Ch. 2 Meet her Friends

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It took me a moment to process what she just said.

Y/n: "wait....WHAT?!"

Audrey: "Did I f*cking stutter? you heard me."

Shortly after a blonde girl with in what look like a school uniform and a blue hair girl in glasses an a seemingly oversized grey sweater met us half way.

Blue hair girl: "Who's the creep?"

Y/n: "Hey! I am not a creep."

Audrey: "This creep is going to pay for our lunches ladies!"

Y/n: "Hey wait I didnt agree to thi......."

Blonde girl: "You are!? that so kind of you."

Y/n: "Yeah i am" *sighing in a tone of defeat*

Blue hair girl: "So, where are we eating?"

Audrey: "I dont care im starving!"

Blonde girl: "Oh, there panda express or chick fil A."

Blue hair girl: "Theres popeyes."

Audrey: "Any suggestions weirdo?"

Y/n: "First im not a weirdo, second i know theres  a burger king around here somewhere."

Blue hair girl: " Burger King sounds alright"

Blonde girl: "Sweet Burger King it is then, any objections Audrey?"

Audrey: "Uugh! Let hurry up already im starving"

We headed over to burger king each one of us got our meals and sat at a near by table with Audrey sitting adjacent to me

Blonde girl: "Oh snap i totally forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tiffany...Tiffany Maye."

Blue Hair girl: "Might as well introduce myself too. My name is Nikki Ann Marie."

Y/n: "Nice to meet you ladies, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)."

Audrey: "Just to lets you know we're not friends, im just humoring you so you can spend money on me like the chump you are."

Y/n: "Hey!!"

Tiffany: "Hey, Y/n?

Y/n: "Yeah?"

Tiffany: "You look familiar, do you live on campus or something?"

Y/n: "U.O.G? no...actually im just a high school grat, who started working at the local pet store."

Audrey: "Ughh you work with a bunch of smelly animal?! Bet you come home smelling like dog sh*t and hamster piss right?"

Y/n: "...I mean yeah but you have to say it out loud!"

We finished our meals, talked about various things and had casual insult thrown my way by Audrey. After a few minutes of chatting my phone goes off playing "never gonna give you up" by Rick Astley, managed to a chuckle out of Nikki and Tiffany while Audrey gave me weirded out look. I decided to answer it to end the slight embarrassment, Lo and behold it was Kyu.

= Y/n: Hello? =

=Kyu: I see you managed to score not one but three girls, way to go kid! =

=Y/n: First, Don't call me kid. I'm in my 20s. Second, I'm technically on a date with Audrey. =

=Kyu: So what with the other chicks? = 

=Y/n: Audrey tricked me into buying lunch for her friends. =

=Kyu: ...... =

=Y/n: Shut up, aleast i got a girl like said! =

=Kyu: Speaking of which, i have something to show at home so finish up with this date so we can get down to business when you get home *chuckles*=

=Y/n: *sigh* ....Darn it Kyu. =

I hang up the phone to find three confused faces staring at me.

Y/n: "Sorry ladies but i have to leave early, i have "business" to take care of."

Tiffany: " Aww going so soon, id  enjoy the lunch...Thank you!"

Audrey: "Business....he probably going home to jerk off because hes never been around this many girl before."

Y/n: "Bye to you too, Audrey"

I get up to leave but then Audrey stop half way suddenly.

Audrey: "Hey loser, here."

Audrey hands me a small piece of paper.

Y/n: "What's this?"

Audrey: "Just take it and shut it!"

Y/n: "...Alright"

I put the paper inside my pocket and head off, as i started walking i glanced back at the girls and noticed Audrey looked down like she was upset i was leaving. I kinda felt bad for leaving her so early, but she made me pay for her friend's meals so in a way we're even. Beside Kyu had something for me at home so i had to go, also what was on the paper Audrey gave me? I took the paper out of my pocket to see what it was. Its Audrey phone number? with a message written beside it.

"Call me when tired of being a loser. ;) -Audrey"

Y/n: "I not that lame, but...ill call her to thank her for getting lunch with me."

Y/n: ".....Wow saying that aloud, i might THAT lame. Now time to head home and see what Kyu wants to show me."

To Be Continued..

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