Ch. 3 - Kyu's Proposal

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Y/n: "So what did you want to show me, Kyu?"

Kyu gave me a devilish grin and a small chuckle before reaching into a shopping bag she had next to her.

Y/n: "Wait so went shopping? I didn't see you at the mall!"

Kyu stop and face palmed before exclaiming.

Kyu: "dude get with the program, I was in disguise just like when we first met."

Y/n: "Oh..."

Kyu: "How do you think I knew you finally got a date, a drone?"
Y/n: ".....You have a point, my bad"

Kyu: "Any way check this out!"

She eagerly pulled out a strange device then looked at me hoping for a reaction.

Y/n: " ....Kyu, what this?"

Kyu: " This is what I use for my lonely nights. ;)"


Kyu: "aaarrgg Fine! This is what i call the Hunie Beacon!"

Y/n: *Blinks* "....So what does it do?"

Kyu: "Well it helps keep track of the chicks you interact with, take a look at your Huniebee."

I take out the Huniebee and check it to see four icon, three looking vaguely like Audrey and her two friends Tiffany and Nikki. The fourth one i didnt recognize in the slightest.

Y/n: "Hey Kyu, Who is this icon suppose to be?"

Kyu: "Oh yeah I guess you did show up last minute but you know the lady, the red head was yelling at?"

Y/n: "You mean the Hairdresser? Why would she be on here, i didnt interact with her?"

Kyu: "I decided to throw in a freebie, see arent Im a nice person."

Y/n: *murmuring* "Yeah a nice asshole"

Kyu: *giving Y/n a confused look* "Asshole? Y/n, I didnt know you were into anal."

Y/n: "...Im not dignifying that with a response. Anyway whats the purpose of the beacon?'

Kyu: "Glad you asked, I want you to go on a date with the ladies...all 3 of them."

Y/n: "What about Audrey?"

Kyu: "The red head can wait, you need to broaden your love horizon!"

I take a second look at the Huniebee then glanced at the Hunie Beacon with this feeling of uncertainy.

Y/n: "I dont know about this Kyu. Wont this make me a womanizer, trying to woo all these women?"

Kyu: "Im pretty sure this videogame was made specifically to date multiple girl."

Y/n: "Videogame, what?"

Kyu: "Nothing. Listen if youre this worry then how about this."

Kyu proceed to get down on one knee and look me in the eye

Y/n: "What are you doing?"

Kyu: "Whats wrong, Im proposing to you"

I gave Kyu a serious look and then she began to get up dusting herself off with a irritated look on her face.

Kyu: "Jeez I swear people cant take a joke, If you go out on a date with the babes and you still not sure then I'll personally treat you out. How that sound champ?"

Y/n: "Like a dinner?"

Kyu: "Dinner, Movie .....Me, you name it."

Y/n: "....Alright, I'll do it but you keep your end of the deal!"

Kyu: *put her left hand up and her right hand on her chest* "Fairy's honor."

Y/n: "Then its a deal. Its getting late and im tired, Im going to take a shower and going to bed...."

Kyu: "Cool, I'll join yo-"

Y/n: "ALONE!!"

Kyu: "....killjoy."

I go to the bathroom to get ready, I take out my phone and stuff out of my pocket until i noticed the piece of paper Audrey gave me. I looked at it alot longer than i should have, i still cant believe i got a girl's number outside of high school group project and my family. Maybe Kyu is on to something with this whole dating thing. I decided to text her to confirm.

=Y/n: Hey it me, the guy from the mall, whose meals I paid for.=

A few minute went by before a reply

=Audrey: Oh...Hey, I see you finish jerking it to me. >:)=

=Y/n: no comment.=

=Y/n: So..what are you doing this week?=

=Audrey: If you thought you was going to be my sugar daddy a second time the sorry i got school.=

=Y/n: Sorry, well have a nice night."

I sit my phone down slightly disappointed about not seeing Audrey until my phone vibrate with an unexpected text from her.

=Audrey: Hey. You still up?=

=Y/n: Yeah sup?=

=Audrey: After im done with these stupid exams, maybe i can see about the week after?=

=Y/n: That sound great!=

=Audrey: Dont get me wrong this isnt date or anything!=

=Y/n: thats fine by me=

=Audrey: whatever, see ya=

I put my phone down and took my shower, super excited about another "date" with  Audrey. I finally get dressed in my PJs and head off to bed thinking about how im going to get a date with the other three girl. I climb unto my bed and get under my covers.

Y/n: "Maybe I'll start with Tiffany she seem nice." i whisper to myself.

Kyu: "Thats the spirit!"

I turned around in my bed to see Kyu's face only a couple of inches away from my own.

Y/n: "Kyu! I gave you a futon, USE IT!!"

to be continued.....

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