Ch. 4 - Tiffany Maye

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My alarm sounds and its currently 8:30 a.m. I wake up to see Kyu wasn't in my bed, thank goodness. Speaking of her I have to date those three girls like she suggested, but am i ready for this i mean im still getting to know Audrey.... whatever i need to stay focus. I get out of bed and enter the kitchen and see Kyu raiding my fridge as always.

Y/n: "Yo, Kyu can you pass me the milk?"

Kyu: "Sure thing, so are you ready to pick up more chicks?!"

Y/n: "I think so...."

Kyu: "Aw come on, I know you can do it.... I mean you managed to get a date with that red head on she was a B*tch compared to her friend from what Id seen."

Y/n: "Yeah she made me pay for her friends food too...."

Kyu: "See!? So in a sense they owe you at least one date, but the hair dresser chick is a different story"

Y/n: "hmm? How come?"

Kyu: "Well you see the only interaction you ever got with her was when you saw her kick out the red head."

Y/n: "Audrey."

Kyu: "My bad ...Audrey."

Y/n: "Yeah but that was barely an interaction, if anything I was being a witness."

Kyu: "All the more reason to talk to her, maybe she needs to vent to someone that not her gossip girls."

Y/n: "I guess you're right."

Kyu: "Of course im right, im the love fairy after all."

We finished our breakfast after that Kyu and I decided to finish our conversation we had earlier.

Kyu: "So, did you decide on who you're going to go for?"

Y/n: "Of course, Tiffany"

Kyu: "....Ah the schoolgirl?! I guess I found one of your fetishes..."

Y/n: "Shut up! Anyway at the mall she told me she goes to the same university as Audrey, so going for her first would seem like the easiest one. Plus she waaayyy more kind than Audrey and less....introverted than Nikki, so yeah."

Kyu: "So what are you waiting for, get out there and wooo that schoolgirl!!"

Y/n: "Geez okay..."

I put on my clothes and head off to the University of Glenberry to see if I can find Tiffany. As I arrived at the college i see nothing but babes around me, some were hot and sassy, some were meek and reserved kind of like Nikki....

Random Girl 1: "Keep your eyes to yourself!"

Random Girl 2: "Yeah I have a boyfriend."

....and others im not interested in. But in the mist of all this i didnt see Tiffany anywhere, I kept walking through the campus careful not too close to the building in case staff mistakes me as a student. As it started to get crowded from the students going to their next class, I began to give up on finding her.

Y/n: *sighs* "Maybe ill have better chance finding Nikki..."

I turn around and start walking toward the bus stop until...

Tiffany: "Interested in enrolling sir?"

I quickly turn around to see Tiffany handing me an U.O.G. pamphlet, she was giving me a sweet smile as she asked the question unaware who she was talking to.

Y/n: "...Tiffany?"

Tiffany gave me a puzzled look before realizing.

Tiffany: "....Y/n?"

Y/n: "Hey!"

Tiffany: "What are you doing here??!"

Y/n: "uuuhhh..."

I was so looking forward about talking her that i forgot to come up with a reason for why am here,

Y/n: "uuhh...After you told me about U.O.G. I decided to check it out."

Tiffany: "Oh really how do you like it so far!?"

Y/n: "Its great. Cant decided on a major yet though, any suggestions?"

Tiffany: "Well Im studying to become a nurse, So im majoring in medical studies."

Y/n: "Neat."

Tiffany: "Oh yeah I almost forgot Audrey told me, you talked to her last night about hanging next week."

Y/n: "Thats right, she said after her exams we would hang out."

Tiffany: "Thats awesome, You know this is the first guy friend she had in a while im glad you and her are getting along somewhat."

Y/n: "...Wait what do you mean?"

*School Bell Rings*

Tiffany: "Oh snap i have to go before im late for my next class!"

Y/n: "Wait! While im here wanna hang out after you're done with your classes?"

Tiffany: "Sure! But remember no goofing off too much though, i have exams too."

Y/n: "Of course!"

Tiffany: "Before I forget, here you go."

Tiffany hands me a pamphlet with her number scribbled on it, I quickly save it on my phone and wave goodbye to her as she jog off to her class. Now the question is where im I going to take Tiffany after she done with her classes. I turned around and started to heading toward the exit.


Like a klutz I run into someone I quickly get up and start apologizing.

Y/n: "I am so sorry!"

Rubbing my head in awkwardness as I offer my other hand to helping them off, little did I know that the person I run into is a teacher.

Teacher: "Hey, you should really get to class kid. Talk about knocking a lady off her feet."

As I help her a got a good look at her, a real GOOD look at her. She was wearing a white crop top exposing her midriff and a green jacket with complimentary red heels. She looked asian almost japanese but nowadays they can be mistaken as philippines.

Y/n: "I am really sorry Miss!"

Teacher: "I told everyone yall can call me Aiko none of this Miss Yumi nonsense alright!?"

Y/n: "...hehehe Anyway i have to get going."

Aiko: "Yeah you do that."

I made my way off campus grounds where im met by a familiar love fairy.

Kyu: "So....did you do it?"

Y/n: "Of course, we plan on hanging out later this afternoon."

Kyu: "Good work champ! Now the step is to not f*ck up the actually date."

Y/n: "Shut up, Lets go"

Kyu: "Calm dow-"

Kyu dissappear in the middle of her sentence i look around to see who she was hiding from until i saw a certain figure walking toward the campus gates....fashionably late.

To Be Continued...

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