what abou......"

i quickly put away my phone as i see the redhead glance to see what i was doing

(y/n): ""

Girl: "If you got something to say, just say it already!"

(y/n): *rubbing the back of head nervously* "I didnt catch your name..."

She stops walking causing me to stop as well

Girl: "The names Audrey"

(y/n): " ...Alright my name is Y/n, L/n. nice to neet you"

Audrey: *rolls her eyes and continues walking* "Whatever"

We finally make it to the food court, where Audrey scans the food court as if she was looking for something...or someone.

Audrey: "There they are!"

(y/n): "Who?"

Audrey: " My friends of course"

We start making our way to her friends

Audrey: "Hey y/n?"

(y/n): "Yeah?"

Audrey: "When i said that you were paying, i meant for my friends and I."

She turns around give me a wink and stuck her tongue out playfully and ran off

(y/n): "wait...WHAT?!"


Audrey Belrose x M! ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz